Glitter and Glam application-Primrose0930


g l i t t e r & glam

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Userame: Primrose0930

Profile link: Click me~


Name: Min Jae Hwa

Screen Name: Jj

Nickname: Jae

Ethnicity: Half American and Half Korean

Date of birth: 09/30/95

Place of birth: Boston

Blood type: B+

Age: 17/18

Languages spoken: Korean, English, Japanese, and French

Weight: 48 kg

Height: 157 cm

Position: Main vocalist/ actress


Ulzzang name: Sasyo

Pictures: 1   2    3    4    5    6   7

Back-up ulzzang: Lee Jung Ha

Pictures: 1   2    3    4    5   6

Personality: Jae is very well known for her bi-polar personality. One minute, she will be cool as ice, having the worlds normalist converstaion with you, then she next, she's hoping around the room like a bunny and eventually just sits in your lap.  She's known for havinga  bit of a temper, not willing to take any crap from anybody. She's a little bit over protective of her friends and family, and is always skeptical about letting new people into her life, having never dealt well with sudden changes. When she's calm and collected, she's the world best listener, having a habit of not speaking when being spoken too. When she's in her crazy state, she'll start dancing around in public, to hyper to really care much about the public eye. Jae is also well known for acting younger han her age, and older. One minute she'll e begging for candy and the next, she'll have the entire weeks schedule down to the last minute. The only time Jae is unpleasant to be around is when she's hungry or mad. When she's hungry, she;ll threaten to bite you if you so mach as say 'hi!" to her, and when she's mad, just stay a hundred feet back. Jae doesn;t know her own strength and will possibly hurt you (more than she intended). But overall :she's the bi-polar sweet heart who's out for a good time.

Habbits: SKINSHIP, drumming her fingers when she's bored, biting her lowerlip when  shes thinking or spacing out, chewing on her  index finger when shes focused, and laughing randomly at stuff that happened long ago.

Hobbies: piano, acting, singing, sketching, archery, and volleyball

Likes: SKINSHIP, cherry flavored anything, rain, nail polish, music so lud it hurts, warm places (Like under a blanket, next to a fire place, ina patch of sun, etc) sweet foods, and lotion.

Dislikes: peas, horror movies, house cats, arrogant people, cold weather(she's very sensitive to the cold), having no food, and pink stuff.

Fears: heights and needles


Family: Min JiHoo/ 50/ baker/ very close, only because Jae's mother is always busy working.

Min Stacy/47/ Manager/ very distant because she's never around to be there for Jae

Background: Jae group up with a multiculture background, having her parents move all across asia and europe, Jae got a taste of all sorts of new lives and cultures, having respect for each and every one of them. But because her family never stayed  in one place for a long period of time, Jae never had any true firneds, having always moved away once she finally got comfortable enough to talk to them, hence why Jae is a little bi-polar and so touchy with people.

Trainee years: 4


Love Interest: Lee Taemin

Did you already met him?: no

If yes, how?:

If no, how do you want to meet him?:

Best friend: Amber

Friends: Yuri, Jaejoong, and Sunny

Rivals: Krystal


Any suggestions for the fanclub name?: Diamons

Password: y~


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