Legendary Travelers Application


Lee, Xiaomei
merciless bright-eyed dreamweaver






name tag 


☂ USERNAME : PlanetExotic






☂ NAME : Jacq







ice statue 


❉ ULZZANG : Jung Hyun Joo

❉ PICTURES : BewareOf . The . Brown . Eyed . One .




❉ PICTURES : 1 . 2 . 3 . 4. 5.



❉ DESCRIPTION : Standing only six inches away from six feet, Xiaomei is a small yet comfortable B-cup. She is obviously skinny, no sign of muscle seemingly on her body, and dawned with light tan skin that can be mistaken for a porcelain white under direct moonlight. She has a mane of dark chocolate which falls mid-back and neatly trimmed. She constantly wears green, her choice being a matter of color rather than material, and therefore getting the name 'The Green Lady'. Rarely is she seen wearing anything other than that of a crescent pendant with the silver mold of a fairy hold a shining green orb, emerald, in hand. She is always found to be wearing beige sandals--a present from someone on her 16th birthday. Her eyes are a bright chestnut brown that seem to peer inward past the soul...and they do. When taking the life of others, her eyes with acquire a silver tinge on the edges.







when the day is on 


☀ NAME : Lee Xiaomei



☀ NICKNAME : The Green Lady



☀ AGE : 18



 LIFESTYLE : As of the moment, Xiaomei works as an apothecary. She is local 'witch-doctor' as some still call it. She owns a shop in the middle of the merchant town, and makes anything from simple aspirin to deadly poisons in her free time (not free of charge, of course). She does not work on weekends unless it is an emergency, and even then requires extra payment. During the nights she goes out to gather missing or low-stock ingredients, and keeps shop closed during these times, the key that she has turning into the pendant she wears.



☀ HISTORY : Due to what was stolen, Xiaomei has no history, or rather cannot remember it. When she finds a person she likes, she merely takes over their lives with a simple look in the eye, and leaves them stranded with no memory or reccollection of who they are or once were.



☀ WORLD : Dollemoh [Gullia]

☀ SELECTION : Quilter [Siren]








weather forecast 


☁ STOLEN : Her ability to dream. Dreams are memories for Xiaomei. Without them, she cannot remember who she is or why she's alive. However, she was left with only one memory--The Red Guitarist



☁ PERSONALITY : Xiaomei does pity people, but never more than herself. She does not believe in vanity or pride being something bad, and in fact embraces it. No matter whom she is or what she's doing, she proud of it, and wouldn't be doing it if she weren't. Xiaomei is actually very nature-friendly. She enjoys times where she can just lay in the grass with no one around, and considers this one of the few times she can be at peace. She enjoys animals who, no matter whose life she's taken over, have always seen her as a friendly type. She wasn't sure if it was her personality before the Red Guitarist came or something else, but it really confused and annoyed her at first. When her dream had been erased, and was still wandering to find herself, animals seemed to follow her everywhere, and eventually led her to the house of the old apothecary.

She comes off as a very nice and humble person. At first glance, she seems like a very innocent and kind person that seems to be willing help anyone in need, and for a certain price, she will. In reality, Xiaomei works with a give and take relationship with people. Rarely will she ever do something out of spite or kindness. If there is no benefit for her, she will not help. Even worse, on a lazy day, if forced to work will ask for something extra in return that could range from a strand of hair to a free dinner or large sum of money. She strongly believes in only helping herself and unless completely and emotionally attached to someone else there is no reason to do something for free. Due to her slightly selfish nature, it is very hard for Xiaomei to understand the point of helping others. Meeting really kind people ticks her off, and she automatically ends up disliking them. People who endorse philanthropy and leave little time for themselves leave her in awe.

Despite her all-or-nothing personality, she really dislikes physical fighting. She could throw insults back and forth all day, but she prefers no physical fighting. No matter how mad she is, she would never hit someone, even playfully, and if she did things would immediately get serious. Because of this, she can be very sarcastic to the point where it seems like she hates a person. She has grown rather used to this and sometimes shows her feelings with unexpected comebacks, but if caught will quickly lie to cover it upShe is a fully skilled liar and can convince anyone that she's trustworthy, which is how she was able to take over the life of an apothecary. 

