equal rights

Feminism- something I had never really taken seriously until I got older.


facts are, in some jobs men will get paid more then their women co-workers who are doing the same job- that seems messed up to me, why the hell is that still going on in this day in age?

cause I mean really, are we loosing that extra change cause we lack and have s? is our performance inadequate? Or do you just think women should just go back to the kitchen and make din din for the hard working man?

my other side is though, that women also get away with things that men don't get away with- if a man has an affair with and under age girl he'll get prison, if a women has an affair with and under aged boy she'll get a slap on the rist. 

men in America have to sign up for the draft, women don't.

judges tend to give the children to the mother over the father when there's a custody battle.

there's probably even more.

I come here to you today to say that I can't agree with those yelling for equal rights when it's only when they want it, is there a switch? oh, I don't want to so I'll just switch my equal rights switch off for a while, while the er across the street has to cause I mean, it's his fault anyways.


I say equal rights for everyone, man, woman, black, white, Mexican Asian what ever the hell you are, I say equal rights in America if you're an American.



sorry for the ER rant, I just think it's pretty stupid sometimes, and well, I have writers block again -.-


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