¢ carnival lights ¢ application


¢ Carnival Lights ¢

- application -





¢ A note from the ticket vendor ¢

While filling out, please remember:

  • be creative
  • if you have any questions, feel free to ask
  • the more detailed, the easier I'll be able to work you into the fic
  • have fun!

Take heed; I may play favorites while writing, depending on how much I like your application.



Thelightsturnon --

Username: Harasofea

*Nickname: Hara) 

Age range:  16-17  

AFF Activity: 4+


Auniqueindividual -- 


Who are you? Victorique (Han Yoo Hye).

Age: 17

Gender: Female


*Ulzzang/idol pics: 1-2-3-4-5

*Ulzzang/idol name: Baek Su Min

*Backup ulzzang/idol pics: 1-2-3-4-5

*Backup ulzzang/idol name: Mirae

*Extras: Piercings(both ears).


*Ethnicity: British-Korean.

*ual orientation: Bi

*Weight: 92.5 lbs

*Height: 4' 11" iches

Hair: Length,style and color.

Eye color: eye color.


Thelifeofacarny --

Chosen role: Freak Show

Clothing style: 

  • Leasure: Tori always seen wearing hoodies or sweaters, some says she's hiding a gruesome tattoo or a scar on her left arm. She likes wearing long socks with boots and shorts. She hates skirts or frilly clothes. She only wears clothes that is dark colored and make herself blend in the shadows. 1-2-3-4
  • Work: She likes to keep it simple, but she is being paid. She wears something that will catches people's attention, she still wears shorts and usually leather jacket. Sometimes she wears see through t-shirt that shows a her scar on her left arm. Sometimes she wears revealing clothes.Usually she wears dresses and stockings. 1-2-3-4

Background: Tori doesn't have any memories when she was younger, the first thing she remembered was being anbandoned by her mother at the age of 7. She grew up in an orphanage in England. Everyone was afraid of her, even the teachers, she was always alone. But the head sister of the orphanage had simpathy towards her and gave her strength and faith. She was told that her mother was a beautiful person and she left her a pendant with a picture of carnival show where the girl in the picture was performing, believed that it was her mother. Nobody knows why her eyes are different, she was beautiful and yet creepy looking. When she turned 10, she was transferred to an orphanage in Korea. After that she went to search for her mother, she found the carnival. She fell in love with the liveliness and uniqueness of the carnival.Everyone was nice to her and especially the Fortune Teller..she felt at home. 

*What about family? Do you have any? What happened to them, and where are they now?

  • Han Ah Reum/ 39 /OC / Mother  / Former showgirl / appearance - she is a fragile and does everything that won't change or ruined her life, even ruining other's life. She is ambitious but frail, she'll  do anything for her dream to be perfect. Even a slight mistake, she will just abandoned it after she secretly deals with it. / alive / Seoul, South Korea.
  • Joseph Alexander Hart/50/ Father/ Bank CEO/ n/a/ alive/ Birmingham, England.


Personality: She is the type who likes to read rather than accomplish things. Once she reads she'll be in her own world, to get her attention, you have to call her yah~ in the end of her name. She doesn't know how to communicate with people accept her Fortune Teller and sometimes she says unecessary things. Though she really wants to have many friends and she is very childlike. She mostly found reading classic fantasy or romeo and juliet. Though she seems very quiet, she really loves to sing and her dream was to be a singer.

What do you value in life? Her choker that was given by her mother, back of the it written 'Victorique'.It was the only source of finding her mother and holding on to her self. 

Her voice, she was told that her singing voice is like an angel's. It was her first compliment, she keep her voice very low to protect it.



  • Singing
  • Read
  • Makes a choker
  • Write(diaries)
  • Watches (Fortune Teller) do her job.

Special Talents:

  • Sing

  • Figuring out people's background(job,relations,problems..ect) by observing.
  • Stand/sit still like a mannequin.


  • Books
  • Jewellery
  • Music
  • Animals
  • Romance


  • Bugs
  • Being called a monster
  • Being locked up
  • Being in the center of spotlight
  • Sweats


  • Being left alone
  • Heights
  • Thunder

*More random facts:

  • She collects a lot of stuffed animals, expecially rabbits and lions.
  • She has more than 200 collections of books.
  • She thinks Targeted is a very bouncy and cheerful person, despite her past.
  • She likes to give the Fortune Teller a hug as a greeting.
  • She thinks Ferris Wheel is an easy way to death.


Comeone,comeall --

Platonic relationships:

Which of the other 6 carnies are you close to? Chasing Fate and Targeted.

