Carnival Lights Application-Primrose0930


¢ Carnival Lights ¢

- application -







Thelightsturnon --

Username: Primrose0930

*Nickname: Jess

Age range:  I'm 18

AFF Activity:  I check all the time, but lets go with 8 on a scale of 10?


Auniqueindividual -- 


Who are you? Kwon MinJee

Age: 18

Gender: Female


*Ulzzang/idol pics: 1   2   3   4

*Ulzzang/idol name: Byung, Seo Eun

*Backup ulzzang/idol pics: 1   2   3   4

*Backup ulzzang/idol name: Park, HyoJin

*Extras: She has a tattoo on her shoulder, and two earring piercings and a belly button peircing


*Ethnicity: Half Korean and Half American

*ual orientation: Straight but bi-curious

*Weight: 101 lbs

*Height: 5 ft 0 in.

Hair: auburn/ red and she wears it down and since its naturally curly, she wears it in lazy curls.

Eye color: Hazel


Thelifeofacarny --

Chosen role: Sweet Sale

Clothing style:

Everyday: 1   2    3   4

Work: 1   2


MinJee was in love with the carnival from the very moment she stepped inside. Love at first sight i guess you could say. What made all the more special was that she went every year with her father. MinJee's parents had seperated shortly after her birth, so seeing her parents apart was nothing new to her. Due to custody orders, MinJee was only allowed to see her father once or twice a year if she was lucky, and everytime, her father would drive them to the carnival. Tne first thing they did? Eat cotton candy. Perhaps its childish, but Minjee cherished the fairy floss. When her father passed away due a tragic car accident, Min Jee felt almost incomplete if she didnt go the carnival, When she arrived, she learned they were hiring, she all but begged to work there. With the happy memories of her father attached to the sweet treat, she does everything in her power to make sure that stand doesnt go under.

*What about family? Do you have any? What happened to them, and where are they now?

  • Kwon Chin/51/OC/ Father/ Unemployed/ Appearance/ Chin was that chilish old man that everyone pointed to and said "I wanna be like him when I get older!" he was teasing and affectionate, and as Minjee got older, he grew more sarcastic and nosy. But never the less, he was always finding ways or acts to make MinJee laugh./ Dead/ Seoul cemetary.
  • Kwon Ae-Sook/47/OC/ Mother/ Accountant/ Appearance/ Ae-Sook is much more uptight than her ex-husband, she'd rather be serious and realistic than teasing and sarcastic. Although she's caring and thoughtful, she's not exactly the greatest of listeners nor is she the brightest when it comes to her daughter./ Alive/ Seoul.
  • Kwon Yuri/23/ Older sister/ Idol/ Girls generation/ Appearance/ Yuri is that charming older sister who's over protective in everyway. She's sweet and loving, however, she's not afraid to speak her mind or put someone in their place. Don't let her pretty face fool you, she'll kick some major if you anger her enough./ Alive/ SM. Ent.


MinJee is an odd ball. She's pretty well known for her 4D personality and her random thoughts and actions, but she's more well knwon for her stubbron nature. If she doesn't want to move from one spot, she'll sit down on the ground and cross her arms over her chest. She absolutly refuses to give in to demands of strangers or enemies, but is more lenient with friends and family. She'sover protective and literally throw herself between two people if she doesnt like or trust the other person. Min Jee is also rather clumsy, making her the best at being accident prone. She couldn't walk across a flat, clear field without finding something to trip on. When she does trip, she'll usually stop in her tracks and glare at whatever or whoever tripped her before moving on with her life. MinJee also has a fiery temper, often choosing to fight with her fists rather than words when she's upset. However, she may be weak but that doesnt stop MinJee from trying to protect the ones she loves.

What do you value in life?

Life and Family. Since her loving father passed away,  she's learned the importance of cherishing every moment of life with friends and family.



  • Gymnastics
  • cooking/baking
  • reading

Special Talents:

  • Singing


  • penguins
  • the color purple
  • Music so loud it hurts
  • warm weather/ heat
  • nail polish


  • Cold weather/ winter
  • peas
  • arrogance
  • Horror movies
  • Blood


  • dark
  • ghosts
  • death

*More random facts:

  • she's double jointed
  • super flexible
  • amazing with kids
  • She has a super weak immune system, so she gets sick easily.


