I'm Curious


I was about to close my laptop and just sleep..

But suddenly, out of nowhere, the curiousity came.

I'm curious about something..


I just wonder what people here think of me?

I honestly don't know whether i've been good or even bad or even maybe annoying..


Just curious..

What people actually think of me?

First impression or even a point of view of me?


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Hurm... Polite and nice, maybe...
first impression..silly
Personally, I had no first impression of you, which is weird for me, since I usually have a first impression of a lot of people, lol~
First impression...hmmm...LOL I thought you were much younger than I was. You sounded so cute and squishable on the tagbox...and I was very surprised to find out you were older than me, hahaha but overall, you are one of the sweetest people on here (that can explode at any time lol) and you've become very dear to me. LOVE YA! *smooch*