`〈 d i v i n i t é 〉↷ application┊xiu xiana

 xiu xiana.

the basic information. )

username ↷ nanachirisuu

profile link  ()

what should i call you?  call me nana !


climbing to the top. )

character's name ↷ Xiū Xiànà (夏娜) (shoo.shee.ahn.ah.)


Hàixiū (害羞) (hi.shoo) literally translates to 'shy'/'blushing', xiū is also her last name
() (shee.ah) a shortened version of her name
Snow White (snow. wyt) because of her pale skin, red lips and raven black hair 

date of birth  02/02/93

ethnicity  Chinese

height ↷ 16 5cm

weight ↷ 43 kg

blood type ↷ B

place of birth ↷ Beijing, China (Beijing Buwai Hospital)

hometown ↷ Beijing, China

languages ↷ Chinese (fluent) | Korean (advanced)

uhljjang name ↷ Zhang Xinyuan (张辛苑)

uhljjang hq links one. two. three. four. five. six. seven. eight. more photos (website).

uhljjang back up ↷chen yue 

uhljjang back up hq links  one. two. three. four. five.


( the reality of humanity. )

personality ↷

Xiana is not a girl of many words. She is often hiding behind her hands, or long curtain of hair. Because of her silence, Xiana has become an observer, a curious wallflower. She notices the small details that most people overlook, which makes her a caring friend. She helps others without anyone realising, in the slightest, quietest ways.

Xiana doesn't open up to others extremely quickly, but when she does, it's like a flower blooming in spring. When she decides that you are a comrade, she'll look out for you and remain by your side. She is more collected and mature for her age, and prides herself in her indepent manner. She is calm and pleasing, and because of her aura, others always admire her.

She has an eye for beauty. If something catches her eye or triggers her heart strings, then she writes it down in her leather-bounded notebook. A few examples of the 'beauties' listed; coffee on a lazy sunday morning, the colour of spring, sunlight on white, musty libraries. Xiana writes quite a lot, in her spare time, just locked up in her room. She writes nonsensical poetry, strings pretty words together to create alliterations.

Although most people believe that Xiana is lonely, she is simply a quiet person. Rather than getting involved with everyone, she enjoys watching and listening. She isn't a fan of socialising, and would rather sit and read a book. Xiana has a strong talent for keeping her posture and being polite, and she scarely gets angry at anyone. She always refuses to let her emotions mingle with her work or colleagues. Manners is very high on her list of priorities, and being from humble family, she has grown to be kind and respectful.

Xiana's love for ballet has given her a more balanced outlook on life. She works hard, but in the shadows, and is usually kept out of the spotlight. She is one of those girls who looks like she could float away with the wind, because she is so wispy and graceful. Xiana feels like she's flying when she leaps, when she does a pique perfectly and successfully completes her fouettes. There is an odd thrill that comes with ballet, one question that shines in her mind, will she fall? Xiana loves the risk, and the accomplished feeling that comes with it. 

Xiana is as clean on the inside as she is on the outside. She looks innocent, untainted, fresh and sweet. She is all of these things, and more. Her purity gives those around her the need to protect her, although she insists that she is fine on her own. To all that see her, Xiana is a deliate flower, and one that needs to be preserved.

Her nickname 'Haixiu' is quite a fitting description. She is always flustered when called out, when people stare at her, or she is the centre of attention. She blushes easily (her cheeks flush a pretty crimson), and her toes curl at each compliment she recieves (which is very often). Xiana is more than a pretty face, however. She sings with a gentle, soprano voice, that can lull anyone to sleep. Xia also has a strong love for ballet, and has been taking classes since she was eight.

If asked to write, or speak about herself, Xiana would be at a loss of words. In her eyes, she is plain, simple and boring. There's nothing that's eye-catching or interesting about her, or so she says. Yes, she is your everyday girl-next-door, but there is something uncommonly pretty about her. Xiana is too graceful, she sashays instead of walking, she doesn't shout and she scarcely speaks. Not to mention, her crazy good-looks that everyone except herself notices. Xiana isn't bold, and she never speaks for herself. She'd rather let the drama go on without her, whilst she sits in her only little dreamy world.

She is very conservative, in many ways. Xiana hates showing too much skin, or revealing her body. She always wears long skirts, and ugly sweaters with frilly collars. Many people say she was 'born in the wrong century', just judging by her fashion sense. She prefers vintage style clothing, and always covers up as much as humanely possible.

In a nutshell, Xiana is a delicate, reserved and kind wallflower. She is shy and socially-awkward, but is otherwise well-liked. Xiana loves to write, to feel the ink flowing from her pen and onto the page. "Words are eternal, especially when they are imprinted on paper," she always says. She is a people-pleaser, and tries her best to fit everyone's expectations. She is whimsical and majestic, and everyone who meets her immediately dotes on her calm aura. 

family background 

Xiana was born and raised in the rural part of Beijing. Although others disliked the poor area, Xiana enjoyed the serene comfort that was in the countryside. Her parents weren't tremendously well-off, they owned a farm and a little corner shop, and were middle-class. They raised Xiana with patience and love, teaching her the correct ways to act, to be lady-like. Xiana soon grew up to be a courteous young woman, caring for others above herself. She wasn't very technology-friendly, and rather than having days spent about on a computer typing away, she picked flowers and wrote in her spare time.

When she was thirteen years old (and an SM trainee), she had two options: take an hour long bus trip to the city and back, everyday, or move there permanently. Her family couldn't afford to lose the farm, so Xiana had to travel very far for a long time. 

