urgh sigh

best friends
seriously just them
why did i ever want a best friend

because i wanted a best friend
i ended up with this
i hate her
i hate her so much

urgh i think i'm gonna start crying

i hate how she can make me cry so much
she's such a jerk
i hate that materialistic



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Awwwwwww my poor eggfartchickenrolllikeabuffalorlabtoyotayamaoterya- oh ____ i forgot the rest
tutuka #2
Don´t cry for her.She doesn´t deserve your tears.Just ignore her,you don´t need this so-called ´´best friend´´
*sigh* i lost a bestfriend too. but, in a different way.
and i still care for her .. although she doesn't even care about my presence now.
i also have close friends before who aren't talking to me now cause i got transferred in the other section.
it's sad. when you walk past them, it's like you never knew them. it's like you weren't part of their life. *watery eyes*
Are you okay?
Wow, that was a dumb question.
Anyway, if you need someone to talk to I'm here. Sometimes talking can give you a clear head (I think).
and you still love her secretly.
psst don't go back to those months kay