A Project Close To Heart


Here's the thing..


I've been thinking of doing a project based on a real story.

Have you guys ever thought of making a fic based on your own stories but don't know how to start cause your mind is spinning with so many ideas.

Well, i do..

I seriously don't know what to do.

I'm suppose to concentrate on my exam and ace it.

But this story has been haunting me since i've started writing my Music Romance.

Maybe because it is somewhat of the opposite of MR.

Before i debut on Winglin and AFF, i've been the behind the scene dudetess to some of my school's drama club productions and even helped friends from other schools to do theirs.

However, i have not fulfill what i've wanted to always write.

I know what is my biggest fear.

It is not the critics, but it the fear of unable to succeed.

'' Should i go for it? ''

That is the question i've been asking myself.

And now i'm asking you..

" Should i? "..



- A Cry From Uri -


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go for it Uri
yes you should.
Of course you should go for it if it's what you want to do. If you try your hardest, how can you say you failed? No matter the final outcome, as long as you put your all in, it can't be called a fail. If you're unsure, try anyway. What's the worst that can happen? As you're saying yourself, that you don't want to "fail", use your own determination to make it into what you want it to be.<br />
I hope this helped. I'll be looking forward to seeing what you can do. *0*<br />
Peace =^-^=