Merville Academy Application-Primrose0930


❧ Merveille Academy ❧ School of Wonders 


❧ Creator... only you take... brokeness.... ❧

Username:  Primrose0930

Profil Link: Click~

What should I call you?:  Jess

How active are you?: 9


 and create it... into beauty.. once again... 

Character Name: Kwon MinHee

Nicknames: Mini- Only her parents because and best friend because they love to about her small size and it sounds like the beginning of her name

Species: Nymph

real Age: 2075

Appearance Age: (18

Birthday : September 30

Ethinicy / Nationality : Half Korean and Half American

Languages: Korean, English, and French

Personality :MinHee is one of THOSE girls. No, she isn't the quiet one and she isn't the obnoxiously loud one either. She's a mixture. She's well known for her 4D personality, being completly calm and quiet, the next, she's on the floor laughing her off about something that happened a month ago. MinHee can also have one heck of a temper. It's not that she has a short fuse, its more so that once you get her mad, its nearly impossible to calm her down. MinHee is also a worry wart, always wondering what was happening to her firneds or what was going to happen to her next, i guess you could call it her mothering side. She wants to look out for others rather than her self, and she makes sure poeple know that. 

Along with a fiery temper and giggly personality, MinHee is more stubbron than a mule. Once she makes a decision, she normally never rethinks it. You'd have to be pretty persuasive to change her mind about anything, and pretty strong to make her move if she doesn't want to. MinHee is also fidgety and impatient and it is nearly impossible for her to stay still for more than hour, she always has to move some part of her body. But as fidegety as she was, she could make herself focus on any task at hand. MinHee never likes relying on people, instead, she prefers people relying on he otheriwse she would feel like a burden to anyone other wise and would never forgive herself. 

Likes: Rain storms, sunshine, pink roses, music so loud it hurts,  sweet foods, skinship

Dislikes: Blood, horror movies, peas, fires, cold weather/winter. spicy foods

Habits: Biting her lower lip when she's thinking or scared, drumming her fingers when she gets bored or impatient, ignoring poeple who are talking to her and closing her eyes when she gets angry, and blushing whenever she laughs

Hobbies: singing, dancing, archery

Fears: Being left alone, heights

Trivia: She's super flexible, excellent with kids, and paints her nails a different color every week.


❧ Fairytales 

Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri

Ulzzang Pictures: 1   2    3    4   5

Back-Up Ulzzang: Sasyo

Ulzzang Pictures: 1   2   3

Wings? : I wish :(

Extras:  She has purple/grey eyes.

She has a cherry blossom tattoo that covers her entire back. 


❧ Once upon a Dream ❧

Family History: MinHee never fit in as a child. Never. No matter where her parents moved her, it didnt matter, she was always made fun of for her small size and strange eye color. Hence, it led to her being bullied throughout her childhood. However, MinHee tried to pay it no mind because she always found comfort in a nearbye forrest, field, or river. She would occasionally cry or let out angry cries when her bullies taunting words would get to her, but she would never let anyone see how truly hurt she was by those kids words. Aside from her relentless bullying, MinHee would move from country to country with her parents, her family never being the type to settle in one place for long. 

With Yuri by MinHee's side, she eventaully made it through her rough childhood and followed in her unnies footsteps, always looking up to her sister, that was until she met Vivien, where she learned it was ok to be yourself and speak for yourself, no matter what other poeple may think about you. It wasn't until they returned to Korea did MinHee find Merville acadaemy. When she did, she knew that was where she belonged.



Kwon Jihoo/49/ alive/ hot tempered, strict, but caring. He has a way with words that makes you listen when he's speaking. He's charismatic and charming, but no matter how harsh his punishments or speeches be, he cares very deeply for his daughters and wife./ father, not very close, but its never really awkward unless they get on the topic of boys./ Elemental-fire.

