Shine Application- Primrose0930


{★} Oh Jae Hwa




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{★} About you ~

Username: Primrose0930

What can I call you: Jess

Activness: 8 or 9


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{★} I wanna know you~

Name: Oh Jae Hwa

Nickanem(s)*: Jae-used by family and friends

Age: 18

Birthday: 30/09/94

Ethnicity: Half Korean and Half American

Language(s): Korean, english-Fluent Japanese and french-Conversational

Birthplace: Boston

Hometown: Seoul


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★} Dazzling  Girl ~

Ulzzang name: Song Ah Ri

Ulzzang pictures: 1   2   3    4    5

Back up Ullzang Name: Sasyo

Back up Ulzzang pictures:  1  2  3


Height: 152 cm

Weight: 46 kg

Bloodtype: B+

Piercings/Tattos*: Two piercings in each ear, and a tattoo  between her shoulder blades that Says "I am The captain of my soul. I am the master of my fate."

Extras: She always wears a special necklace. Its a silver star necklace that her grandmother gave her before she dies, saying that even whens shes gone, she'll always be watching her from the stars above.


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{★} Ayo this is me~

Likes: Music so loud it hurts, skinship, nail polish, anything strawberry flavored, and sweet foods

Dislikes: spicy foods, horror movies, cold weather, blood, and sports

Habits: tas her lower lip with her finger when she's thinking or spacing out, she always hugs SOMEBODY every morning and everynight, and she always carrys her Ipod with her.

Hobbies: cooking, gymnastics, and singing

Special Talents: Taekwondo ;) 

Trivia: excellent with kids. double jointed, has a toy poodle puppy at him, hasn't had her first kiss yet but she's had boyfriends, and shes always messing with her hair.

Personality: Jae Hee is famous for being bi polar and her skinship. One minute, she'll be so angry she'll bite your head off, the next, she'll be giggling and giving people back hugs. She has no problem telling someone what she thinks, even though it often comes out blunt and more harsh than what she intended. She's also very over protective of her family and friends, if someone she's not familiar with gets too close, she will, literally, growl at them.  Jae's also pretty well known for her charming and charistmatic appearance on stage, she can act and talk as if she has the most confidence in the world, although she rarely ever feels confident in her own skin.  Jae is also very motherly, having to always worry about others before she even thinks about herself. Her 4D personaloty takes a bit of getting used to as well, always bringing up topics that wont even relate to their current topic. But all in all, she's a bundle of fun and is always looking for a good time.


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{★} Stand by me  ~


Father: Oh Dong Hoo/ 49/ baker/ he's the quiet one no suspects to have a grudge against anyone or anything, but in reality, he's just socially awkward and has quite the short temper, but is very caring towards his daughter and her friends./ alive

Mother: Oh Rebbeca/45/ tattoo artist/ She's the carefree one whose looks at things from different angles, and is always thinking of new topics to talk about./ alive


Nutmeg/ Toy poodle/ A year or two ago. (PS. It's a reddish/brown boy puppy)

Background/Past: Due to her parents different cultures, Jae spent alot of her time moving from country to country, never really staying in one place for a long period of time. It was due to that fact that Jae was never really able to make long lasting friend ships, hence, why Jae was so close to her grandmother  and parents. Jae spent most of her childhood with her grandmother, it was her grnadmother who basically raised her since she was in diapers. (her grnadmother lived with her parents).  It was because of her constant contact with her family that Jae grew to be very mature for her age despite how she acts slightly chilish around her friends.


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{★}Up and down ~

Best Friend(s): 

Yang Vivien/18/ July 25, 1994/ student/ Best friends/ Jae was sitting alone at one table during lunch while Vivien sat at another. Gathering what little confidence she had, Jae Picked herself up and sat beside Vivien, realizing they had so much in common.


Choi JinRi (Sulli)/19/ member of f(x)/ good friends. they always have secrets to share with each other

Lee Joon/21/ member of MBLAQ/ Brother sister relationship/ Joon is often prtective of Jae, finding her to innocent for the 'cruel' and 'erted' world.


*On days off from school, Jae and Vivien would spend the entire day pigging out on candy, cookies, chips while watching korean drams at Jae's house.

*Joon acting like Jae's boyfriend when a random stranger/trainee tried hitting on Jae during rehersal

*Jae breaking down into a hot mess in Sulli's and Viviens arms when her grandmother died.

*Vivien and Jae sprinting across the neighborhood in their underwear in the winter. (it was for a dare!)



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{★} Loves´s way ~

Name: Lee Taemin

Age: 19/20

Birthday: july 17, 1993

Personality: Taemin is childish ball of energy. He;s shy when you first meet him but as he grows more comfortable with you, he begins to smile more and use his aegyo to his advantage. Despite the constant teaseing about his gender, Taemin cross dresses for the hell of a good performance, but often regrets because he doesnt want the girls to think he isn't manly. To prove hismanliness, he'll often act protective around girls and use intimidating speech to scare off people he doesn't know. He's not really the type to get angry easily either.

How do you act around each other: Very care free and natural, like they had known eachother forever.

What do you like about him: Everything. His smile, his protectivness, the way he trys to show off when he feels intimidated, his constants attempts to make poeple laugh. His dancing skills. his personality.

Nickname(s)*: Just Tae and Jae, only because its easier for them to call for eachother rather than saying each others full name, if they use the others full name, it feels to formal and serious.


Back up Love Interest:  Choi Minho


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{★} SHINee Girl ~

Who do you cover: Taemin

Why do you cover him: Her flexiblility makes doing dance moves easier for Jae, also her eneregy helps her keep up with his frantic and eneregtic dancing.

Is he also your Bias: yes

Which is your favourite song from SHINee to listen: Lucifer

Which is your favourite SHINee song to perform: Sherlock

What do you think could be SHINees reaction when they first meet the girls: Very formal and gentlemen like or very casual or non-chalent


What position do you have in Shine: 

  •  [] Leader
  •  [] Maknae
  •  [] lycris [you write the lycrist or rewrite them to fit the girls as an answer song ex. instead of Noona nomou yeppo the girls sing Oppa your so hot]
  •  [] clothing [you design, buy or organize the outfitts needed fo the covers]
  •  [X] stylist [you do the make up and hair for the girls]
  •  [X] choreograph [you teach the dances to the other girls or back up dancers]
  •  [] manager [you are the one that manages the money, organize the places where they can appear, to which contest they go]



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{★} Obbsession ~

What other Kpop bands do you like: MBLAQ, SNSD, F(x), TVXQ, 2NE1

Your current favourite song: Dazzling Girl

Fangirling like:  Fanfics... she's an author

Kpop Stuff I own *:  posters and CD's

When did you start liking Kpop: A few years ago when Vivien introduced it to Jae at a random sleep over

What was the first MV you ever watched: SNSD's Gee

Your favourite song/show/dance ever: Lucifer

Anything else: When Jae fangirls, she'll squeal and blush like mad.



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{★} Please don´t go ~


Anything you want to say? I hoped you enjoyed my application!

Comments/Suggestion/ Questions? Nope, im good

Any Requests? Nope, im good

Passwort? Taemin <3


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