OSM Sweet Heart Mya and Cheonsa Dee.








Darling <3 
- U
Dee's worry wart and her unofficial twin sister. Mya's the type to take everything at heart. Shipping, spazzing and friendship. She'll take everything even blaming herself if there's a misunderstanding. Fragile and kind.
out of all you guys, she's the one who surprised me most with her quiet spirit who won't hesitate to offer a (virtual!lol) helping hand, a listening ear, sage advice and a good laugh that can immediately bring a smile to your face
Mya, oh my goodness, one of the sweetest person I know. Always there when you need her. I wonder where she gets her free time because she's always so busy helping out others.
my best bud –my best song bird - tumblrina
Though this baby of mine has very low confidence, you would know she’s shining in her own ways. Gosh, I idolize this woman. Her voice is one of a kind. She’s very nice lady, makes sure she could catch everyone and make them feel comforted when down. She would call you and stays with you whenever you’ll feel alone. She never abandons a friend without a fight. She’s a friend you would want to keep.
- D
Mya Unnie! Sometimes it makes me wonder how is she friends with Saenie and Dee Unnie. (lmao i'm kidding unnies i love youuuu). Sweet and a very willing helping hand. I hope we can get closer though. Mya unnie take my heart! 
- J
OSM's strength, very very patient and very understanding. she's like a calm sea BUT she is stealing kyuhyun and suho from me. kkkkk.
Lovely! Mya is a super nice unnie that I regret myself for meeting her just now~ We should have meet long, long, long time ago unnie~ ^^ She’s a true helper! She’ll be there whenever I need her… I lost on count how many times she helps me all these times… But unnie, can I say something to you? (Yes you can! :p) Please don’t be so low self-esteem, you’re awesome in your way… You have talents, you’re a nice person, many people love you~ Trust me… I’m way worse in anything more than you~ I don’t want to see my gorgeous unnie down~ Like the other unnies said, you’re the fire in the group~ When you’re sad means the light won’t be as bright as Kris’ smile anymore… It’s really important to keep your smile wide!!! ^^ Mya unnie~ AKU SAYANG UNNIE~ <3 And you know what makes me love you more? Because you have Javanese blood!! The same as me!! <333333”
 the stubborn and the bishual tita ;)
Super considerate of a person. I hope I won't cause her to worry in the future because I feel very fortunate to call her a friend of mine. 
The author who introduced me to the very colorful world of and love making,lmao. But srsly i never thought i'll be friends with this marvelous author i mean, i might start spazzing about What If and Mirrored Curse once i meet you irl. And her voice is sooo cute! And she puts up to me in Ktalk when I'm bored and talking non stop.Dee Unnie Jjang! 
never really thought we would be this close as friends, you who is my all-time fave writer, though i know you may not believe it no matter how much i tell you how truly captivating and awesome you are as a writer, as a person and most important of all, as my friend
 stubborn, hardheaded and driven. lol there's not enough adjectives to describe this kid. she doesn't realize how talented she is until someone shoves it to her face, hahaha but she still remain as humble as ever (that's what i love and admire about her).. can be insecure at times, but she knows how to handle it now. Dee's like my real younger sister from Ireland. LOL ^^
! haha! pretty though, hehehe
Dee unnie… errr, I kinda afraid of her before… I thought it’s so impossible to make a friend with her, She’s the almighty monshie after all~ Many people adore her so much~ And being a person with no confidence I was, I decided to not befriending her (because I’m just no one and she’s the almighty monshie), lol! This unnie is amajjing, a bit crazy, has a wild imagination, and sometimes a bit childish~ ^^v You know what unnie? You made me read even before I turned 17~ haha… I’m so glad that finally I could be one of your friends… You didn’t know how happy I was when we had an actual conversation back then~ I know you because of SJ, and I know you more because of EXO~ Guess I have to thank the boys and the kids for existing in this world! Dee unnie, BAKBAKAN!! ^^”
 An idiotic genius writer who makes sense about things that dont make sense. A very friendly person n approachable. Nice towards everybody, but when things go overboard, she doesnt hesitate to let out the beast in her. She does have that little ego in her n quite hard-headed, but she's very kind hearted n generous, treasures friends with all her heart.

S U M D E N C Z J A ]


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sobs can i cry? ahahahha now I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND U JOONIE. I cant believe it myself on how the heck Sae, n Dee are even my friends. And even got to be apart of this OSM thingy XD

U guys rock. <3
awwww hosweeet xD