What am i gonna do?





No more going out partying..

No more buying new phones..

No more eating like there's no tomorrow..

Dress up like a 'proper girl'..


Am i not proper enough?

Follow them to weird parties where laughing with emotions are not allowed..

Miggle with people who you don't like..

Absolutely no more using public transport..

" Who the hell would wanna kidnap me? "

Walk like your on the runway..


Act statuess at all times..

First impression is always important..

Rebelling will get you a serious punishment..

No more going out unescorted..

Very funny..


*I need mashi unnie to plan an escape plan for me..*

*Ate needs to teach me to control my temper..*

*I need bro to teach me how to have more icyness and coolness in me..*

*Andi, i need to learn how to kick from u more..*

*Kira, my motivator.. LOL.. Hw i wish i cud hav ur wisdom..*

*Jen..mm.. I still need to be innocent.. So dun pollute me.. Hahaha..*


My life is doomed!!!

Why am i always the target??

Next year wud if i dun do something about it......

LOL.. Never imagined that among my grandma's 'friends', i wud be called as the player...



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learning to control your temper...and all other emotions is something I could teach you Uri. Take it from the girl who has had to act proper at all times as well. I know how you feel 'cause I've been through something similar. As in...the difference would be the going out to parties...cos I don't go out. o.o >.> your grandma would love me, and that's not a good thing.
icyness? XD<br />
Well, for the appropriate situations, you only need to remember one word:<br />
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You want my wisdom? I'll tell you how. <br />
1 - Don't let what people say about you/to you, get to you.<br />
2 - Get into trouble so many times with different people/scenerios/over different things.<br />
3 - Take note of how certain people act with different things. <br />
4 - Use all above info as a generator and know what will happen before it happens.<br />
5 - Have a witty comment readdy for when said person opposes you.<br />
6 - Walk away smiling at their stunned face.<br />
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