OSM Abducted Nad.

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 - idol!! ^^v 
 great writer! i feel in love with her stories and she made me ship my OTPs really bad (as if it's not bad enough) and just check our her account/stories and you'll see what i mean. ^^ 
yeah the abducted one. hahahaha. sorry my brain's fried. but she writes reaaaally good :)
- C
“Nadine unnie!! Err.. I don’t know what to say first to you, “Thank you” or “I’m sorry”.. lol~ ever since I knew you for the first time, I demanded you a lot~ budging you to make a twitter non stop! I understand if you think that I’m annoying because I always ask you to do something for me.. That’s why I’m confused~ what should I say first to you? Hehehe~ You pretty and nice Lady!! I won’t forget your kindness!! Never~ ^^ Keep writing awesome stories, neh!! Nadine unnie, hwaitting!”
Extremely friendly, can talk about everything. Very open minded, always look at the optimist view of things,n the kind of people who accepts everyone to be her friend. Chipper n warm. Sweet n lovely. AND SHE'S HELLA PRETTY OMG.
- M
One of my favorite authors. Really approachable and sweet and nice and i just wanna cuddle her for being so great and she's squishy too. Oh, plus a XiuHan shipper like me so mahhahaha yeah i love N unnie. =3=
-i was pretty scared to talk to her at first but imagine my surprise and delight when she not only talked to me, she was glad to meet me too, and being a great big fan of her stories, i was so happy i was fangirling, like seriously




S U M D E N C Z J A ]


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