Push the Plaything lol

i feel productive tonight. maybe because i'm physically and emotionally drained in RL?? 

or just trying to find a happy place for the usual depression from the usual test scores. Dear Lord, i just pray that no one has reached and is over 40. And that there'd be a miracle and i'll get a 30 in both exams. Lord, that's my only happiness. Others won't think of it as something to be happy or party about but i'm that simple. and my mind thinks simply. and the questions are hard. so please... 

and maybe because of someone who although is age-wise mature. is acting not-so-her-age and had cause a bit of trouble for my group this year. aside from calming my own nerves i had to calm BFF. 

i just told him in FB: "think about it, she's the sacrificial lamb for the rest of us to unite. good unite or bad unite. it's still beind united." 

and so my english didn't made sense. i intended it that way. and had somehow dissipated his anger. anger and hate i tell you. he swears he'll let her quit, like make her regret what she did and taking up Med. BFF is a bully and he shows his love in weird ways (one is through bullying) but that is better than to be hated by him. 


anyway... i think i'm productive in a sense that i updated both my B.A.P fics: Plaything and Pins and Post-its. check them out and leave comments...? eh? 

oh yeah, what are the mechanisms to advertising. i had the sudden thought of advertising any of my B.A.P fics either the two aforementioned or Push. my first BAPff. my precious. lol. if i advertise would i lose all my karma if ever? 


and lol again coz i realized almost all my BAP fics starts with a P [Push, Plaything, Pins and Post-its, (The)Proof of the Pudding] except for the HimJae [Not Here] hmmm... maybe i should change that to Playing Doctor instead mwahahahahhahahaha. 


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LOLLL So now it's P? That means you still have B and A left! Haha XD
Maypaka. Di jud ko kauwat kai 0pm nko maabotsa balay ug kapoy na kaau. Cge lng. Wa man practice karon ug ugma XD
syewe_yoss92 #3
That Push ff is beyond precious okay, i was like imagining about it almost everyday since i read it first time n i dared to read it again two days ago n back into the feel again lol n ended up not studying *pulling my hairs n screams* i was like making my own squeal in my head n smiling like stupid no one dare to walk with me for days ;_____;