Kwon Alice/45/alive/ sweet, nurturing, funny, a bit naive, but is very all-knowing. She always knows whats going on, no matter what you may think or what she says/ mother, these two are lcoser than two peas in a pod and can speak about EVERYTHING under the sun./ Nymph

Siblings : Kwon Yuri/ 21/ Idol/ Alive/  Yuri is the mysterious and protective older sister who somehow knows everything that goes on in MinHee's life. She can be a bt smothering and unbarable at times and has a hot temper, but she always means well/ Older sister. these are always bickering and teasing each-other, but they look out for eachother, whther they know it or not./ Elemental-water

Best Friend : 

Yu Vivien/(she appears) 18/ OC/ Alive/ Vivien is basically the other half of MinHee, excet more crazy and energetic and much more free willed and care free/  MinHee was sitting in a field when she saw Vivien skip through the forrest trees. Vivien didnt see MinHee and ended up running into her./ Fairy

Friend : 

Choi JinR/19/Idol/ Alive/ JinRi prefers to go by Sulli, and is a ball of sunshine, always smiling and cracking jokes, shes pretty optimistic and usually never has something bad to say. However, her optimism is often leads to her being blinded by foolish things and is quite naive./  The treat eachother kindly, almost like siblings and can always have an easy and flowing conversation./ Elves


Jung Krystal/ 19/ Idol/ Moody, tempermental, and  blunt/ She claimes to be Taemin's girlfriend and see's MinHee as a threat (which she is) and sh thinks MinHee will use her 'powers' to steal Taemin away and get Krystal expelled/  Banchee


❧  Porcelain Heart ❧ 

Love Interest:

Lee Taemin/ 20/  Elemental-earth/ SHINee

Personality : Taemin is the cool and collected type of guy, he doesn;t anger very easily, but when he does, all hell breaks loose and its impossible to calm him down. He hates the way Krsytal acts around him (No, she isn't his girlfirend) He's the kind of guy who, if he likes someone, will look after them froma distance since he is not conifdent in himself to confess to the girl and he's a bit of a trainwreck when he can't think properly. He's childish and stubbron at times and is usually laidback when it comes to activities, preffering to take everything in slowly and smell the roses rather than race through anything. But dont ket his quiet nature fool you, this boy knows how to get what he wants, he will use his aegyo and baby voice until he gets what he wants.

How did/will you meet?: MinHee was stumbling through the hallways, confused and lost as to where she was supposed to go, in her panic, she tripped over her own feet and ended up just sitting on the floor, scared and confused. Taemin found her on his way to class, seeing her so close to tears, he offered to give her a tour of the school grounds so that she wouldnt get lost again.

How do you act around eachother?: Like a sunbae/hoobae. Minhee likes to show Taemin alot of respect since he found her at such a weak moment and Taemin just wants them to be oppa/donsaeng, feeling awkward with formalities and such a respectible attitude towards him.


Back up love interest :

Choi Minho/22/ Elemental-fire/ SHINee

Personality : Minho is that charismatic jock everyone respects and admires from afar. But in private, he's a lonely and dorky boy who needs to unwind and let loose infront of someone. He's a romantic at heart, a guy who will put passion into every he does. He's super competetive, unless hes versing a girl, and he's completely protective and clingy when he finds a girl he likes.

How did/will you meet?: MinHee was studing outside by the pond, where Krsytal suddenly appeared and threatened to beat MinHee if she didnt leave Taemin alone. Minho, who was passing by, told Krystal to lay off and offered to buy MinHee something to drink since Krystal gave her such a hard time on her first day.

How do you act around eachother?: Very comfortably, as if these two had known eachother their entire lives. 


❧ The End 

Scene request: Can you do a scene where Taemin accidentally see's MinHee's tattoo and he freaks out about how big it is and that she actually had one for someone who looked so innocent?

Comment? Suggestions? Anything?:  nope, nothing!

Password:  Mirror Mirror  ( I hope you see the way MinHee looks at herself in the mirror and thinks about all the times she was bullied for her odd looks.)


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