Sick Of Some Kpop Fans' Actions


Here's The Thing..


1. Ppl should just chill..

I went online for work stuff and i decided to read news that i can find on the net about Kpop artists.

Just to relax myself..

I was also curious about whether there is any news on 2PM and Jay Park..

Well, i notice a thrend on the net.

When a group is separated under some unfortunate circumstances, there are border line made by fans.

Eg : 2PM and Jay Park. JYJ and HoMin

        I found out that they are comparing those two sides.

        Not only that, they also pick on a side and bash the other.

        My question to those ppl,

        " What the heck are you doing? Don't you have something else to do? Like work? Homework? Assignments? Studying? "

        It's just so childish and they are just poluting the net environment.

        God did not gave you ppl brains to think about how to destroy other ppl u know..

        Why can't ppl just be gud? Sheesh.. Imbeciles..

        Just take a chill pill ppl..



2. What to do with your extra energy?

     How about helping with charity?

     Tweet or blog about doing a charity campaign?

     Do some nature saving blogs?

     Animal protection campaign?

     Visit the old folks home?

      Play with the children in Orphanage?

     Since these ppl are very free to do some bad, i'm sure they have enough energy to do some good?


     Use your time for more important stuff will you?



LOL.. Sorry to those who feel 'burn' by this blog.. I'm only stating the real fact.


- Peace Out From Uri -




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I did a blog similar to this, apart from my sarcasm got the better of me. It was about 2pm and people should be glad I didn't do a suju one.<br />
First, they (people being tards) must have liked the group as a whole to begin with, so I don't understand why they suddenly change their minds and pick a side, but hell, they do! Not only that, the majority of fans "protecting" 'their' Idols are worse that Anti fans. They call out "the other side" and their fans and bash them. I know if I was an idol, I'd be ashamed to have such people "looking out" for me. I think it's silly to call a group a different name after a member/s leaves, like 6pm or whatever. I still think of 2pm, suju and DBSK the same as when they were whole. It's about the music at the end of the day, not their personal lives. And that's not even taking into account that the ent. companies make things worse.<br />
Sorry for the long rant but I'm very opinionated over stuff like this xD<br />
Haters are their biggest fans, so let them get on with it and let them make their "Hated" groups become more famous because they don't shut up about them.<br />
Peace =^3^=
@Karlo: Crazed fans = Me. xD
I just laugh at their silly antics and move on. You shouldn't let it get to you. ^-^ I don't care if they get back together or not. As long as they're alive, I couldn't care less.
meh, some people just never move on, it's like crazed fans saying DBSK would get back together, when it's pretty much set in stone that they're not.
I know how you feel. People should get a life and move on. I wonder why it's so hard for people to move forward, why do people let the hurt and pain fester in their hearts? Don't they realize holding on to the bad things makes you an old and bitter person in the end? Not to mention it increases the risk of heart disease and wrinkles on you face...
Uri, I got to agree with you, I'm pissed.<br />
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Those people used to be together as one, and fans of theirs used to be one huge family. Now, they may not be together anymore by name, but does that gives us any reason to not still be one huge family as before?<br />
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We're just using them breaking up as an excuse. What's really the truth is this: That some fans are actually just supporting the whole group last time for the sake of one or two of their bias. And now that the group is not together as one anymore, they start bashing the other to fight for their bias so-called 'rights'.<br />
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Well, it's human nature, sometimes... I guess. *shrugs*