♔ Bad Girl - 나쁜 소녀 ♔ Application || Song Ae Rin Angelina


 Bad Girl - 나쁜 소녀                        



Korean Canadian  Angelina Song




Aff Name:  KumikoJangxEunJoo

Aff Link: Click

Activity Rate: 8



Birth Name: Angelina Song

Korean Name: Song Ae Rin

Age: 19

Birthdate: 22/04/1993

Birthplace: GwangJu,Korea

Nickname: Angel [Called by Brother],Rinnie [Called by members],Choding [Called by her friends]    

Hometown: Toronto,Canada             

Nationality: Korean Canadian

Height: 166cm          

Weight: 49kg              

Languages: English [fluent],Korean [fluent],French [fluent]-learnt from mother,Japanese [Basic/Conversational]-learnt as a subject in school



Personality: Ae Rin does not open up to people easily when she meets them.Only after some time of interaction with each other when others gain her trust,she will then break the ice.Otherwise she is known to be the Ice Princess.She is actually fragile,emotionally.

When you are in her "friend list" she will show her other side.From the Ice Princess to the Dorky and childish person that you would want to be with.When necessary,she will use her "Aegyo attacks" to get acheive her little wants.Also known as the Evil Choding,she is the master of pranks,and likes to joke around.The "Energy pill and mood-maker" of the group.

Background: Ae Rin known as Angelina,was born in GwangJu when her parents were in Korea for a long stay.Her mother was a Canadian-French,while her father was a Korean Canadian.Her family lived in Korea till she was 3 and they moved to her hometown,Toronto.She studied in Toronto till she was 14 when her father decided to move back to Korea to expand his business.She got accepted into Seoul School  of Performing Arts.Currently still studying there.

Likes: Sweets,Plushies,Horror movies,Computer games,Puppies,Shopping like crazy XD,

Dislikes: Being alone,Being forced to do something,People messing up her hair,Insects,Gossiping,Shouting

Hobbies: Playing the piano and violin,Composing,Choreographing,Designing,SHOPPING :)

Talents: Acting,Able to copy a dance after seeing it once ,Playing the Violin

Trivas♦She was previously in Cube Entetainment.

           ♦She owns 3 cars.2 in Toronto and 1 in Korea.

           ♦She speaks in english whenever she gets angry.

           ♦Has a habit of her lips.




Ulzzang Name: Lee Geum Hee

Backup Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye

Style: Comfortable clothing when in the dorm

          ♦Chic and stylish,sometimes cutesy casual

        ♦Cool,comfortable yet fashionable for airport fashion

Pictures: Casual>1 2 3 4 5

               Dorm>1 2 3

               Practice>1 2 3

               Formal>1 2 3

               Airport Fashion>1 2 3 4

Extra(s): