Olympian Application ║ Choi Hae Rin




Olympian Application





Hestia|| Chae Hae Rin (Helen)


─ Credits Go To;


Username; Supfunkayhelen

Profile link; http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/18239

Activeness; 9.5

What should I call you?; Helen


─ It's Only a Title;


Character name; Choi Hae Rin

Nickname; Helen, melon, hae

Date of Birth; [05/15/1992]

Age; 20|21

Ethnicity; Half Korean Half Chinese (Father Korean||Mother Chinese)

Languages spoken; Fluent: Chinese, korean, english,

Place of Birth; Melbourne Australia

Hometown; Melbourne Australia


─ I'm a Master Piece;


Ulzzang; Do Hwae Ji



One|| Two || Three || Four|| Five || Six


Back-up Ulzzang; Kwon Su Jeong



One|| Two || Three || Four|| Five


Height; 168cm || 66.14 in

Weight; 50 kg || 110lb


 ─ SYou Thought You Knew Me;



Helen is a really quiet and polite girl when you first meet her. She’s a girl who really cares about what others think of her, so she tries to show a very girly and polite and positive image for others to see. She only shows her real moody and boyish self when she’s with her members, family and close friends. She’s a really good listener and loves talking to close friends. Helen is a quite competitive and determined person, there’s hardly anything that she wants, she doesn’t get. BUT in love, she will give up if she gets the hint from something. Helen is a patient person and would try to cheer up those around her who’s getting impatient when waiting for something. However She’s a pretty messy person who’s always forgetting and losing stuff. Helen really does have a double personality. But of course, she ain’t perfect, she sometimes looses herself on variety shows and starts laughing like a hyena or reveal secrets that she wasn’t suppose to tell. She’s a really honest person and is really bad at lying, anyone can see through her. She hates crying or acting sad in front of others, so she often tries to hide her feelings, to strangers she’s pretty good at, but with her friends she’s never able to escape from them.


Helen is a really positive girl and would try to think the positive way of things when something bad happens. She’s the one that cheers everyone up in her group with her funny and sudden dances, her made up jokes, her out of tune singing, and just the way she usually mucks around. She loves her parents and family and misses them dearly, she emails them every week, and even though they hardly ever reply, (sometimes her mum does) she never gave up, and just kept sending emails to them every week, no matter how busy or tired she was.



Helen was born in Melbourne Australia but went to China when she was one. She stayed there for kindergarden but went back to Australia for Primary school. She went to Korea’s International School for Secondary and pursued her dream to be an idol there. She was wandering the street when a random person approached her and asked her to audition, and luckily she got in at the age of 16! She plays piano really well and mastered it completely (LmUs 10th grade) at the age of 16. She used to have severe stage fright, but eventually she got over it after all the training she had in the entertainment. Her parents stayed in Australia as they strongly opposed her of going to korea and pursuing her dream so she went to Korea by herself. However a few months after her settling into Korea, her brother Choi Minho came too and gave her a surprise visit, telling her that he had the same dreams as her and is going to stay in Korea too. Helen was worried that their parents were probably absolutely disappointed and shocked with them, but Minho just told her that he had said sorry, and they really just couldn’t stop them in reaching their own dreams. Helen however still felt guilty and had wanted to go back through her brother’s words, she decided to stay. 

Her family can be classified as middle classed, they couldn't really buy anything expensive or branded clothes, and always tried to find clothes in the "sales" place, but they still lived a really happy and satisfied in a 3 bedroomed house. Of course until the two siblings left, the house was quite empty and the family was incomplete. 

Likes; [5+ and why\

Chocolate flavoured things - she just loves chocolate! it cheers her up and also makes her go a bit hyper, but generally it helps her become all energized when she's sad or tired.

The smell of the air after rain - She loves the smell of the fresh air, as it makes her feel relaxed and makes her feel way better. When she breathes in the fresh air it feels like she has just been cleaned thoroughly from head to toe, and she will receive a whish of energy.

