Cafe Royal Application-Primrose0930




Song Jae Hee


Real You

username: Primrose0930

profile link:  Link~


Le Interview

Hi, what's your name?

My Name is Song Jae Hee, it's nice to meet you!

Do you have any nicknames? If you do, who calls you that and why?

My friends usually call me Jae because its easier than saying Jae Hee all the time, haha!

So, how old are you?

I just turned 18 in September, I hope i'm not to young for the position...

Are you currently enrolled in any schools? If so, please me which school you attend.

Oh! I've enrolled in SM Acadamy, its mainly for singing, dancing, and acting.

What is your nationality?

I'm fully korean!

Nice, where were you born? Where did you grow up?

Let's see, I was born in Busan but grew up in Daegu.

What are some things you like or dislike? 

Well, I LOVE having my music on really loud, and since I have a mjor sweet tooth, I love sweet foods, and i absolutly love dancing in the rain! But i absolutly despise the winter, mainly because i get cold really easily, i hate horror movies, but i just can't stand peas. Yes, it's a random vegetable, but... it's just so.... evil tasting.

Do you have any habits?

People tell me I bite my lower lip alot when I'm frustarted or nervous.

Are there any interesting facts about you? 

Oh, I'm really great with kids and animals! I have a pet dog at home, so its easy to get along with them.

Ahh, I see. Okay, how would you describe yourself? Do you get along with others?

I think I get along great with others, but people call me wierd or odd. I think its beause I'm a little 4D... I just change topics radnomly anddo alot of random movements. I'm also kind of motherly, like, I'll always remind my friends to eat their vegetable, or do their homework, or even pack extra food for them in my own lnch box because I know they'll forget!

If we had a situation where someone didn't like their order, how would you handle it?

Apoligize immediatly and serve them something they would like!

What position would you like? 

I think being a waitress would be kind of cool!

Do you have any experience in work?

I've worked in my family's dumpling house as a waitress before, i think that would help alot.

What other position would you like to have?

How about a baker? Having a sweet tooth like mine would help me in that carreer!

Can you speak any other language besides Korean? If you do, how fluent are you? 

I'm fluent in English and Korean, but I can speak comfortably in Japanese!

Alright, we like a request from you. Can you present us with any of your works? 

Well, I've only baked a little, but this is what I have...

Thank you for coming here and applying for Café Royal. I hope to see you in the future! -Soohyun gives you handshake-

*shakes hand with a smile*



Ulzzang Name: Song Ah Ri

Pictures:  1    2    3   4   5


Back-Up Ulzzang Name:  Sasyo

Pictures: 1    2     3     4    5


How do you dress like? Casual? Formal? Sleeping? (hyperlink all photos and give a brief description, at least three for each)

When it comes to casual, Jae likes to kick it up a notch. She's ALWYS wearing a skirt or dress, the only time you'll ever see Jae Hee wearing pants is when she's sick and or it's dress code. She's always playing and matching accessories with her outfits and is contstantly messing with her hair.

Casual: 1   2   3  4  5

When its formal, Jae keeps it sleek, slim, and simple. She hates all that fru-fru pink fluff princess gowns she always see's. If anyone tries to put her in a gown like that, she might just rip it to shreds.

Formal: 1   2    3    4   5


When its laying around the house, sleeping, or doing chores, Jae Hee finally breaks out the comfort clothes. She will wear anything when it omes to sleeping, swetshirts, pants, t-shirts, long sleeved, ANYTHING.

Sleeping: 1   2    3    4  



Family Background(At least two paragraphs):

Family&Friends(Format: Name || Age || Relationship || Dead or Alive || Occupation || How you guys interact):

How you met your friends(One paragraph for each person):




Love Interest

Name: Lee Taemin

Age: 19/20


Personality(At least two paragraphs that mention how he interacts with his parents, friends, strangers and you and how he is in general):

How you guys met(At least one paragraph):

His friends(does not have to be from his group, at least one or two friends. I'll count a group as one):

How he dresses like(at least 5 picture links;hyperlink):


Back-Up Love Interest Name:



Personality(At least two paragraphs that mention how he interacts with his parents, friends, strangers and you and how he is in general):

How you guys met(At least one paragraph):

His friends(does not have to be from his group, at least one or two friends. I'll count a group as one):

How he dresses like(at least 5 picture links;hyperlink):







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