Mystery High - Lee Xiaomei



Mystery High Application



       Applicants Legal Name: Xiaomei Lee


Date of Birth: 05/21/1996         Place of Birth:Qingdao             Current Place of Residence:Guangzhou


Are you a Korean resident?: Y/N  Nationality: Chinese              Species: Kitsune


What languages do you speak(State fluency)?

Chinese (Fluent); Korean (Fluent, but has bad accent); English (Basic)




Gender: M / F                         Height: 164cm and 5'4"                     Weight: 49 kg and 109 lbs

Bloodtype: O                           Eye Color: Dark Brown                       Hair Color: Black                   


Current Grade: 12th            Average GPA: 0.2-1.0 | 1.1-2.0 | 2.1-3.0 | 3.1-4.0



Wanted Classes (Pick 8) (If requesting an honors or AP class put a '*' next to your choice) (Must pick a History, Science, Language and Math)

Pre-Algebra | Algebra |Geometry | Algebra II | Pre-Calculus | Calculus | Statistics

Early World History | Ancient World History | Korean History | Chinese History | American History | Civics | Vampire Wars | Supernatural Wars | Supernatural History* | Medieval World | Psycology | Sociology | Ancestrey | Supernatural Origins

Korean | English | Mandarin Chinese | French | Japanese | Russian | Arabic | Spanish

Physical Science | Biology | Chemestry | Physics | Bio-Medical

Painting I | Painting II | Drawing & Painting | Digital Media | Photography

Intro to Singing | Singing II | Singing III | Intro To Dance | Dance II | Dance III | Chorus | Piano | Guitar

Shape-Shifting 101 | Intro to Potions | Potions I | Potions II | Intro to Hunting | Mind Control Training | Intro to Defense | How to properly feed off a human | Controling Blood Thirst | Elemental Training | Scent Honing | Study of Supernaturals


Class Request: N/A








Roommate Survey 

동숙 인둘러 봄 

Bold Your Choice

What kind of relationship do you want with your roommate?

- Do everything together

- To be friends

- To be respectful and peacefully coexist


How do you feel about your roommate using your belongings?

- Never a problem using any of my things

- OK, but only after asking permission

- OK with electronics, but not my personal items

- My roommate should not use any of my belongings


How often do you clean your room?

- Daily

- Twice a week

- Weekly

- Monthly

- Before a family visit

- When I move out


When does your average day begin?

- Before 8AM

- 8-10 AM

- After 10 AM


When does your average day end?

- Before 11 PM

- 11 PM - 1 AM

- After 1 AM


How would you describe your sleeping habit?

- Light sleeper

- Heavy sleeper


Please write four ways you most enjoy spending extra time.

  • Soccer
  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Video Games


Please write 5-10 likes.

  • Foxes
  • Talking
  • Music
  • Walking through the forest
  • Shopping
  • Meat
  • Playing Jokes



Please write 5-10 dislikes.

  • Obnoxious or Far-too-nice people
  • Singing
  • Losing
  • Studying
  • Close-Minded people



What's your species like? (Just a quick background on your species (Significant wars why they hate x species etc.)/ if human write 'N/A')

Kitsunes are fox-like females. They are very similar to werewolves, but are not common. They feed off the human brain, but do not hate any species. They are usually the type to deceive people, but when needed can extend claws from their fingertips. If angered or feeding, their eye's  match that of a fox--a narrow slit for the pupils and the rest of the eye becomes yellow. They also have enhanced speed and strength.



Write about yourself. (Background)

Xiaomei was born in Qingdao, but was moved to Guangzhou because her mother had heard of antoehr Kitsune in that area, and her mother had not heard of one in years. Xiaomei had never met a Kitsune other than her mother before, so they oved. However, when they got there, it was found that it was only a shapeshifter. Since they were already there, they decided to stay. Xiaomei made friends, and rarely was ever angered by any one enough to bring out her claws. 

However, her mother found out about the supernatural school, and even though Xiaomei waned to stay in Guangzhou, she is now being forced to attend the school.



Describe your personality:

  On the first day, Xiaomei may seem a little annoyed with everyone around her because she does NOT want to be there. If someone is grating on her nerves, she gets really sarcastic and smart with them. She doesn't liked to tolarate people who aren't willing to accept that just might be wrong. Unlike that type of person, if she is wrong she is the type that is willing to apologize for her mistake and accept it. She doesn't see any sense in arguing over a matter that doesn't superbly affect her.

