S N O W Maidens application- Primrose0930



I am Rae MinJi, a servant at the castle.


Why hello there, you must be a new worker...

Username:  Primrose0930
Profile Link: Click away~
Activity: 6


Now, we just need to know a few things about you...

Character Name: Rae MinJi
Nickname(s): None
Age: 18
Birthday: 09/30/1994
Ethnicity: Half Korean and Half American
Language(s): Korean and English-Fluent Japanese-coversational/basic
Birthplace: Boston


Well, don't you have a pretty little face...

Ulzzang Name: Song Ah Ri
Picture Links: 1   2   3    4    5   6
Backup Ulzzang: Sasyo
Backup Ulzzang Picture Links: 1   2   3   4
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 47 kg
*Anything else?: Eye color: purple/grey and she has a small tattoo on the nape of her neck,


So this is what you're like huh...

Personality: MinJi is one of THOSE girls. No, she isn't the quiet one and she isn't the obnoxiously loud one either. She's a mixture. She's well known for her 4D personality, being completly calm and quiet, the next, she's on the floor laughing her off about something that happened a month ago. MinJi can also have one heck of a temper. It's not that she has a short fuse, its more so that once you get her mad, its nearly impossible to calm her down. MinJi is also a worry wart, always wondering what was happening to her firneds or what was going to happen to her next, i guess you could call it her mothering side. She wants to look out for others rather than her self, and she makes sure poeple know that. 

Along with a fiery temper and giggly personality, Minji is more stubbron than a mule. Once she makes a decision, she normally never rethinks it. You'd have to be pretty persuasive to change her mind about anything, and pretty strong to make her move if she doesn't want to. MinJi is also fidgety and impatient and it is nearly impossible for her to stay still for more than hour, she always has to move some part of her body. But as fidegety as she was, she could make herself focus on any task at hand. Minji never likes relying on people, instead, she prefers people relying on he otheriwse she would feel like a burden to anyone other wise and would never forgive herself.
Persona: The Random guardian 
Background:Before Minji's slavery at age 8, her life was rather simple. Her father would teach her korean, culture, and how to survive in wilderness tips while her mother would teach her english and domestic skills like cooking and sewing. Being an only child, Minji was always good at distracting her with simple games and stories, hence her wierd personality. However, being an only child has its cons. Minji never liked relying on people, that includes her parents, and being alone, in the dark, or in the middle of an unknown place has always frightened her. And when her mother would get sick, MinJi would never lave her mothers side. The day she got forced into slavery, she cried for days worrying about her parents, not knowing if they were sick, healthy or missing her dearly.


Sulli/ f(x)/ 19/ alive/ sweet, caring, stubborn, and very tempermental

Sunny/SNSD/ 21/ dead/ bubbly, random, and very stright forward

Likes:  Sweet foods,  the color purple, skinship, rain, warm weather, and music of any kind
Dislikes: Spicy foods, blood, death, cold weather, arrogance, and sitting still.
Habits: Biting her lowerlip when she's thinking or scared, she taps her foot when shes getting impatient, she automatically blushes when a guy touches her, even if its an accidental shoulder bump, and she is always fideling with her hair.
Fears: Being alone in the dark, being abondoned, heights,
Talents: Archery, cooking, sewing, dagger throwing
*Trivia: She's alergic to mushrooms
*Anything else?: Nope


Everyone's got that special someone, so who is yours...?

Love Interest:  Lee Taemin, Taemin, SHINee
Age: 21
Personality: Taemin is that calm, cool, and collected kind of guy. if his hyungs are screwing around infront of him, he''ll just laugh and comment on it. He;s not shy when it comes to women, if anything, he's a flirt. Taemin is very considerate when it comes to other poeple, he acts accordingly to what he thinks they need. He's also naive when it comes to love and other serious matters, but he's street smart and knows how to get things done when they  need to be done. He's unintentionally pver protective of his friends and family and gets a little posesive with any girls he knows. He's never really violent unless he thinks its 100% nessasary or on the rare occasion he gets pissed off.
Relationship: very flirtatious and intimate, but its all in secret, in public, they are nothing but cold strangers.
Backup Love Interest:

Choi Minho/ SHINee/ 22/ charismatic, strong, clingy, and  romantic


Jung Krystal/ 19/ Krystal and MinJi were as close as could be. Krystal was the first person MinJi met when she was a slave, Krystal was the one who taught MinJi how to get around the place and how to act around their queen. That was when Sunny came along. MinJi wanted to get closer to Sunny and she hoped Krystal would grow closer too. That never happened. Krsyatl grew oddly jealous of MinJi and Sunny's new relationship. Then one night, MinJi heard a scream from Sunny's bedroom and went running only to see Sunny dead and Krystal standing above the corpse. MinJi claimed Krystal killed Sunny while Krystal cliames innocence and that She did nothing. Minji didnt believe her.

*Anything else?:  Nope.


Ready to start working...?

*Comments: If you need more detail, dont hesitate to ask me!
*Suggestions: none, im good
Password: I dont know infinite very well, but ive always liked maknaes, so... SungJong :)
Sacrafice: I wouldnt be happy, but if you need a sacrifice, I'll sacrifice my character :)


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