am I a bad person? {stolen from: J_A_N_I_C_E}

jshgkjsghjksghskjg :)

[ ] Kissed before dating.

[ ] Gotten your phone taken away from school. {i'm sneakyyyy}

[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum. {gum is so unfortunately forbidden here in singapore}

[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.

Total so far: 0 >B)

[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times. 

[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times.  

[x] Turned at least 2 projects in late.  

[ ] Laughed so hard you got kicked out of class. {nobody kicks you out of class for laughing...}

Total so far: 3

[x] Got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school.

[x] Text people during class. 

[x] Passed notes.

[x] Threw stuff across the room.

[x]  Laughed at/abused the teacher. {we only laughed, i swear. LOL}

Total so far: 8

[x] Took pictures during school hours.

[x] Called someone during school hours.

[x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours. 

Total so far: 11

[ ] Threw something at the teacher. 

[x] Went outside the classroom without permission. 

[x]  Broke the dress code.

[x]  Failed a class. 

[x]  Ate food during class. {we ate cereal haahhahaa and even offered it to the teacher hahahahahahahaha and he took it hahahahhahaha}

Total so far: 15

[x] Gotten a call from school. {only to tell i got some prize thingy mwahhaha}

[x] Been called the worst student. 

[x] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly. {that teacher was so unreasonable i wanted to throw a shoe ._.}

[x] Didn't take your stuff to school.

[ ] Given the teacher the finger even if they were looking. 

Total so far: 19

[x] Faked your parents' signature. 

[x] Slept in class. {this one was a funny story because, with my mouth wide open, my head fell backwards and i quickly regained my composure except that someone was watching and laughing hahahahhahahaha}

[x] Cursed at a teacher behind their back.

[x] Copied homework.

[x] Gotten in trouble with the principal, vice principal, counselor. {i didn't wear my bloody badge -.-}

[x] Thrown food in the lunch room. {it was only one piece of noodle lol}

Final total: 25

25 x 3 = 75%

half these things aren't even that bad.
i'm totally a good person :-)

난나쁜사람아니야. ㅇㅂㅇ



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omgomg. okay den.
wait. gum is banned
in singapore? :o
i did this before! XD
i feel like such a nun...