You Know You're a K-pop fan When...

You know you're a K-pop fan when... (WITH COMMENTARY)
you learn the Korean language solely from music and dramas
you start comparing every guy’s body to either Taeyang’s, Jaebeom’s, Rain’s, Joon’s or Kikwang’s  WTF? Why would I compare?
you make it your life mission to see TOP shirtless I gave up :P
you want to be older, just for Taemin. I’m older than him, heh
you believe that Rain is the person who actually makes it rain
you love Korean cellphones better than American phones Are they better?
you refer to your favorite idol as your husband/wife I jokingly say, "Oh that's my boyfriend/husband" to my younger siblings whenever I look at my K-pop related stuff on the Internet. I love their reactions. They are very innocent, in yet I'm ruining it for them.
you enjoy fan service provided from “couples” within a group
you randomly break into “ssanti” dances
you love boy bands
you love boy bands to have straight guys to dress up as girls Eh… sometimes
you know every single name of a group with an outrageous number of people I failed...
bad news about your bias makes you want to shoot something Haha, now why would I do that? I don’t care what my bias does, as long as he’s/she’s alive, I’m okay!
you start pronouncing LEADER as LEADJA
you start spelling SHINY as SHINEE
your grammar becomes so horrible, you say, “WHERE U AT?!”
you want “Wedding Dress” to be the song you walk down the aisle to

BIG BANG is not a theory or a TV show
you want to get everyone dried mangoes for Christmas Why the heck will I give dried mangos as a present for Christmas?
you have no idea what’s going on in Hollywood I check the news every now and then
you think Edward Cullen has nothing on Jaejoong Eh… stupid Twilight hater fans. I haven’t read it, but I think people are dumb to say those kind of stuff
everyone knows your ideal type of boyfriend/girlfriend to be Korean Not all Korean people are perfect, okay?
your family to look at you funny when you laugh at the computer No one comes into my room, kekeke
you think that Seung Ri is cuter than Justin Bieber. I find both of them cute >_>
you spam tweet anything that’s Korean
you want to move to Seattle

girls can be good at rapping
idols can be eccentric and different
colored skinny jeans to look amazing on guys Only if it’s Big Bang, they look good in every clothing they wore in MVs
you try to start a flash mob
you go from wanting to travel to Hawaii to South Korea
your phone goes RING DING DONG whenever you receive a call
you have a folder on your computer specifically for your favorite artist
you love Twitter because you can follow (“stalk”) your K-idols
you have a tumblr (where you spam your bias and K-pop)
you stay up late to watch streamed music shows
you break G-Dragon’s heart
you dedicate most of your time at fan forums

you get most of your news from sites like allkpop, omgkpop and other kpop blogs
you’re broke half the time from spending too much on YesAsia
more than half your iTunes library is filled with K-pop
you want Jokwon and Ga-in to marry for real
you often want to slap stylist noonas
guyliner is normal
It only works on Asian guys!
you’re fine with seeing guys cross-dress Only sometimes
girl groups want to make you lose weight
in math classes, you can’t help but smile if f(x) is mentioned

DC does not mean Disney Channel Da fuq does that supposed to mean?
seeing pigeons make you think of Eli
Nichkhun is royalty
your favorite interview question for idols is “What is your ideal girl? / What is your type?”
The most common question asked! Some idols change their ideal type while others don't.
Gee is a musical virus Everybody loves it, it's not even funny.
you just love macros
you make/save gifs of funny/fail moments
instead of saying “I don’t care”, you say “I Don’t Care-eh-eh-eh-eh-ehhh…”
you can’t concentrate on your studies when you think of your idols
you have already worked out your Korean name
you can write your name in Hangeul
you are “married to” your bias on Facebook
your friends point to a picture of your bias and ask “who’s that?” you say “oh, it’s just my boyfriend”


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