98 Truths *Of my everyday life haha jk! Whatevs*


98 Truths


1. Real Name:  Cadaya

2. Nickname(s): Daya, ,,Duckie

3. Zodiac Sign: Libra

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School:  I went to too many to remember but the last one I went to was Williamson Elementary school.

6. College: I'm a sophomore...

8. Hair Color: Dark Brown

9. Tall or Short: Short as . I'm like five feet. Exactly that height

10. IM or Email:  email

11. Sweats or Jeans:  jeans

12. Health Freak: Yess, I get all pissy on my family when I see them eat pigs feet. It's disgusting as ! 

13. Orange or Apple:  Apple

14. Do you have a secret crush on someone:  Omg,yes! I love Yixing and the other five guys I like...

15. Eat or Drink:  You can't live without both-What is this!

16. Piercings:  Just my ears, I did have snake bites before but it was weird.

17. Pepsi or Coke:  If I had to...pepsi. Like if I'm really thirsty or some or else I would be drinking sprite :P

18. Been in an Airplane:  Hell.No. I am scared of those things!

19. Been in a Relationship:  Yep

20. Been in a Car Accident:  Yes

21. Been in a fist fight:  Mmhmm

22. First piercing(s): My ears

23. Current Best Friend(s):  Micah, Melanie,Juanita, Tyler,Eric,Marcos,Isak,Zoey- omg...who else? I think that's it- oh! Ian!

24. First Award:  For using a hoola-hoop the longest. That's because I was a stick figure .*Still am T__T*

25. First Crush:  Idk, I think this guy whose name was Anthony. It was like...kindergarten.

26. First Word:  Purple? Then I thought of gay...then but ...wtf?

27. Last Person You Talked To In Person:  My mom

28. Last Person I Texted:  My aunt

29. Last Person You Watched A Movie With: My little brother, we were laughing over Role Models. Freaking love that movie!

30. Last Movie You Watched:  Holiday Season? It's so cute!!

31. Last Song You Listened To:  Ottoman by Vampire Weekend

32. Last Thing You Bought:  A box of poptarts...

33. Last Person You Hugged:  Hot, my cousin.

34. Favorite Food:  Macaroni and cheest moers! That's my ~

35. Favorite Drink:  SPRITE! It cures the sickly and me!

36. Bottoms:  Jeans- OMG! ~Shawty got them apple bottom jeans~ I'm sorry I just...ugh.

37. Flowers:  Roses :P

38. Animal:  Hmm...Bats,snakes,dogs,uggh, monkeys,llamas, sheeps, and pandas. I want a panda *TAO*

39. Color(s):  Blue and green.

40. Favorite Movie: The hell...I don't have a favorite movie- Oh wait! Girl,interrupted! 

41. Favorite Subject:  I hate my school and it makes me want to piss on everything I used to love which was English. I have no favorite subject now....


Have you ever...

42. [X] gotten Baptized

43. [X] celebrated Halloween

44. [ X] had your heart broken

45. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your phone

46. [ x] had someone question your ual orientation

47. [ ] got pregnant

48. [ ] had an abortion

49. [X] did something you regret

50. [X ] broke a promise

51. [x] hid a secret

52. [x] pretended to be happy

53. [ ] met someone who changed your life

54. [x] pretended to be sick

55. [ ] left the country

56. [ x] tried something you normally wouldn't have tried but liked it

57. [x] cried over a silly thing

58. [X] ran a mile

59. [] went to the beach with your best friend

60. [ x] got into an argument with your friends

61. [x] hated someone

62. [] stayed single for a whole year



63. eating: Jolly rancher bar...Idk wtf it is...

64. drinking:  Water

65. listening to: Nothing but I will be listening to Catch Me by TVQX in a moment

66. sitting/laying:  sitting

67. plans for today: Nothing.  .__________________. Absolutely nothing.

68. waiting for:  Someone to get me out of this hell hole and take me to South Korea...!


Your future...

69. want kids:  Mama don't do kids. But if she did, it would either be one or four...yeah I don't understand my logic neither...

70. want to get married:  Yeah but I hate everyone...

71. career:  Writer or psychologist. I want to help people mostly.


Which one is in a significant order..

72. lips or eyes:  Neither...those are my favorite things about my face!

73. shorter or taller: Taller

74. romantic or spontaneous:  Romantic

75. hook-up or relationship:  Neither...dating is stupid...except with a kpop star and four chinese members...

76. looks or personality: Personality


Have you ever..

77. lost your glasses/contacts:  no

78. snuck out of your house: yes

79. held a gun/knife for self-defense: no

80. killed somebody: wtf...I wouldn't be here if I did. 

81. broken somebody's heart:  Maybe, I never really notice *Got a heartless over here!*

82. cried when someone dies: Sometimes but when I want to cry...I can't.


Do you believe in..

83. yourself: most of the time

84. miracles:  Nope!

85. love at first sight:  Yeah but then it's just my ovaries exploding...

86. heaven: Mmhmm

87. santa claus: I never believed in that moer :P

88. on first date:  Umm...hell no. I don't want to get prego! You seen Secret Life? nooooo

89. kiss on first date:  I used to but not anmyore...


90. Is there one person you want to be with right now:  T___T Yes *LAY!!*

91. Do you know who your real friends are:  Mmhmm

92. Do you believe in God: Totally

93. Post as 100 truths:  What? I don't understand...



94. quote a famous person:  Half my life is an act of revision.- John Irving

95. say something funny:  Nothing I really say is funny *But ppl still laugh at me >.<* But I'll give you something : Please note: before you choose to piss me off, I suffer from mental illness so could easily kill you and plead insanity. Have a nice day :)

96. laugh at yourself:  All the time, I just did like three seconds. I'm not doing it again.

97. last message: Umm...I'm writing the short story Sleeps and I'm almost done with it?

98. a picture of you:  Okay! 


Selcas for everybody! :DDDDDD Not really...

Credit to this person~ KibummieWaifu


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This one seems fun too *might as well try this until the writer's block bug get off me* ;D BTW, you are pretty :)
Mind if I do this? Haha, :P
We would get along well xD
Your really pretty.
I was laughing through out this entire thing. It was really entertaining.