Eyeliner - makes her eyes looks bigger and she thinks it makes her look more alive and awake :P she can leave the house without foundation or any other makeup but she has to has eyeliner on :P

Sweet / dessert esp apple crumble - Her mum used to make this for her whenever she's done something good or something that made her parents happy. She loves the way that her mum makes, but in general whenever she eats apple crumble she remembers her mother. She loves sweet things, so cupcakes and icecream, etc can not escape away from her! she has to get some whenever she passes a dessert shop :P

The Amusement Park - she just loves challenges and thrills, epecially when the rollercoaster goes down, she loves screaming on it and the feeling that you get when the rollercoaster goes down in super speed. She also loves wearing those bunny ears and walk around acting all cute and annoy or make her friends laugh. Her favourite rides are the pirate ship and the ferris wheel, also bumper cars. :P


Dislike; [5+ and why]

Being in the dark - when she left home for korea, her dad threw all her jewellery on the floor so when she's in the dark she'll see all these pebbles of the bracelets falling and rolling on the floor and she panicks as she would remember that horrible scene that happened that day.

horror things - Normally horror stuff is also in the dark, so Helen's very uncomfortable watching horror things also, and she's also pretty easily scared by sudden things, eg someone suddenly opening the door, someone suddenly jumping on her, she'll feel like she had a mini heart attack

Insects - She's just plainly scared of them, scrawny, scrawly little creatures, spiders, cockroaches, bees, grasshoppers, etc.

Tomatoes - just hate the taste of it euhhhh

Fights between friends that last a long time - it just makes her feel uncomfortable and sad. She will be depressed with the friends that are fighting. she loves peace and would hate to see her close friends fighting with each other and not talking to each other. She also dislikes times when the atmosphere is absolutely tense due to the two friends that were not on good terms with each other. she will try her best to convince the two to make up.



  • shaking legs when impatient
  • fiddling with fingers when nervous
  • puffing up her cheeks when pissed
  • blushing bright red when embarassed
  • jumping up and down on the spot when extremely happy and punching the air




Photography - grandfather taught her how to take beautiful pictures of people, sceneries and even objects, and slowly she fell in love with the way the pictures turned out and even just the touch and click of the camera makes her happy.

Cooking - she loves food a lot! so she decided to learn cooking, at first she made a huge mess, but later on after many practices she starts to perfect it. She loves creating new dishes, and she uses a lot of sweet-chilli sauce in many of her own created dishes because that's the flavour she loves.

Playing piano - She has played piano ever since she was 5, she had fallen in love with the beautiful and pretty sound that the piano makes. She loves to express her sad or happy emotions into the music that she plays. Whenever she's sad and doesn't want to tell anyone, she lets it all out on the piano

Playing the chinese organ/harp  古筝 (just search it in google if you don't know :), - same with piano, she loves the sound and it just calms her down and makes her feel much better

Reading - she loves reading fiction books especially mystery, fantasy, and romance. She doesn't mind action either. She loves reading all the different plots, and reading helps her imagination get bigger, she would daydream a lot about the plot of these books after she reads them, and it's something she enjoys doing.

Writing - yep of course, after reading that many books, she loves to mix up all these plots that she has read and write her own, and she loves to write stories that would include herself. But of course give that character another name. :P Sometimes she would include real life events into her own stories/books.

Watching dramas - reading is not the only thing that interests her and gives her ideas for her stories. Dramas too! She falls for the main characters in drama really easily. Whatever drama is out, she would like the main guy of that drama. She just gets so into the drama, and would feel like she's the main girl. 


wears contacts

never broken a bone before

loves singing and dancing in the bathroom / during shower and once she slipped and hit her head hard on the wall while dancing in the shower which taught her a lesson and after that she just sings in the shower and dances after she gets 'out' of the shower :P

Rapping is also something that helps her express herself

Always wished to be in a drama.

She's extremely flexible.


─ Don't You Dare Mess With Them;


Brother : Choi Minho || borin in 1991 || Sm Artist || Really good /Close|| He is a really competitive person and loves to tease Helen about nearly everything! He loved to compete with her in everything, especially music ever since they were young. He also loves music a lot especially rapping, he used to have rapping competitions with Helen all the time in the car.]

Mother : Jenny Song || 50 || Nurse || Good || She's very sweet, soft and caring. She loves Helen a lot and was the one that was hurt the most when she left. But her mother was the one that tried to call Helen when her dad wasn't around. ]

Father : Choi Kang Hee || 53 || Doctor || Not Good || He is a determined and strong-willed person who really wanted Helen to become a doctor too. Opposed Helen strongly in going to Korea to pursue her dreams.

