ϟ R ᴇ V ᴏ ʟ ᴛ ™ || Hwang Miso


Gear Up! ReVolt! Annyeonghasaeyo [Hwang MiSo]-minda!”


Hello hello Hello, we BURN it up~………….

AFF Username (hyperlink profile): Harasofea

*Name I should call you?: Hara

Activeness (1-10): 9.5


it’s all about YOU~.........

Character Name: Hwang Mi So

*Nickname:Mannequin Miso, Midget Miso.

Ethnicity (max 3): Korean.

Age (20-16): 17

Birthday (dd/mm/yy): 02/02/95

Birthplace: Bukchon, South Korea.

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea.

Height (cm): 149cm

Weight (kg):40kg

Blood Type: O

Personality (make it simple~ I don’t like to read long paragraphs): Miso is very quiet and calm, she doesn't like to talk much unless it is needed. She is most quiet person you'll ever met, but she shows her emotions very well through her expressions. But sometimes she is hard to read, whenever she doesn't feel like talking..she'll have this poker face. Sometimes she's unpredictable, when she is very shy and she likes it when people says she's cute. She is very good at aegyo, but only the lucky ones to get to see it. She once accidentally drank alchohol and got drunk, she did so much aegyo. 

She usually says something cute with clueless expression, her innocene makes her popular around guys. But unfortunately, she's only interested in her work. She is also childish, only people who lived with her know this. She keeps her stuffed dolls in her closet and she has one favorite, Sammy the lion. She always share's a new selca of what's happening to the fans. Despit her wordless character, she tweets alot more than she talks.

Likes (5+):

- Food

- Stuffed Animals

- Movies

- Chocolates

- Beach

- Animals

- Fashion

- Internet
- Game 
- Cosmetics

Dislikes (5+):

- Vegetables

- Milk
- Failure
- Hate comments
- Slob
- Early mornings
- Camping
- Chores
- Bugs

Habits (5+):

- Sleeptalks to Sammy

- She fixes her bangs whenever she's interviewed
- She pats her cheeks when she feels shy.

- She unintentionally pouts when she's sleepy.

-She clenches her fist whenver she's nervous.

Hobbies (5+):



-Watches Movies

-Play Anipang


-Read Manga

Talents (3+):

- Acting

- Make Up
- 10 Difference expressions(cute,sad,angry,cry(literally),bored,shocked,happy,dissapointed,arrogant,y).

Trivia (5+):

  • She is a pet lover but has not time to take one home
  • She uses two cellphone, one she rarely use is LG flip phone and usually her father's people contacts her, and other is Samsung Note that friends a work contacts her.
  • Her parents used to call her UriJoo(our as in our princess(Gong Joo means princess)), specially her mother.
  • Her favorite movie is Rooftop Prince
  • She has more than 50+ collections of Manga.
  • She has full closet of high heels than clothes.


We are Mazik~……..

Family Background (simple please):Miso's parents died in a traffic accident when she was 6, she and her brother lives with their Aunt and grandfather in Japan. Her Aunt took the mother role to raised them, her aunt loves them like her own even though she wa never married. Her aunt was proud of her work and kind of married to her work. Miso admires her and learns that she can be happy as long as she works hard. At age of 8, her Aunt took her to acting school because of her timid personality. After that Miso actually took interest in becoming an actress, her aunt took her to an audition for a CF in Tokyo. At age of 12, Miso told her aunt that she want to be an actress in Korea. A year later, her aunt decides to let go of her job and move to Seoul to achieve Miso's dream. Miso entered Seoul Arts High School and will be entering K-ARTS next year in department of Acting. 

Family (Name | Relationship | Age | Occupation | Personality):

 Father |Hwang Hyung Ssik | 46 | Business Man | He is a kindheart man and a romantic person. He loves his family and says his wife is his dreams and his kids is his everything| 

Mother | Jin Yoo Jung| 45 | Photographer | She is quiet and shy women, she is very likeable women. She would sacrifice everything for her family. | 8.

