Pin prickling Sun

... its that time of the year where all medical schools of our province go leave the books and highlighters and coffee shops and study centers and exchange them for athletic clothes and gears and water bottles or energy drinks. 

it's Medlympics (medicine + olympics) lol lol... and my participation is.......


cheerer ahahahaha.. 

its no joke as well, when most of your group mates and some friends are in different sports. the venue was pretty big. and the games' schedules were almost simultaneous so my friend and I practically walked around - from the gym to see one or two games, to the next venue to see another game, pass by an area where parlor games were on-going, passed by group mate and his team mates who were part of the 'adventure race' (and they basically are always the team doing adventure races, whether its just in the intercollege's thing we have called intrams or this thing for med schools) then head for the soccer field where we spent most of the day and watched flag football until the end (and a bit of soccer football as well, BOTH games were playing on the same field at the same time so i had to sacrifice a bit of one). unlike the others that were done in passing. 


and i may sound bitter, fine if i will, but i think there's some bias here by the host school. what game would have one of the referees be in fact a coach of that host school and we are up against????

and i'm not too sure, but is it okay to have a rule as 'anyone can play' or 'no fix players'??? the players for the singles match (they won) can play for the doubles too? might as well just have two good people then.

and how can it be motivational when only Gold medals are sent out? no silver or bronze... my groupmate who came in 2nd in his division in swimming sounded bitter about it. although they won overall in swimming (i think) but since only gold is given out... well i do agree it feels more satisfying when there's a medal or something to commemorate what you've achieved even second, right?


the venue was good. that's all i can say. everything else.. they probably cook it up.

and speaking of cooked up, i think my face is over-cooked. lol or slightly coz even now, i feel my face prickling hot. >.< i'm not even an athlete. maybe next year....? idk. bball or soccer? lol lol... for new shoes maybe... hmmmm... if BFF is going to enter flag next year and his gf cant come because of internship-ish something, then i think i'll go for another sport too, i dont want to be his helper as he said. we'll make other friend as a helper.  XD


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It's medlympics time again? I love the updates for that though~ ^^<333
Medlympics? XD Cool man... We only have some maths thing -_-

Lol. You arent a sports person I guess? XD Lol call them the 'Forever Adventure Race' Team XD. It sounds so busy and eventful. Lol it sounds biased to me too. Whaaaat no bronze or silver? -.- Wow.

OTL apply some lotion to your face. Hahas whatever you do for next year good luck and fighting~