♚Pandora | Jang Sooyoung

Jang Sooyoung 



♚The creator

Username:  SowonHeart

Profile link:  JANUS

What should I call you?: Des ^^


♚The creation

Character's name:  Jang Sooyoung


Soong: her brother always call her 'Soong' because she would call him 'Woong' in return.

Bubbles: because of her bubbly personality.

D.O.B:  April 8, 1992

Blood type:  type AB

Height: 180 cm

Weight:  40 kgs

Place of birth: Busan, Korea

Hometown: Banpo, Seoul, Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Languages: [F]Korean, [B] Japanese, [F] English



Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye or Joo

Links: one // two // three // four // five // six // seven

Back-up ulzzang: Lee Yeon Ju or Mikki

Links: one // two // three // four // five // six


♚The table of contents


 Sooyoung, before pursuing to be an idol, is a working student during her 8th grade. She works part-time as a barista at a coffee shop near their school. Although her mother didn't want her to work, Sooyoung still continued working at the cafe. Her reason why she's doing it because she wanted to help on her family, since her brother is working as an idol and he often visits them at home. She is part of their school's volleyball team and track-and-field team.


Sooyoung, is said to have many positive vibes everyday for her radiant and pleasing attitude towards the people she meets. Another reason is because she smiles a lot, and it makes the atmosphere light. She is very bubbly, and friendly, earning her the title 'Friendly Soong'. There are times that her dorkiness shows, and she is not afraid of showing it in public. Why so? Because she always tells that she's not doing any bad if she shows her true self. When it comes to serious things, like working on something, she really puts her effort and shows how focus she was. She is said to have a bottomless pit, but never gets fat. She was a little bossy and short-tempered; she cries easily. She is very conservative when it comes to cleanliness; in short, she's a clean freak. But despite of all the flaws, she is loked by her past friends even called her a 'true friend' because of her radiant attitude.


  • city lights
  • Lauren Lunde; she finds her very adorable and cute.
  • anything with shades of blue.
  • polka-dots
  • pearl milk tea
  • noraebang
  • food
  • pets; especially hamsters
  • tangerines
  • moonlight; she feels very relaxed when she stares at it.
  • manhwa/manga


  • cucumbers
  • insects
  • creepy crawlies
  • stormy weather
  • pitch-black room; she's a little claustrophobic.
  • snob person
  • horror movies (or anything scary)


  • pouting; when disappointed or upset
  • lip-biting; there are two reasons behind it: she's in deep thought and she's just hungry.
  • hand gestures; when she talks
  • clapping; when she's in good mood.
  • forgetfulness; she puts one thing in one place, after a few minutes she will forget where did she put it.


  • composing
  • singing
  • plays guitar
  • stargazing every night
  • reading manhwa/manga
  • playing badminton, or volleyball as past time / or after practice.
  • photography


  • She is a big fan of  Girls' Generation's Sooyoung; because they have the same name.
  • She is an Inspirit; Hoya is her bias
  • Cameo'd at BAP's 'Stop it' MV, as the lead girl.
  • Cameo'd in B1A4's "Sleep Well, Good Night" MV, as the lead girl.
  • She is one of the back up vocals of  Girl's Generation's Taeyeon's solo.
  • Cameo'd at JJ Project's 'Bounce' MV as one of the students.
  • She is the sister of 2PM's Wooyoung.
  • Her favorite color is anything under the shade of color blue.
  • She loves cherry blossoms VERY much.
  • She is a fast typer.
  • Attended the same school with APink's Eunji and Infinite's Hoya during high school.


♚The supporters


Jang Kyungmin ; 43 ; father ; writer ; calm, strict, caring & protective ; close: Sooyoung helps her father in his novels, while he helps her on her composed songs in return. Although he's strict, he shows his love for his child by giving him a piece of advice.

Kim Yoonmi ; 40 ; mother ; housewife ; kind, modest, caring & protective ; super close: She serves as Sooyoungs crying shoulder when she has a problem, and serves as a diary because Sooyoung tells everything at her, even her ideal types and the name of her crush.


Jang Wooyoung ; 23 ; 2PM ; dumpling, dork, funny & caring ; super close: he's the brother that would from time to time. But, he's doing that just to show how he loves her sister, Sooyoung.


