Facts About Me



1. Janice Ka Yan Mok (stalkers, SHOO!)

2. Aquarius!! <3

3. Flies, hot water (not too scared anymore, but I'm still paranoid even to this day. OTL) and NEEDLES. >.<"

4. K-pop, piano and GOD! <3

5. Guys with gentle voices, pretty eye, innocent-looking and with a soft, emotional heart (not to the point where he starts crying 24/7 though. ==")

6. Guys who show off their bodies, who swears, who's too clingy and those who smokes/drinks excessively/does drugs. Unfortunately, quite a number of K-pop guys DO show off their '6 pac' and smokes. ;~; Pssht. Stupid 'bad boys'. Always up to no good. =P

7. Uggh, Ihavetoomanyfriends. ._." But I cannot choose between Sabrina (cupcakelover) or Stephanie (LollyTrolly). ;~; I love them both VERY much. 

8. Straight.

9. Never dated. -.-"

10. 155-ish cm. I dunnaaaah.

11. What do I miss? ._. Um...'REPLY 1997'!! <3

12. Approximately 12:45-ish PM. >.>" Guys. Please don't go hunting down my astrology birth chart now that you have the information. .-.

13. GREEN, ALWAYS & FOREVER. *SS501/Buttercup bias*

14. ...eh, honestly speaking...I don't know anymore. ._. I think it's more "yearning for a friendship" between us than "yearning for a love relationship". e_____e"

15. “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

16. My bedroom. -.-"

17. EGGS. And potatoes. :3 

18. Sometimes. ._.v

19. 'Freedom Is Here' by Hillsong United. We were singing this song today at church...and it's stuck in my head. XD

20. Well...the exact first thing I would notice is their voice. XD

21. 6/7...it depends on the shoe.

22. Uh. Asian colour? Black-ish brown? o.0"

23. Mm. My hair isn't exactly black anymore, TBH. ._. It's been dyed by the sun, LMFAO! XD So dark brown.

24. Loose/oversized clothes with cute graphics or bold messages to display to the world!! >=)


26. All of my underwear is white. Any other fancy colour, and I would throw up. >.>"

27. URL? Um...username? It's just my name...separated. OTL I should've been more creative back then!! D=<

28. 'CJ7'!! MUST. WATCH. THIS. OMFG, this is like...this first and only movie that legitally made me cry! ;~;

29. Well, if you talk about K-pop...my all-time favourite would be 'Not Alone' by SS501's Park Jung Min. <3

30. I'm taking 'band' as 'idol group'. So. SS501, INFINITE, NU'EST, 2NE1 and now I'm also growing quite fond of U-KISS. >.<

31. I feel as if I should be doing something FAAAAAAAAR more important right now. *coughHWcough* >.>"

32. Uhhh...Jesus? ^^

33. Single and currently spazzing over K-pop guys. XD

34. Honestly speaking, it's a bit placid. I know that they all love me a lot, being an only child. And I do too! But because of my unruly actions, I piss them off a lot because of it. T^T They can be annoying...and sometimes I just feel like ignoring them. But I know their reason behind all the nagging is for my own good.

35. Christmas/summer holiday here is the longest, so therefore, that's my favourite holiday. XD Also is because we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ! ^^ <3

36. Earrings, one on each side, when I was 8. :3

37. I don't need any of that all over my body!! D=< I'm marked enough already, with my burn scars. ==" 

38. I don't have Tumblr...LMAO! I'm guessing this was frm Tumblr?

39. Aha, 'Life Without Limits' by Nick Vujicic so I can refer back to my favourite quote in Q15. XD

40. Nope, but I remember a few years ago a particular friend of mine (Melody/Melodeee) threatened me to wake up through a text...>.>"

41. ACK! Hella no! D=<

42. Um, I can't exactly pinpoint. >.>" But I can specifically remember holding hands with my friends during prayer in lifegroup a few weeks ago?

43. Uhhh...under pressure, I can be less than 15 mins. If not, probs 30 mins...most of the time is wasted on me getting out of my bed or pondering around the house, wondering what to do.

44. ...I...don't...really...shave...legs...(oh gawd, I really hate that word...sounds so ugly! DX)

45. In my study/play room. :3

46. ...thisquestiondoesnotapplytome.



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awesome_501 #1
ur 155cm? no way you look way taller than that. i think you're at least 160-162. u could be taller. i think you've grown a lot^^