Apply Fic?

Hm well I've been tempted to do one of these things, but the thing is I have zero idea how I'd even write one O_O I don't have an idea yet of course I know it's going to be heh heh but I'd like to learn a bit more about how to write these before I make one you know? I kind of got the basics down like only a select number of people can be chosen, I know it's going to be...actually still don't even know what the genre will be yet but I'm gonna guess it may be horror with a bit of angst?


So yeah.


Any tips or advice on how to run an apply fic? Please and thank you ^^


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YO! That's so funny, I'm in the same predicament as you are! I've been planning to write my own apply fic (seems kinda fun LOL), but I'm not so sure about how to go about it. What I've been doing is actually participating in apply fics, like applying to a few and reading some others, just to get the general gist of how to include the selected characters.

Good luck in everything, and I hope you'll do well in your apply fic! Fighting! ^.^