Hey guys! I'm married!

Just Kidding!

I'm still young! XD

But i do want to share my story...

When i was 8, i started to have weird dreams that appeared 2 times every two weeks.

The first one was kinda spooky.

I dreamed that a boy came to my house with flowers and a teddy bear.

He was a cute boy, he looks pan asian and abit of caucasian.

I was really happy, but seriously...in the dreamed it thought it was going to be a creepy nightmare.

Plus the house that i used to live in supposed to be occupied with 'things'.

But i was kinda happy since i don't really have friends then.

The dream was really vivid as if it really happened.

This boy appeared everytime in my dream, so i rarely get nightmares after that.

When i was 11, the dream stopped.

It was when i moved into a new house..

I started to have nightmares and normal dreams.

But when i turned 15, he appeared in my dream.

Accept, he was all grown up.

He look, omg so goodlooking!

Weirdly in the dream, we are like casually lovey dovey in front of my parents.

If its in real life, my dad would karate him already!!

But then i realized something...our rings! We're engage. Heol.

I couldn't really remember our conversation, but my dad and him looks happy.

And last year, i was 16, he appeared again this time.


It started when i was wearing a beautiful gown! 

My mom cried as my sisters tried to be cool.

I can feel my heartbeat...omg, i know how bride feels like!

When i was walking on the aisle...he was wearing a White baju melayu and look very handsome! XD

I'm not sure what happened after that but i remembered that i was...pregnant. OMG.

And just this morning...I dreamed that we went to Korea and was in the Hotspring with him and our handsome son >//<

I remembered when our 'son' called me omma, i guess he was Korean lol.

When we were done, our 'son' i would like to name him Aiden kekeke.. he told me he wanted to go to toilet.

We decided to get out of the hotspring as well, he offered to help Aiden to toilet while i get dressed. He is so..aghh, charming >//<

OH! almost forgot. Our first kiss was last year, when we were on family holiday..he secretly kissed me when my parents weren't in sight. kyaaa!!

If only he's real >3<



I'm so surprised when i saw this picture... It look like just in my dream! Accept mine has a see through lace kind of sleeves.


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wobuzitao #1
Hey~ maybe you're gonna get married like that! I heard if you have a dream more than twice, it will come true! :D
gotbam #2
Daebak xD You should write a fanfic to this^^
you better write this as in a fic. I... want to know more. lol.

lucky you. I just get a dream once, when I was 12. I married my junior otl creeeepy ;A;
and Aiden... that sounds familiar. my guy friend used that name as his English name o_o
That was consistent. Wow. I rarely heard other people have consistent dreams before.
I have the same case like you, but not as vivid, or as progressive. The guy I met in my dream was more towards casual/friend/dating kind of stuff. And I can never remember his face. But he did tell me his name. Hahahahaha