OSM Duizhang Sae.

i'm planning to put this on Exoria Staff Section but i guess i have to post it here first so you can rant all you want with your descriptions. Meh, i dun think so. It's so fluffy i'm puking Yixing and Chanyurr dust right now. Mahaha. jk. I'll just wait for C and M unnies,then pick one liners since u all sent novels (except for the ever lazy Uli).

Oh and hurray for doing this for me /batts eyelashes/ 
Oh. That's gross.
Here's yours Saenie XD
 Very cute and funny! Very talented graphics artists and I really enjoy her use of emoticons :)
I know you'll probably puke at this cheesy one-liner of mine, what with you knowing my abhorrence to anything too cheesy but no words can express how precious you are to me, after all that we have gone through, the tears i know we cried together, you were, are and will always be my "baby S"
PS be, wanna get married? haha
 The Artist.
Saenie was the first one I knew before I met the whole OSM~ I’ll never forget her kindness for picking me as one of her friends at that time! You know, she’s somehow a famous girl while I’m just no one~ She is a wise, understanding and a patient person~ But strangely, I have this awkward feeling whenever I want to share my problem with her.. I don’t want to burden her.. She is like my precious older sister that I never have in real life~ Saenie-ah.. harteu~
Sweet but she bites :)))
Saenie. Uhm, she's very nice yes. Especially when she laugh at my lame jokes on Ktalk. She makes me feel like I can tell her all my problems, and she'll beat up whoever made me feel that way (Very violent person, must escape. jk). Very greasy too (She and Dee unnie are in the middle of a Ktalk convo rn that will make fics run for their money).
You give me feels Duizhang <3
A pedo bear, uri duizzhang, a strong woman who never afraid to voice out her thoughts. Bold n dont giva damn about haters, caring n passionate about her friends, always there about whatever n whenever u need her. A crazy talent for edits, a badass nurse.  I look up to her the most, she deserves a high respect for her characters. All and all, an amazing lady.
 She makes my fanfiction colourful, makes my stories realistic with her arts. Makes my tumblr packed with rebloggable goodies.
Sae unnie is our very hyper lady. She might be very busy with her works but at the end of the day, she’ll always check on everyone and spazzes as far as she can. She’s very cool lady. She hates it that anyone among her babies (osms) gets fan-attacked or gets depressed –she usually gets crazy about this. So, you better pack up and hide before she gets you when you think you’re guilty before she sends you to a hell hole.
Lappoo lappo~
S U M D E N C Z J A ]


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Hugs ha missssy pur uri leaderrrr love u
wahahahahaha OTL OTL OTL

i feel like dictator/president of something.. bahahaha what what what? XDD
i'm freakin touched i want to smush everyone's face! d'aww my babies.. love you all!!