One of her favorite talents is her facial expressions which she can use to make a person convinced of anything. While doing so, she is usually plotting against a person. She can often look like the sweetest girl, but be plotting the downfall of a person inside her mind. She is very intelligent, but is often too lazy to even show it. She knows she has the skills of a leader, but honestly has no idea what to use it on. She prefers a simple life, which is why she adores dollemoh so much. Though at the same time, tropos interests her just as much, and if she could live anywhere else, it would be there. Unfortunately, due to the lack of ingredients found there, she only arrives if on requests of poisons. 





  • Nature and Animals | Immune to her eyes and calm her
  • Water | It's healthy and she knows how valuable it can be
  • Parties | Can become anyone; She's sociable
  • Heat | She feels free





  • Insects | Annoy her
  • Blood | Hates color and smell
  • Looking people in the eyes | Can accidentally steal life
  • Touching or saying nice things to others | Makes her uncomfortable
  • Kind People | Can't Understand them



☁ FEAR :

  • fear of ghosts
  • fear of being judged
  • fear of being forgotten
  • fear of blood





  • Travelling everywhere except Frostelle
  • She likes to draw or paint but rarely has any time for it




  • Speaking while looking at the ground or current task
  • Talking to herself in her mind
  • If concentrated on one thing, cannot stop until it is finished correctly
  • Running hands through hair




  • Yawns in the middle extrenuous activity (sports, fighting, etc.)
  • High pain tolerance
  • Has been trained to protact herself...somewhat








written in stone 


☄ FAMILY : None




☄ SECOND INTEREST : Kris, Lay, Baekhyun



☄ LOVE SCENE : Tao likes Xiaomei first. However, she responds awkwardly or not at all to his advances making him think otherwise. Also, when asked why she has no interest in him, she explains that she does, but she has work and goals to fulfill and fears a relationship might stunt those.








party time 


✿ BACKGROUND : She had stolen the life of an apothecary two years ago, and has been that way since.  She's taught herself a small amount of martial arts, but is nowhere near an expert at it and avoids fights if at all necessary.




  • can name plants and uses if they have any
  • can detect poison with just a look
  • can call animals at will
  • Really good at reading Facial Expressions




  • Cannot dream, therefore not know herself
  • Refuses fighting and stiffens when in sight of blood
  • When using her eyes, cannot  move until process complete. (5-15 mins)
  • Feels no remorse for those she's stolen life from




  • Canine Seeking | magic | Whistles higher than humans can perceive | a wolf molds from the ground and can be sent to do any task | 6
  • Spirit Conjuration | magic offense | ties a strand of hair around her finger and snaps | A clone of the hair's owner molds from the ground and keeps that persons skills | 1-10 depending on person
  • Nomads' Serenity | control | touch the victim | causes them to abandon hostile or angry thoughts | 7
  • The Imperial Sigil of the Arch-Angels | magic offense | draw a crescent of opponents blood and her own on her forehead | time stops and the stars align shotting arrows of light at opponent (drains all mana, rendering her useless; has never been used due to extreme fear of blood | 10
  • Silver Eye | control | Look a person in the eye | Takes memories and dreams from victim | 5




Offense 5/10
Defense 9/10

Mana 10/10
Marksmanship 2/10
Speed 5/10
Stealth 7/10
Strength 3/10
Stamina 3/10
Endurance 8/10
Reflex 8/10




Tranquility 4/10
Intelligence 8/10
Fortune 5/10]
Bravery 8/10
Trust 2/10
Trustworthy 5/10
Observation 8/10
Following Orders 4/10








☂ ❉ ☀ ☁ ☄ ✿


■ IDEAS : Maybe later? xD



■ END : I would prefer not getting killed off..^^



■ COMMENTS : ohmaigod. o_o This is my first time applying for a story. It's so long. xDD But it feels like I'm playing Skyrim all over again (even lisetned to teh soundtrack while making this). Exciteddddd.



■ I love orangetealatte? :D




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