Some Kpop fans are so.....

(Just so you know Super Junior is my FAVORITESTEST group ever. Its just some fans..)

I read one post that annoyed me, but i just let it go but now its bothering me because i've seen more then one of them...

So the post had said something about how EXO fans should respect Super Junior fans cause they are older and im just like


Okay cause i swear you are ignorant as hell. Just cause someone is a fan of rookie group does not make them  have to think of you as older or anything just cause you like a group that has been out longer. Cause and Elf could be an elf for 1 or 2 years while and Exo fan could have been a fan of kpop since HOT and SHINHWA and be older then you. I swear the ignorance in "You should respect the elfs since we are your sunbae."

I LOVE both groups and the fact that the best group ever (SUPER JUNIOR) is my favorite is not gonna change but, I DO like Exo and i get annoyed when people are ignorant and say bad things about one group in general.


Anyways there are these really cute gifs of my biases in SuperJunior and exo that are making me asdfghjkjhgfadsjsag






Not my gifs. Credits to owner.

Credit to My Baby 1 here.

and Baby 2 here


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