Ok Taecyeon ; 23 ; 2PM ; cocky, confident, hyper, kind ; After the 'Hands Up' tour, Wooyoung invited Sooyoung at their after-concert party, and they were the first one to be friends because they were the loudest one at the party ; they were the noraebang partner since they were the one who always do duets when they're in a KTV Bar.

Nichkhun ; 24 ; 2PM ; sweet, confident, kind and funny ; Same reason with Taecyeon's ; Nichkhun always take Sooyoung at Thai Restos with fellow 2PM members, Chansung and Junho.

Victoria ; 25 ; f(x) ; caring, kind, friendly and confident ; During  the WGM with Nichkhun, where Nichkhun introduced Victoria with his co-members. Sooyoung happened to be there with Wooyoung. ; Had shopping sessions with Sooyoung after WGM filmings, and gave her advices like a sister.

Suzy Bae ; 18 ; Miss A ; sweet, bubbly, cute and playful ; When Sooyoung attended the JYP Nation concert in Seoul, and got introduced by Wooyoung with the other participating artists on that said concert. ; Frequent hangouts at Carribean Bay and at coffee shops when Suzy's not that busy.

Best friends: 

Ahn Sohee ; 20 ; Wonder Girls ; Same reason with Suzy's ; Noraebang after Sohee's schedules and shopping <3

Bang Yongguk ; 22 ; B.A.P ; Sooyoung and Yongguk knew each other because Yongguk's house is once near at Sooyoung's. They attend at the same school together. ; They were the duo in sports during their high school, now... They're still duo, but in playing arcade

Rivals: ( just 1. Name; age; group they're in; why are they rivals? )

Ahn Jaehyo ; 20 ; Block B ; Sooyoung thinks of Jaehyo as her rival because Jaehyo mostly competes against her on sports and because of his cocky personality.


♚The chapters

Stage name: Dana

Position: leader, vocalist

Back up position: main vocal, lead dancer

Persona: Deprived Shikshin

Personal fanclub name: Rhinestones

Personal fanclub color: #3399ff

Years of training: 5 years ( 2 at SM Ent. and 3 at TS Ent.)

Trainee history: She auditioned first at SM Entertainment and got accepted as a trainee. She is lined up as a member of f(x), but she got injured and she needed to rest for a few months. After her rest, she went back to SM Ent. to check if she was still lined up. But to her dismay, f(x) has debuted. She backed-out being a trainee there, also because she was experiencing bully issues. After a few weeks, she heard from a friend that TS Ent. is holding a global audition. At that time she got accepted after auditioning. According to her, it's not that easy training with what she called 'professional' trainees, but she stood out and became one of the best trainees at her time.

B.A.P partner: Zelo

Back up B.A.P partner: Yongguk


♚The special one

Love interest: CNU ; B1A4 ; He is friendly, but he's a 4D prince. He acts dorky when with his bandmates and even on-cam.

How they met: The members of B1A4 played truth or consequence before filming their MV. It so happened that CNU was the one who's gonna do the dare, and Gongchan wants to do revenge since CNU's target is always Gongchan. Gongchan's dare was to get the MV's lead girl, aka Sooyoung's number. CNU went towards her, and shyly asked her number. Sooyoung is shocked at first, but later gave her number. After

Relationship: Friends


Back up love interest: Lee Sungyeol ; Infinite ; He is Infinite's choding prince, and a big softie.

How they met: Sooyoung went on a cafe to buy her favorite drink. When she got her drink and was about to sit at her favorite spot, she saw a guy sitting on her spot. She confronted him, but was shocked that it was Sungyeol of Infinite. She bowed and apologized many times. Being so down-hearted, Sungyeol forgave her. Sooyoung treated her some snacks and they started talking.

Relationship: Friends


Ex: name; 

How they met: 

Why they broke up:


♚The epilogue

Questions/comments/concerns: None so far, but I'll PM you if I have one :) BTW, I love the form's layout, really simple :)

Scene requests/suggestions: Maybe an unexpected meeting of Sooyoung and CNU/Sungyeol :) 

Password:  This guy  


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