Masked Mystery Application-Primrose0930


===asked  ystery ===

Min, Hyun Jae ☲ 

Jade || Taemin 

I, My, Me, My

Username: Primrose0930
AFF Link: Click~
Activeness: 9
Who Is That Girl?
Full Name: Min Hyun Jae
Nickname(s): none
Birthday: September, 30
Age: 19
Birthplace: Boston
Hometown: Boston
Ethnicity: Half American and Half Korean
Languages: English and Korean( Fluent) Japanese and French ( conversational) Mandarin (Basic)
You Don't Know Me
Personality: Hyun Jae is a rather odd one. She's known for her out going and wierd 4D personalty. One minute, she'll be off the walls laughing about something that happened maybe months ago. The next, she'll be chilling on the couch asking you about your opinion on cheese cake. Not to mention she has one heck of a temper. It's not that she snaps easily, its more so that when she DOES get angry, its nearly impossible to calm her down. However, Hyun Jae is always looking for a good time, is always looking for something to do or to find something to play with because she cant sit still for more than an hour. Hyun Jae is also unnaturally motherly. She's always looking for ways to care for her other members and treats them like they're her own daughters and usually does most of the cooking and packing. 4D indeed, but thats just the tip of the ice berg. Hyun Jae doesn't let any one see it, especially not the other members, but there was a time where Hyun Jae was clinically depressed and does eventually lapse into those little sad break down moments. But most of the time, Hyun Jae goes with the flow and is always finding new things to entertain herself and new fun things to do with the group.
Likes: honeydew bubble tea, chocolate anything, music so loud it hurts, nail polish/cosmetics, the color purple.
Dislikes: coffee, blood, horror movies, spicy foods, and the color yellow
Fears: Needles and ghosts
Habits: Carrying her ipod EVERYWHERE with her (I do mean everywhere, even the bathroom), sticking out her tongue when she can't fight back, biting her lower lip when she's thinking or embarressed, skinship with everyone, and rubbing her neck when she's stressed.
Hobbies: cooking/ baking, painting nails, gymnastics, taekwondo, and archery
Talents: acting and dancing mixed with rhythmic gymnatics 
Allergies: none
Trivia: She's excellent with children, double jointed, super flexible, was clinically depressed without anyone EVER knowing.
My Life, My Secrets 
Background:Things werent always clouds and rain in Hyun Jae's life, if anything, she had a wonderful childhood. Her mother and her father were a happily married couple who would shower hyun Jae with praise and love. That is, until their marriage went down hill. Her mother and her father began fighting, said cause? Hyun Jae. They would point fingers at her and blame her for the cause of their failing marriage even though she did nothing but do as they say. They'd tell Hyun Jae that she was useless, a burden, and nothing but another mouth to feed. When the time came for divorce, you could only imageine neither parent wanted her, so eventually she moved herself to Seoul where her fathers mother, her grandmother, took her in with open arms. Since their fight, Hyun jae was never the same and could never allow herself to get to close to anyone and instead puts up her everyday facade of happy and cheerful to prevent anyone from pushing her away ever again.
Min Bae Hyun/ 52/ college professor/ father
Min Sophia/48/ nurse/ mother
Yang Vivien/18/ student/ Best friend (They met when Hyun Jae came to Korea, she was her grandmothers nieghbor)
Choi Jinri/19/ member of f(x)/ friend
Jung Jessica/22/ member of SNSD/ friend
Enemies/Rivals: none
Deep Dark Secret: When Hyun Jae was depressed, she used to cut herself on her hips, thinking no one would ever see them.
On Display  
Stage Name: Jade
Years of Training: 4
History of Training: It was simple enough, Hyun Jae always found a love and passion for music, dancing came easier than singing did, but it was thanks to her rookie singing that she was able to meet Jessica. They quickly became friends, often using english with each other. Sulli came along during an acting lesson and Sulli was getting a lesson for her role in To the Beautiful You.
Desired Position(s): Main dancer, sub vocalist
Personal Fanclub Name: Ace
Personal Fanclub Colors: Puplre 
Behind The Mask
Ulzzang Name: Song Ah Ri
Ulzzang Links:  1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
Back-up Ulzzang Name: Sasyo
Ulzzang Links: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5
Overall Appearance: Hyun Jae will wear anything anywhere! Shes loves accessoires, hats, belts, jewelry, shoes, ANYTHING! but fs its pinnk, frilly, or princess like, she'll rip it to shreds, She always trys to look her best and go for more caual clothing than anything. 
Examples : 1   2    3    4   5
Tattoos: none
Piercings: she has two in each ear and has a belly button piercing
Scars: On her hips.When she was clinically depressed, she used to cut herself there, but if anyone see's them, shes tells them its stretch marks from puberty.
Birthmarks: None 
Other accessories: nope 
Can You See Right Through Me? 
Love Interest 1: Lee Taemin
Group: SHINee
Age: 21/22
Overall Personality: Taemin is the ball of energy within his group. He's always smiling, always laughing, and is always looking for fun storys to tell. When it comes to business, hes concentrated and very serious, almost like a business man. However, when it comes to s, hes the young and immature child everyone thinks him to be, making childish gestures and luaghing at mature jokes. When it comes to love, Taemin is a bit more reserved when it comes to his feelings and is almost too naive to recognize hiw own feelings, but that doesnt stop him from smiling and getting to know them.
Personality With You: Like a oppa/dongseang and sometimes like a marriec ouplewhen theyre fighting
Love Interest 2: Choi Minho
Group: SHINee
Age: 23
Overall Personality: Charismatic and strong on stage while off stage he's rather soft and romanttic. He's often unappreciated and as a result, he's a bit of a show off when it comes to sports and acting. Hes extremely comptetive and is stubborn as a mule, unwilling to let anything go. When it comes to girls, he's quiet and polite, wanting to show her the best he could be.
Personality With You: Very much like a protective older brother.
Extra! Extra! 
Suggestions For Story: maybe like a heart to heart talk with the other members.
Whatever Section: My painted smiles
Comments: I love the theme for this story!
Questions: Did you want links for the piercings and clothing?
Scene Request?:  None, entirely up to you!

  ===asked  ystery ===

☲ Mask Type 


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Okay, you're all set to go^^ Thanks for putting the links
Answering your question(s):

It would help a lot if you did give me the links for the piercings and clothes but you don't have to^^