omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg SUNGGYU'S SHINE IS OOOUUUUTTT!!!! SCREAM PEOPLE! 



Okay, first off, his voice is angelic~~~~~~ *O* I have it on so loud I couldn't hear the doorbell ring lol. It's- it's-it's BEAUTIFUL WAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ *screams spazzes jumps off the bed rolls around on floor* His dream has come truee. for those who haven't listened to it yet. Go on to SHINE

some people say this is illegal but I don't know. I mean if it is, allkpop wouldn't have posted it on their website, would they? -.- 

All that said, can't wait to see him perform :'DDD 

My wait list:

Sunggyu's Solo/Infinite H/Infinite December Comeback


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