Vegeta's Sacrifice



DBZ fans remember this scene right? Gosh it was so powerful and emotional DX Ah my childhood memories ^^ Used to come home from school and watch Dragonball Z on Toonami every single day, trying to buy all the uncut versions but they're so expensive >.<



Edit: And also I found out yesterday my little sister threatened to tell my brother about him possibly having cancer, because my mom wouldn't let her get her ears pierced >< My mom wanted to wait and tell him tomorrow so when my mom called us and told us that oh hoh I was TICKED at her. I know she's only eleven but still! The world doesn't revolve around her, and were trying to teach her that. *sighs* Sorry but that got me so angry at her at the moment and still am slightly.


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Shiet son, I have no idea how I would have reacted to that. That . Oh well, it's something she'll feel guilty about when she's older. Don't you sometimes think back to when you were a kid and wonder what the hell you were doing? x3
Ah memories...