Cassies' scare me

or really any ginormous fanclub...

like ELFs, they scare me a bit too, I consider my self a bit of an ELF but IDK... a part of me likes going in and talking to people with the same affection for the same groups as me, but another side of me wants my friends to like different things so I can discover new fun things to get into...

That's really not the topic here though, when it comes down to it I find it scary how big these fan clubs get. I've never really been into DBSK, I mean they can all sing well and they're all very good looking, but I have no real attachment like with Suju and Beast, it's like there's a void between them and me... though that's entirely just me, I'm sure alot of Cassies feel "close" to DBSK (and I quote it not in a sarcastic way but that you can never really be tight with someone you can't meet on a regular basis in person) if I had to chose out of DBSK  as to who I like it'd most likely be Yunho cause he seems to have the look and personality I like best.

I'm going of kilter again, what I'm trying to explain is I got attacked a group of Cassies because I said I didn't really care much about DBSK... and while I'm not really hurt by it (I find it rather funny really) I can't help thinking "why is it so easy to make fangirls angry?" now I'm not saying that all Cassies are always butthurt, or even just Cassies, I've ran into plenty of "Only13" ELFs plenty of times on the internet and we always have a grand ol' convo about our dearest Henry^^, it's just that big ones like Cassiopias, ELFs, VIPs and such have such big voices.

Maybe it's just that's there are so many of them that not only do you run into them quite often but also that because their group is so big that they feel they need to back each other up...

Idk really what I'm trying to say, I'm just kinda rambling here, I probably just go to the wrong (or right...) sites and stumble on these kinds of obsessed fans all the time....

God I'm bored, I might actually work on updates that's how bored I am ;)

so yeah, just cause you love a group doesn't mean you gotta be butthurt everytime someone finds a fault with your bias, cool it guys^^  I'm gonna go find something to do before nap time's over so perhaps some updates will be heading our way soon^^ 


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