
wow. just wow. just w-o-w. 

every academic institute has probably called off classes for today and even for tomorrow, in preparation for the typhoon. idk with other medical colleges but guess who's having, or rather, who had classes this morning? *forced smile that could kill someone*


because the lecture for today would be part for the exam on thursday, they said. the ~! we didnt even know there'd be exams on thursday. and couldnt they just move it? like they usually do? freaking sadistic hags. *muttermuttermutter* 

so because tomorrow we'd have an exam again (on a different subject) then does that mean we'll be having classes yet again?! dear typhoon, please honestly come to our area like the weather predicting people predicted and bring forth heavy rain falls and blackout and floods to those cold-hearted or even heartless people who make the schedules. so they'd finally cancel. even if my colds are somewhat better-er or bearable, i'm having a headache or in a  dizzying sort of state while typing and ranting. 


but thank God they've come to their senses to cancel classes this afternoon, keep giving them common sense dear heavenly Father and just cancel tomorrow's schedule as well. 

paramedical, medical, and even the faculty and staff are not, i repeat, ARE NOT waterproof or sick proof. so what if we've got vehicles, so what if some live in the dorms. will you be paying for the laundry? will you be buying our meds? how about the transportation? some don't have cars. and cars don't transform into submarines. and so what if some own big vehicles (AUV type etc) its dangerous to drive in a typhoon. i hate driving during rainy days in particular. i can't speed up, the water splashes everywhere, the humps and bumps arent visible and the vision isn't too clear. so its dangerous overall. gaddammit! 


afternoon getting cancelled, plus 10 for being present in the lecture, and Twix were the only good thing that happened. yes Twix is included, because i love my chocolates. i've ranted in twitter and ranted here. so for now that's the end of storm rant lol lol


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Ana jud na basta private nga skwelahan~ sila man pde makabuot~
OTL. Good luck.