
... so i actually almost forgot it's hubbies birthday *pfft* i really can't pretend with a straightface. anywhooo i just remembered now, while thinking 'i'm gonna go blog about the fiesta(fiest) turned mini-reunion day with college close friends'


most probably know, if anyone cared, Jishubunny and I are real life close friends. And annually since sometime after college or was it still in college that one of our other close friends (let's call her M) would invite us to the fiesta (a sorta celebration of a certain place for the saint the place is named for or just he/she is the patron saint) in their place. Now. we. are. just. literally. implied. she said. and i actually became the messenger and invited Jishu and the another friend called N. if i didnt actually asked M we wouldn't really know that we were invited ¬_¬

anyway, we were supposed to watched a filipino movie today entitled - This Guy's in Love with You, Mare but M can't come because they had visitors for lunch and Jishubunny and I were left to watch another movie instead before we went to M's and were the first visitor to arrive for the night (3-ish pm) and continued our movie marathon there, or had a movie marathon there. from cute and fluffy and funny Hotel Transylvannia in the mall to ghostly, horror-ish Drag Me to Hell and The Grudge 3 at M's and finished it with The Legend of the Guardians after dinner. 


The inside of M's house was pretty hot, and we're not the only ones complaining. they (M and her parents) were complaining the most and it was, and we found out, because it was going to rain. so our little chit chat outside during dinner was somewhat cut off and thus we resumed movie marathon.

during dinner and after getting a glass of non-alcoholic margaruita for me (because M's so protective and strict of me, knowing my dad's super strict and i was driving hehehe, didn't let me get even a spill of Bacardi), N had a glass of Bacardi and another glass of the margaruita for chaser. then i think Jishu got a glass of the margaruita too, coz it really taste just like juice. so anyway... during dinner and after, we were pretty much catchign up on things, sharing funny stories. we barely have any serious talk. even our talk of watching the filipino movie together was almost a failed plan again lol lol. or rather was only until the planning stage and never implemented. 

N also shared his life. oh btw, he's gay. and he used to be frustrated because his other gay friends and even the class closet queen had a fair share of boylets during college and after college and he hasnt until sometime recently but they broke up. and he declares he's a female dog now. and pretty much while in the middle (and wont be disclosing for the fact of what i am about to say) he told us to make it into a fanfic. and we laughed. he continued.

and jishu said "oh~! rated R!" 

then hae_ki said "i know... i can do this." but i'm not too confident despite how confident i said it. we were laughing again. then continued. hmm... okay i'll tell a little of it.

he meets with the guy he had a go with once and when he came back (coz he's from a far place) they meet again and made miracles in a very wekk tinted car, appropriate for things such as those. 

before he reached that part though i think jishu and i were on the same page already although i asked..


hae_ki: it (car) didnt go *does see-saw action with hands* we laughed. though N said no.

N: why does it go like that (referring to see-saw)? cant it be like *something like making shaking movements with hands* 

we laughed yet again. 

Jishu: well we want it see-saw... (or something like that.... anyway correct me if i'm wrong Jishu hehe)

we laughed again. i seriously think i was about to cry that time. too. much. laughing.

then N said something - the best compliment he's been given in his entire 23 years of life. and we (Jishu and I laughed boisterously) "how the heck are we gonna translate that?" we said. 

and the translation we conjured (coz we have to filter our words, we were out in the open after all) was -


and well... i dont really know if we can make it into fanfic really. and because of something we saw in Drag me to Hell we also thought of making another one. what gave us an idea was the book - Animals as Sacrifices (i think.) 

and... IF and hopefully this would actually be implemented. we would be seeing each other again this friday to watch the movie. 


and before i end everything. i would just like to wish my dear hubby Lee Donghae a happy happy birthday!!!! mwah! and i think it's Zelo's birthday too... so happy birthday to him. if i'm wrong. well i'm sorry. 


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Goodbye sa akong karma points 6030 jud akong nagasto sa advertisement hahahahah!!! Atay teaser sa BAP XD
unnie This Guy's In Love With You,Mare...I already watched it XD
and eventually got interviewed about it ><
anyway,did you watch it already?
Oh gosh~ heehee~ this was fairly entertaining to read in itself! ^^ <3 sounds interesting enough~ ... side note- hae_ki~ I miss talking to you guys~ o3o now you should all expect random. Messages from me when I finall get on a computer! ^-^ *completely random*