♊ ℊℯღїηї ♊ application [ Nam Hyun Ae ]


Nam Hyun Ae

[ You can put your character's picture up here, I just thought Zelo was too cute in this pic ^-^ ]


Icy Trickster





Name: Miko

Username: KumikoJangxEunJoo

Activeness: 8/10





Name: Nam Hyun Ae

Gender: Female

Nickname(s) : 

♦Choding---HyunAe is playful and childish like a kid thus her friends gave her this nickname.

♦CheonSa[Angel]---She always uses her "aegyo attacks" on her brother to get what she wants and with her angelic smile,no one can resist her,especially her brother.Her brother gave her that nickname.

♦Genie---Her best friend calls her this.Because HyunAe would do anything for her only bestfriend and family,just like granting wishes,she got this nickname,Genie.

TrickAe[pronounced as Tricky]---She has two personalities which she only show her playful side to her good friends and of course her brother who are are people that she trust,almost like deceiving others of who she is.Her friends gave her this nickname.

Birthday: 2nd June 1993,19 years old

Ethnicity: Korean

BloodType: B

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: GwangJu,Korea

Hometown: GwangJu,Korea

Languages: Korean[fluent],English[fluent]--learnt when she lived in America




Personality: HyunAe has two sides.Which she shows depending on who you are to her.She does not open up easily when she meets them.Only after some time of interaction with each other when others gain her trust,she will then break the ice.Otherwise she is known to be the Ice Princess.She is actually fragile,emotionally due to her past.

When you warm up to her,she will change from the Icy princess to the playful and dorky girl.Uses her aegyo to get want she wants from her brother.And becoming the "Energy Pill" and mood-maker of the group.She would do everything  for you if you mean alot to her.

Do not underestimate her,she can be quite scary when she is offended.She gets angry or irritated easily where the icy image of her will come back.Do not cross the line or test the limits of her patience and she would treat you nicely.


Background: She was the youngest in the family and yet was the neglected one.She had to be independent while her brother are being loved by their parents.She did not hate her brother,but it was different for her parents.They thought of her as the extra one of the family and eventually sent her to live with her grandmother in America.Although she now lived in a luxuious house,she did not care,because at least she for once felt loved and cared for.Sadly her grandmother died when she was 14.She continued living in America,using the money that her grandmother left her that would last for a life.Her parents knew about the money that her grandmother left her and asked her to move back to Korea to live with them.Of course she did not agree to move in with them after how they treated her,but moved to Korea to pusue her dream of being a superstar.

Secrets: She does not want anyone to know about her past:That her parents abandoned her then wanted her back just because of the money she had.


Likes: Plushies/soft toys



            ♦Classical music



            ♦Colours---she feels that colour "brightens up her life"  after what she has been through


Dislikes: ♦Being ignored

                 ♦Horror movies

                 ♦Being Alone

                 ♦People who give up easily



Hobbies: ♦Playing the piano

                  ♦Playing tennis

                  ♦Watching K and J-Dramas


Habits: ♦Twirling her hair on her finger

               ♦ her lips

               ♦Tapping her feet when thinking

               ♦Puffing up her cheeks

               ♦Speaking in English when she is angry

Interesting Facts: ♦She is the cook of the group

                                   ♦She has been modelling since before debut

                                   ♦She has 5 cars.3 in Canada and 2 in Korea.

                                   ♦She is claustrophobic




Ulzzang Name: Lee Geum Hee

Ulzzang links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Back-up Ulzzang: Song Ah Ri

Links: 1 2 3 4 5


Height: 166cm

Weight: 49kg


STYLE: Cool,chic,sometimes cutesy.She wears any style and always has that accessorie to top it off.

Casual:1 2 3 4 5 

Formal:1 2 3 4

Dorm:1 2 3 4

Pajamas:1 2 3 4






Nam Chin Ho / 49 /  Doctor / Strict,demanding and selfish to HyunAe. / Father / Alive

Kim Yoo Jin  / 48 / Designer / Kind and caring at first but became cold to HyunAe abd did not talk much. /Mother /Alive



Nam Woo Hyun  / 21 / member of Infinite / Humorous and caring,protective of HyunAe. / Brother / Alive


Best Friends: [ max 2 ]

Jessica Jung / 23 / The icy one too, but can be a little goofy at times with HyunAe.Also the caring unnie that HyunAe loves. / Childhood friend


Friends: [ max 4 ]

Jung Min Young / 17 / Back-up Dancer / Bubbly and hyper,but just like HyunAe,she also gets angry easily and likes to throw tantrums,like a kid. / Trainee friend

Seo Joo Hyun / 21 / Member of SNSD / The mature one and kind-hearted one.Helpful and also is a role-model to others. /  Ex-classmates


Kim Yoon Ji  / 20 / Trainee / She is sharp-tongued and hurts people easily with her words.Selfish which HyunAe hates and also biased against some people.





Love Interest: Jang Dong Woo

Age: 20

Personality: The humorous and attentive oppa that HyunAe admires and loves.Likes to joke around and is someone who you can share your troubles with and cheer you up with his smile.

Relationship: Crushes

How you met: When HyunAe was visiting her brother WooHyun at Mcountdown,she accidentally knocked into DongWoo.When she was in Infinite's waiting room she saw DongWoo again and they started chatting,they became friends after that.



Back-up love interest: Byun Baek Hyun

Age: 20

Personality:Looks like a cold-hearted on the outside but is actually a nice person.Cares for HyunAe a lot and likes to joke around.However,he can be  a little straightforward

Relationship: Best friend

How you met: They were ex-schoolmates who met in the library after school when they were there to study.But,they ended up chatting with each other and still stayed in contact with each other even when HyunAe was in Canada.




Stage Name: AeRi

Persona: Icy Trickster

POSITION: [ put an X on the one you want ]



[]          Leader/Composer/Lead Rapper [ Female ]

              Main Vocals/Actress [ Female ]

[x]          Visual/Model/Main Dancer[ Female ]

[]          Maknae/Main Rapper/Lead Dancer [ Female ]



[]          Leader/Composer/Lead Rapper [ Male ]

[]          Main Vocals/Actor [ Male ]

             Visual/Model/Main Dancer [ Male ]

[]          Maknae/Main Rapper/Lead Dancer [ Male ]





Back-up position: Leader/Composer/Lead rapper

Your Fanclub name: Icicles

Fanclub Color: Turquoise



Trainee years: 5 years

Trainee background : Hyun Ae travelled from school to training everyday.She had to balance between school and training which was very stressful for her.She still persevered and did her very best when training in other to reach hr goal of becoming a superstar.Once,she even cried the whole night because it was too hard for her. 

She got teased that at that time as she was not as talented in singing as compared to the rest.She tried not to bother about the hurtful comments but she still got affected.However,hose hurtful comments was not really a bad thing.It made her work even harder than the rest and she improved greatly.Afterwards,her trainee life was going well and she enjoyed practicing with her friends after all the encouragement from her brother.

Your weakness: Singing




Scene Requests: Interaction with Infinite and her getting troubled about her crush.


Fanclub Suggestion for both groups? :Sparks for North Star and Wishes for South Star





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