Les Miserables Anybody?

Okay so... Winter is coming... Or is it here already? I can't tell as there's no such thing as 'seasons' in my 'beloved' country... Anyways! CHRISTMAS is near, right? Well... When I hear Christmas, all I can think of is... Eating Chinese food. What? That's how we roll here in my small lovely town. But well, it might have changed for this particular year. Because for this past months, the first thing that pops into my mind everytime people around me say, "Christmas is near!" is...


LES MISERABLES ~the movie~


No, not fancy wrapped up presents. No, not those red-white stripped candy canes... 



this one ok?


Have you seen those trailers?! Those trailers deserve their own Academy Award win! They are so epic that I get nerdbumps every single time that I watch it... *cough* not to mention that I bawl my heart out *cough*.


I can't remember having this much fangirling power since... well... since I started liking Kpop (Oh those heavenly months of heavenly memories... More on that later :P), but I couldn't help but squeal like a friggin retarded dolphin everytime I hear Anne Hathaway's 'I Dreamed a Dream', or anytime I imagined how epic it will be when they all break down into an epic sing-off for 'One Day More'. Oh, and don't start on saying that Anna Hathaway can't sing... I'm trying to be calm here, but SERIOUSLY PEOPLE?! Can't you feel the emotion?! The emotion behind her singing was so THICK that it felt like I could cut it with a butter knife or something... It's amazing that she can sing that good while showing that much emotion... If it's me, I would have been rolling on the set, on top of a puddle of my own tears long before I finished the first chorus... 


Anna Hathaway deserves an Oscar for her Fantine... 

Piss off aaaa!


So yeah, in my opinion (well, as far as I've seen/heard from the trailer) all the casts have a pretty good singing voice. I have no doubt on Hugh Jackman, he was good. Amanda Seyfried was great in Mamamia, so I expect her to be good here. I don't need to say anything for Samantha Barks, her Eponine will be GREAT. I was surprised though with Eddie Redmayne and Russell Crowe, they were good! *cough and Eddie made a smokin Marius cough*. I can't wait to see Sacha Baron Cohen as Mr. Thenardier... I think he fits the image really well. And I can't wait to see my beloved Enjolras *fangirling moment*. It's a shame though that he didn't wear his trademark blazer? Outerwear? Yeah some kind of that on the trailer... 


I need to dedicate one paragraph for my 'current' favorite character in Les MIs... Eponine. Being a teenager, I can (or maybe kind of) understand what she went through. Come on... Of course you've gone through that agonizing phase of unrequited love. Well, I have. While going through this unstable, emo, and angsty days, singing her song, 'On My Own', really helped me channel my disappointment and frustration *cough* and tears *cough*. I know she had went through a lot more and my story didn't end up as tragic as hers (well I sure hope not), but honestly, she is one of the characters that I can relate to the most, and 'On My Own' was officially my 'love life' anthem for this past years. Eponine, I got you girl... I got you...

R... Right... in the heart! 


Overall, I think this is going to be a really EPIC movie and I just can't wait for December to start so I can go to the cinema, sing along with them, clapping everytime they finish a song... Well, basically becoming a public disturbance... yeah whatever XP.



"Eyy Becky! How about the Hobbit?"

Aww don't make me start on THAT!




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