Pirates of the Glactic Ocean-Application Primrose0930


Personal Information

Username: Primrose0930

Direct Link to Profile: Link~

Password: Treasure Planet

Basic Information

Name: Min Jae Hwa

Nickname(s): Jae

Age: 18

Breed: Human

Describe planet and population if you're a different breed: she's from earth

DoB:  09/30/2183

Height: 152 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Birthplace: Boston

Hometown: Seoul

Language(s): English, Korean, and French

Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri

Ulzzang links: 1   2   3    4    5   6

Personality Traits

Personality: Jae is one of THOSE girls. No, she isn't the quiet one and she isn't the obnoxiously loud one either. She's a mixture. She's well known for her 4D personality, being completly calm and quiet, the next, she's on the floor laughing her off about something that happened a month ago. Jae can also have one heck of a temper. It's not that she has a short fuse, its more so that once you get her mad, its nearly impossible to calm her down. Jae is also a worry wart, always wondering what was happening to her friends or what was going to happen to her next, i guess you could call it her mothering side. She wants to look out for others rather than her self, and she makes sure poeple know that. 

Along with a fiery temper and giggly personality, Jae is more stubbron than a mule. Once she makes a decision, she normally never rethinks it. You'd have to be pretty persuasive to change her mind about anything, and pretty strong to make her move if she doesn't want to. Jae is also fidgety and impatient and it is nearly impossible for her to stay still for more than hour, she always has to move some part of her body. But as fidegety as she was, she could make herself focus on any task at hand. Jae never likes relying on people, instead, she prefers people relying on he otheriwse she would feel like a burden to anyone other wise and would never forgive herself. 


Likes: Sweet foods, loud music, rainstorms,  sleeping in a patch of sun, the color purple, and sleeping.

Dislikes: Horror movies, blood, spicy foods, arrogance, exersize, peas, and cold weather.

Hobbies: cooking, archery, singing, flying, 





Personal background:

Parents and family:

Applying for

[] HMS Pilot (2)
[] HMS Engineer
[] HMS Soldier
[] DM Pirate
[] DM Captain

Social Life


Love interests/boyfriend:

Storyline behind ye two:

Additional Information

So what more do you want say? Some cool creature you have? Magic powers? Some sort of legendary weapon?:



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