Alphabet Survey


A: Availability (single, married, taken, etc)-- Single

B: Birthday-- November 19th 

C: Crushing on-- Nobody

D: Drink you last had-- Water

E: Easiest peron(s) to talk to-- Kurly, Yejee, Sarah, Miranda. 

F: Favorite song-- Til the sun rises by Baek Seung Heon

G: Grossest memory-- I don't really have one...i guess when i threw up in the car? 

H: Hometown-- Cleburn, Texas I was born there but it's not really my hometown. 

I: In love with-- Yunho lol :) 

J: Jealous of-- I'm not really jealous of anyone. 

K: Killed someone-- Never have in my life but I have threated people not being seriously though.

L: Longest frendship-- With Sarah, we are still friends today. 

M: Milshake flavor-- Cookies 'n' Cream! 

N: Number of siblings-- 2 (since i am now counting Yejee) 

O: One wish-- that my mom will get better. 

P: Person you last called-- My dad probably.

Q: Questions you always ask-- What if...(then the question) 

R: Reason to smile-- None really right now.

S: Song last listened to-- Yunho's solo "Girl" 

T: Time you woke up-- 6:43 am

U: Underwear color-- I have no idea! 

V: Violent moment you had-- Kind of personal...

W: Worst habit-- doubting myself.

X: X-Rays you had-- 1

Y: Your last time you cried-- Yesterday and this morning.

Z: Zodiac sign-- scorpico


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aww... come here *brings you in for hug* what's wrong with your mom? If you don't mind me asking..