*Why/How? What do you guys do together? Tori and Targeted are opposite of eachother, Targeted always tries to cheer Tori up, even when she's not even down. She likes t make Tori laughs and smile, which are rare. Tori thinks Targeted are troublesome and yet comforting at the same time. Tori appreciates her existences. 

Tori and Chasing Fate are alike eachother, they feel comfortable with eachother, even when their not speaking. They are good at comunicating through eye contact. Chasing Fate is like her sister and a mother, she depends on her and looks up to her. Secretly, Tori has feelings towards her. But she hides it for Chasing Fate sake and the Carnival.

Which of the other 6 carnies do you dislike? Tori is envious of Sweet Sale, being accepted and loved by everyone. Everything she wanted to be.

She usually ignores her when she talks to Tori and sometimes she talk to her through a passerby. She sometimes spies on Sweet Sale, she tried to copy how she acts. But she is the 'Freak Show'. Tori always gives her a cold shoulder and treats her childishly.

*Why/How? What happened? It was when Targeted tries to introduces her to the Carnival staff, she wanders off and saw Sweet Sale. She was surrounded by costumers, mostly males. All of them are complimenting her and asking her out, but she just ignores them and acts as if she didn't hear it. Tori was in rage of jealousy and anger. She hated that Sweet Sale doesn't appreciates herself and people who admires her.  

*Any other acquaintances? 

  • Choi Jin Ri(Sulli) / 18 / idol / F(x) / Admirer, she was the on who first said that Tori is beautiful / Model /Sweet,Kind heart and Softspoken. / alive / Seoul.


Passionate relationships:

Love interest 1: Shin Dongho / 18 / idol / U-Kiss / Actor.

Personality:He is very positive and innocence boy, he is humorous and childish. He is always loved by girls, but he never has any interest in them. but once he is, he asks alot of questions and stick around to protect her. He maybe childish playful, but deep inside he is a young man. He never broke a promise and tries to keep it that way.

Love interest 2: Woo Kevin / 21 / Idol/ U-Kiss/ Model and Producer's son. 

Personality: He is very curious and innocent. He has alot of questions, but he is shy and if you ask him a simple question he'll give like long story answer. He is always knew he is popular but he tries to avoids girls even though he is such a fanboy, he wants to avoid scandals. He is the type that appreciates every single small thing he has.

*Love interest 3: Choi Minho/ 20/ Idol/ SHINee/ Orphanage Director's nephew. Model.

*Personality: He is a shy guy and a gentleman. He knows how to treat girls very well, he is very polite. He is very polite towards sunbae and friendly towards hoobae, even though he is shy, he is very popular among idols. You never seen him alone, he is always surrounded by his friends. 

*Rival: Min Hye Ji/ 17 / OC / - / Model.

*Personality and appearance: She is very soft spoken and frail, she looks like a doll and she acts like a graceful doll. She is very shy but loves attention. Everyone likes her. She likes Tori but she's afraid that people will hate her id she becomes tha Freak's friend. She treats Tori nicely, but in a mocking way.  

*Why is he/she your rival?: Hyeji always challenges Tori in everything, from academics to love life ever since Tori entered the Orphanage in Korea. HyeJi felt competetive towards Tori and she thinks Tori is more beautiful than herself, she felt that Tori is a threat. Tori never understands why Hye Ji always compares herself to her, but for no reason..she feels competetive also.


How do you act around people you like as a friend? : she clings to them and likes to watch whatever their doing, she can be annoying and clingy, but she's adorable. Her curiousity in her eyes when she watches her friends do work are adorable, her eyes sparkles and her rainbowed eyes looks pretty.

How do you act around people you don't like? She doesn't really pay any attention to them, she just gives them a cold shoulder. She only answers them with a "hmm.." and "um.." . But she'll more likely to avoid them and act busy.

How do you act around a crush? She talks...alot. Well...stutter that is. She tries her best to make a conversation but end up stuttering and mumbling. She sometimes copies the Sweet Sale and her friend Sulli's actions to make her self seem more feminine.


  • - She pats her cheeks when she feels shy.

  • - She unintentionally pouts when she's sleepy.

  • -For unknow reasons, she sometimes cries in her sleep.

  • -She watches funny/happy movies when she feels sad to prevent herself from crying.

  • -Clenches her hand when she's holding in her anger

  • -She stutters when she's nervous or shy


Goingonce,goingtwice --

*Anything I've missed?: She got her left arm scar when she was 5(which the only thing she remembered before she was abandoned), she wandered off the street and passing a construction building where the glass fell and the scattered glass scratched her arm. 

*Suggestions/Thoughts: Fighting! and don't give up!~ :3 

*Give me a song! - Its Cold by Epik High & Lee Hi (i dunno..i feel it matches Victorique's story though).

Did you read the rules? ticket purchased




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