    However, after knowing her for a while (or whens he gets used to her surroundings), she becomes a rather calm and friendly person. She's not the type to be overly outgoing to break into conversation with people she doesn't know, but she's not a wallflower either. If she meets a person that she does not like or has a nasty attitude toward, she will often play jokes on that person, but because of her personality, no one usually expects that the culprit is her, except her roomate. 

    Xiaomei is often mistaken for a human, and does not mind it at all, as long as people do not make fun of her for it. She's not the type to jump in for a fight, but if needed or angered to an extreme point (which few people can do), she will not hesitate to stand up for herself. When in class at first, she minds her own business, but after getting comfortable with her seat mates, she will often throw sarcastic but playful comments at them. 


Is there anything significant about you? (AKA Trivia)

Xiamei used to think that being  ahuman was much better than being a Kitsune, because she was the only supernatural person she'd seen around Guangzhou. Even though her mom explained things and told her stories about others, she didn't believe it until she had turned sixteen. 


You prefer a roommate who is:

Very funny and playful. Boring people make Xiaomei feel awkward, while outrageously outgoing people maker her uncomfortable and feel judged. Her idea roomate is the type of person who has a medial setting between fun and boring, but respects what she wants. She dislike people touching her things because she cares a lot about the items she has. Her roomate cannot be insanely messy, as she does not tolarate that, but a little mess is okay here and there. However, if she decides she wants to clean out their room, she expects them to help out rather than skip. 


How social do you prefer your room to be?

- Quiet and serious

- Welcoming to one or two friends at a time

- A lively social center where everyone hangs out



Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being the most important and "3" being least.*

- Double ( 3 )

- Triple ( 2 )

- Quad ( 1 )



Do you wish to room with the same gender?

- Yes

- No

- No Preference


*All dorms are in an Apartment style






Other Application



First Ulzzang Choice Name: Ne Rou

Links (Hyperlink 5-9): N e   R o u


Second Ulzzang Choice Name: Lee Nuri

Links (Hyperlink 5-9): L e e  N u r i



Lee "B-Bomb" Minhyuk | 17 | Senior | Often known as Xiaomei's male counterpart. The two are really close. He's a very calm person,a nd not even Xiaomei has seen him get angry before. He stands up for what he believes in and does a good job at school. Everyone knows him from being on the basketball team, and though he's teased for not hanging out with the more popular kids, it doesn't bother him one bit. He prefers relativelly quiet places. He's like an older brother to those who he has a good relationship with. |Witch| On the first day, Xiaomei had never seen any of the people before, not even their species, so she was forced to sit at a table alone. Minhyuk acompanied her, becasue the other tables were extremely loud, and she looked like she could use company. She was slightly rude and smart with him at first, but she thanked him for sittnig next to her and he told her that if she needed help, she could always stick with him. So she did.

Cho Kyuhyun | 17| Senior | He's the type to play jokes no matter where he goes. They're not exceptionally close, but Xiaomei knows that sometimes he tends to take his jokes to far, and though he's older, she chides him like an older sister when passing him in the hallway, which he takes to heart, but pretends he ignores. He actually finds responsibility on protecting her, because of her fox-like features from being a Kitsune | Vixen | During Minhyuk's game on her third day of school, which she came to watch, he saw her sitting alone, but didn't think of anything of it until he saw some kids teasing her at which she pulled out her claws as a threat. He thought it was cool and ran over to talk to her.


Rival: N/A


Former Love: N/A



Huang Zi Tao | 17 | Senior | He doesn't befriend many, but the few that he does befriend, he cares about dearly. He's protective over his friends as well. He likes singing and dancing, but isn't the type to show off about it. He doesn't talk a lot with people he's never met--they make him feel uncomfortable, but within his freind group, he will talk a good amount. He'll laugh at jokes, and loves skinship with people he's close to. He's very diligent, but due to being a reaper, he disappears and appears a lot. | Reaper | He tends to pick on her a lot to annoy her. However, she doesn't react very much until he ridicules her for looking like a human, however he knows when he should stop. She picks at him back, and will invite him to events that she attends. | Friends


Back-Up Crush:

Lee "Xiumin" Minseok | 17 | Senior | He's known as the class clown, and can find hilarity in nearly anything. However, he doesn't push the teacher's buttons. He's friendly with nearly anyone he meets, and is smart enough not to participate in activities that could get him in serious trouble. | He likes to point her out in class sometimes to poke a bit of fun, but tells her that he's just joking, which she then jokes back on him. | Sunbae - Hoobae


Anything extra you want to say about your character?











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