Comeone,comeall --

Platonic relationships:

Which of the other 6 carnies are you close to? round and round, reflection, and chasing fate

*Why/How? What do you guys do together? MinJee loves talking to these girls, they always talk over smoothies or coffee, they freaquently go out to private restaurants or movies

Which of the other 6 carnies do you dislike? Eating fire

*Why/How? What happened? MinJee thinks that the Eating fire girl has an ego the size of football field and cant handle a simple competion, nor can she handle that she isnt the greatest at what she does like she thinks she is.

*Any other acquaintances? (friends, coworkers, bosses, etc.)

  • Sulli/ 19/ Idol/ F(x)/ Best friend/ Coffee barista and college student/ appearance/ Sulli is that giggly and bubbly girl whose laughter is contagious. She knows everything about Minjee and has known her for what seems like their entire lives. She's a determined kind of girl and will stop at nothing to achieve what she wants./ Just down the street from the carnival


Passionate relationships:

Love interest 1: 

Lee Taemin/20/ Idol/ SHINee/ Popcorn-pretzel vender at the Carnival

Personality: Taemin is a smart- to put it simply. He acts like a know-it all and he acts like he knows MinJee all too well. He may have a tough exteriois, but on the inside, he's a gooey marshmellow. He's childish and energetic, stubbron and competitive, but hes always looking out for others even though he may act cold when you first meet.

Love interest 2: Choi Minho/21/Idol/ SHINee/ popcorn-pretzel vender at the carnival

Personality: Minho is all competition, if he doesn't win one race, he'll whine about it until god knows when. He's rather cold and distant at first glance, but he means well. He has a soft spot for kids and absolutely adores teasing MinJee, just too push her buttons, he's rather protective and has a fiery temper, which only fuels his lust for competiton.

*Love interest 3: Kiseop/21/ Idol/ Ukiss/ same occupationas above.

*Personality: Kiseop is rather quiet and laid back, he prefers not getting involved with races or competition for that matter, its just not his style. Even though he's quiet, it doesnt mean hes shy, if anything, he's quite frank and blunt, he has no issue telling someone what he thinks and he enjoys wtachng other poeple squirm under pressure, it makes him feel happy that its not him. And through his sadistic side, he has a soft spot too, his love for music and his nosy nature makes him almost adorable.


Jung Krystal/ 19/ Idol/ F(x)/ ice cream vender at carnival

*Personality and appearance: appearance/  Krystal isnt exactly a B**ch, she's just a bitter person. She's very saracstic and care free. she takes all competiton seriously and has to make a race out of everything and anything. She does have her genrous moments and can be genuinly funny.

*Why is he/she your rival? Krystal isnt getting as  much business since MinJee started running the cotton candy booth and is doing anything in her power to bring that stand down.


How do you act around people you like as a friend? Carefree and motherly, MinJee would have no problem smiling and letting her 4D side take over, she's her usually clumsy self and could talk as freely as she wants.

How do you act around people you don't like? MinJee would act very gaurded and hostile, threateneing to bite their head off if they so much as made one wrong move. She'd be more stubborn than usual and would over analyze everything her enemy did.

How do you act around a crush? More clumsy and tongue tied then usual, she;d be almost scared to speak, but when she would, her random 4D mind would race ahead of her to a topic thats not even realted to what they could have been talking about. She'll also get more protective than she would with her family.


  • when she's mad, Min Jee will bite her lower
  • When she's happy, Min Jee will blush alot
  • Bored- She'll drum her fingers against the stand or table, or shuffle her feet
  • Sad- she'll look down at the ground and cover her face when she's looking at someone
  • Nervous- MinJee will play with her hair and bite her lower lip again.
  • When she's embarressed, she'll just laugh it off and scream "I meant to do that!"


Goingonce,goingtwice --

*Anything I've missed? I dont think so~ as for the ending, i think you should make them have a very childish relationship, kind of like

"Hey, I love you."

"Hey, me too!"

"aish, you idiot!"

*Suggestions/Thoughts: You're doing great!

*Give me a song! - Boa-Eat you up

Did you read the rules? Ticket Purchased



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