Aunt | Jin Hye Jung | 33 | Magazine Editor | She is a optimistic and independent person, who has a weakness towards kids. She never shows hardship and always look straight. | 

Grand Father | Jin Gyu Sang | 69 | Calligraphy Teacher | He is very energetic despite his age, he jokes around alot. He is very understanding and he is always tries his best for his daughters and grandkids.

Brother | Hwang Min Ho | 19 | Student | He keeps to himself and hates it when people keep asking what he doesn't want them to know. He said things without thinking and always alone. | 

Best Friends [max3] (Name | Age| Occupation | Personality | how are you best friends):Lee Ha Yi | 16 | Solo Singer | She is very mature and always the older sister in the group, she is very loyal and never talks bad about people | 

Friends [max5] (Name | Age | Occupation | Personality | how you met?):Choi Jinri(Sulli) | 18| Member of F(x) | She is shy and cute girl who talks alot with the person who are closest to her. | 



Time time time to SHINE!~…....

Stage Name: MiSo

Persona: Power Charisma

Fanclub Name: MiSotic

Fanclub Color: Neon Blue & White.

Position :

[X] Main Vocal

[] Lead Vocal

[XSub Vocal

[] Main Dancer

[] Lead Dancer

[] Sub Dancer

[XMain Rapper

[] Lead Rapper

[O] Sub Rapper


You’re very Y baby~……..

Ulzzang: Jo Ga Eun

Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Da Som

Pictures: 01 | 02 | 03


In Dorm: 01 | 02 03

Formal: 01 02 | 03

Practicing: 01 02 | 03

Normal: 01 | 02 | 03


You got me Crash & Burn!.......

Love Interest : Kim Himchan | 22 | Idol |  He is very curious and innocent. He has alot of questions, but he is shy and if you ask him a simple question he'll give like long story answer. He is always knew he is popular but he tries to avoids girls even though he is such a fanboy, he wants to avoid scandals. He is the type that appreciates every single small thing he has. | Secretly Dating.

Back-up Love Interest :Choi JunHong | 16 | Idol |He is very positive and innocence boy, he is humorous and childish. He is always loved by girls, but he never has any interest in them. but once he is, he asks alot of questions and stick around to protect her. He maybe childish playful, but deep inside he is a young man. He never broke a promise and tries to keep it that way.| High School Hoobae.

Ideal Guy :A guy who can call her noona(younger guy), smile with his eyes. Innocent but mature, also knows how to lead people.


No more pain goodbye goodbye~……..

*Rival :Juniel | 19 | Soloist | She is very humorous and cute, always respects sunbae and hoobaes. | People dub them as rival because of where their from and talent, but they are actually friends, but they feel competetive towards eachother. | Juniel talks alot to Miso and Miso always likes hearing her talk, but whenever they meet while working, they became awkward because of all the rivalry thing.

*Ex’s :Yeo Jin Guk | 17 | Actor | He is a shy guy and a gentleman. He knows how to treat girls very well, he is very polite. He is very polite towards sunbae and friendly towards hoobae, even though he is shy, he is very popular among idols. You never seen him alone, he is always surrounded by his friends.  | Jin Guk wanted to focus on his acting, and decides to let go of Miso. It was also when Miso was announced to train for a group, a year before. At first Miso was kind of heartbroken, since he was her first love and boyfriend. But her dream was much more important since he decides that Miso wasn't important than his own dreams. But now they are kind of good friends, who look out to eachother.

*Stalker (Name | Age | Occupation | Personality | reason why he stalks you):


i’m going to tell you a Secret~………


If ReVolt was to go on a show what kind would you like them to go on? 

StarKing,StrongHeart, Tah-Dah! and Making Artist.

If you were to go solo, who would you like to collaborate with?

Lee HI, Epik High,Tiffany.

If ReVolt was to go to Star Dance Battle what songs would you like them to perform?

Hollaback Girls,Warrior,Love is move.

What other occupation do you do other than being an idol?

Actress and Modeling.

Solo reality/variety show appearance?

The Romantic & Idol, Invicible Youth and Running Man.

*A sad story?

When her parents passed away.

*Happy story?

Seeing herself act on TV.

*Scary story?


i know it ain’t Easy~…..…

Questions? not for now~

Scene request? not yet now~


Comments? Fighting!

Password: Kim Himchan's wifey~



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