Her issues with her area increased profoundly when she turned sixteen, and had to move to Korea for proper training. This caused a large ruckus with her family - they just couldn't leave the farm. And so, a very young and alone Xiana moved to Seoul on her own, barely able to speak the language. She shared a room with a kind Chinese boy from her company, Luhan. She and Luhan grew to be very close friends, and he looked after her during her darkest times. 

Eventually, Luhan debuted with the group Exo, and moved to his own dorm. Xiana was moved to another dorm to train specifically with Divinite, and although she and Luhan grew apart, they never lost contact.

Xiana and her parents had a well-nurtured relationship. With their guidance, she grew up into a polite girl, and she was happy and content with her parents and their relationship. 

likes ↷ 

`*) Poetry
`*) Tea & coffee
`*) Classical music
`*) Birds
`*) Silence
`*) Plain things, monochromatic themes
`*) Empty boxes
`*) Paper cranes
`*) Fairytales
`*) Road trips
`*) Books
`*) Her piano
`*) Pretty words, pretty things
`*) Vegetables and fruits
`*) Carbonara

`*) Rain, lightning

dislikes ↷ 

`*) Loud noises
`*) Drama
`*) Spoiled people
`*)Attention, being stared at
`*) Neon colours
`*) Pessimists 
`*) Showing too much skin
`*) Technology-dependant people
`*) Rudeness

`*) Selfishness

hobbies ↷
`*) Writing/Reading
`*) Piano
`*) Watching dramas
`*) Ballet

habits ↷
`*) Covers her smile with the back of her hand
`*) Bites her lips
`*) Twirling her hair around her finger
`*) Always blushes
`*) Nods too often

trivia ↷

`*) Xiana was featured in Epik High's 'It's Cold'
`*) Stronger than she appears 
`*) She can play the piano
`*) Began free-lance modelling when she was sixteen, was also noticed as an ulzzang
`*) She is Christrian
`*) Her idols are Rainie Yang, Shuo Luo, Mozart and Pierina Legnani

`*) Owns a cat called Daisy

the queen is reigning the throne. )

stage name ↷ Xiana

persona ↷ Wingless Angel

personal fanclub name ↷ xields (pronounced like shieleds)

personal fanclub color ↷ #light grey

position ↷ vocalist, visual, sub dancer

back up position ↷ lead vocalist, sub dancer, maknae

amount if training ↷ Six years under SM's wing. 

trainee history ↷

Xiana originally auditioned once at the age of 10 at JYP Entertainment, but was rejected. The idol-life had never truly occured to her since then. She has always had a passion for ballet, and had a very sweet, soft voice. She eventually auditioned online at SM Entertainment, with a video of her singing 'Ai Mei' by Rainie Yang, and her dancing. She was accepted through her online video and sent into the second round, and so on. 

Xiana was officially a trainee when she was thirteen, a young and shy bud beginning to flower. The older seniors found her endearing, but steared clear most of the time. She grew up far too beautifully over the years. Although she was bursting at the seams with dashing good-looks, talent and skills, the company only told her, "We're saving your debut for something special."

She waited for four years, before hearing that she was to debut with their new, futuristic girl group, 'Divinité'. She trained with seven other talented girls, until they were shorted to five. A few of them came and went, but Xiana always held a secure position in the group. 


everlasting affection. )

parents ↷ 

mother | Shī Xiǎojuān |  师晓娟 | 45 | part-time cafe worker, farmer | caring. easily-entertained. always-laughing. sweet | very close
father | Xiū Jié sēn |  杰森 | 49| part-time cafe worker, farmer | polite. quiet. simple. kind-hearted |  close

friends ↷
Mǎ Kǎi lì 凯莉 | 19 | university student | funny. outgoing. bubbly. happy | good friends, she was Xiana's neighbour in beijing
Sòng Qiàn (Victoria)宋茜 | 25| singer, member of f(x) | motherly. caring. sweet. kind | close, always helped and guided Xiana

best friends ↷
Zhāng Yìxìng (Lay) | 张艺兴 | 21 | singer,  member of Exo | kind. respectable. over-protective. loving | close friends, trained together
Lù Hán
 | 鹿晗 | 22 | singer, member of Exo | cute. sporty. shy. lovely | very close, they shared a room together for two years

the fluttering heart, a beating rhythm. )

love interest ↷ Xi Luhan (Exo-M)

how you two met ↷
Luhan had a cheap, rusty apartment in the busy city of Seoul. His roommate had bailed on him, and he was finding it difficult to pay rent. He put up flyers about how he was looking for a new bunker. Luhan was shocked when he discovered Xiana, only sixteen years old, standing outside his door. They began living together, and were very close. They both had the same dreams, and were in the same company. 

relationship ↷ very close, best friends (he still thinks Xiana is just a baby)

love interest back up ↷ Zhang Yixing (Exo-M)

how you two met ↷ 
Xiana was fourteen and Yixing was sixteen. They met while they were trainees, andYixing would always look after her. Their first encounter was when Xiana was trying to ask their dance instructor a question, but didn't know how to speak Korean well. Luhan wasn't in the room, so she didn't know anyone else. Yixing translated for her, and they became closer ever since.  

relationship ↷ just friends, he views her like a little sister


the finale, the ending. )

comments/suggestions ↷ fanclub - divas? ;u;

scene request(s) ↷ Xiana writes Luhan's name in her notebook of pretty/beautiful things!

password ↷ ouCH my soul







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Love the girl. c:
I use her in my posters. ajsdl;fkjslf
She's simply gorgeous. One of my favorites.