Cousin: Choi Siwon || born in 1987 || Sm Artist || Good/Close || A supportive oppa to Helen that helped her a lot during many hard times when she first came to Korea. Still contacts her now and then after she has settled completely in Korea.

Best Friend;

[Jung Daehyun || born in 1993|| Singer ||  A really sweet boy who knows Helen really really well, he knows most of the time how she is feeling and most of the time knows how to cheer her up.  He’s a really playful but also serious person, he thinks things through a lot more better than Helen. He guides her through a lot of tough and confusing periods of times. They met in high school and started becoming friends when they were both chosen as the main leads for their high school’s musical.  ]


[ Oh Hayoung || born in 1995  || Idol || A very bright and fun girl to hang out with. She’s always smiling and loves going shopping with Helen. She’s the type that doesn’t really care much about things,  and lets thing go really easily. They met during a CUBE audition. ]

[ Taeyang || born in 1988  || Singer ||  I met him backstage when I was a back up dancer for an idol group, i was a big fan of his during that time and asked him for an autograph, he said he saw me dancing and I was really good and i blushed red, he later met me after debut and recognised me, soon we started texting and tweeting each other.]

[Jung Krystal || born in 1992 || Model || A really stylish girl who cares a lot about fashion, she was Helen's childhood friend all the way from primary school in Australia, she came a year after Helen moved to Korea, Krystal was scouted by SM and decided to go to Korea. Helen and Krystal were really close, when they were apart they email each other really often. In korea they kept in touch too, but after she debuted, they kind of lost the frequent contact, they still texted, but not as often as before. Krystal knows Helen and her past really well]

Ideal type;

[Appearance: taller than her and it'd be best if he had an eyesmile or he just likes to smile.

Personality: A guy who's caring and loves sports. A guy who has a really sweet voice and it'd be best if he can play the guitar. A guy who loves to smile and will know when I'm down and cheer me up. A guy that has some kind of humour, or at least attempts at it. ]


─ The Past IThe Past;

How did you become a trainee?;

Firstly i was street scouted in Gangnam by one of the workers at the company, when i was shopping alone. They told me to go to the company to audition, and of course i went because that was the point i went to korea. I followed the person into their company and went into a studio. There were 3 people, the CEO, the vocal trainer and the Dance trainer. The CEO was quite satisfied with my appearance, at that time i only knew a little bit of korean, so i just started talking in english. Surprisingly she replied back speaking in english, and asked me heaps of questions, like how old i was, what my hobbies were, and what i was thinking when i followed the person here. She also asked me what i wanted to become, and in return I said an idol. So she told me to sing a song, i sang ailee's I will Show You, and danced to a random english song. I showed my extravagant flexibility and also my outstanding rapping skills, in which the CEO really liked. She was really surprised at my flexibility and also really liked it, she asked me sersiouly if i wanted to be an idol, and that i would take it seriously. Because my parents weren't here with me, I had to send the papers back to Australia for my parents to sign, and luckily they did. So the process took around 6 months before I became an official trainne, but i started training 3 months before, due to how much the CEO liked me. 

Life as a trainee;

In the beginning I had severe stage fright, and couldn't really perform in front of others, more than 6 people and my heart beat would be acclerating so fast that I'd be out of breath really really fast. So i was put as a backdancer for 2 years, as this helped me improve my dancing skills and also my stage fright. I firstly performed with groups that performed on the streets or small school concerts, later on, on the huge stage. Most of the trainees were really nice, however the vocal trainer didn't exactly like my voice, he liked my rapping skills, but the way I sing, he always criticized me, however throughout the trainee years, i became better and in return we became really close.

Trainee years; 5

I Was Made TRule;

Stage Name; Helen
Persona; The mature maknae, laughing panda, unique lizard :P

[Following please relate it to your position that is given.]
Singing; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSlGAgggDkQ

Rapping; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJFYovJovIg
Dancing; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn_PZfjb3wY


Personal fan club; Smiling Melons
Personal fan club motto; 


[Optional. Name || Age || Occupation || Personality || Why you guys are rivals?]


─ May The Gods And Goddesses BWith You;

Comments; i added one more photo for the pictures, is that alright? And Hwaiting! :)
Suggestions; Song: Kara's Pandora, Secret's Poison, 
Scence request?;





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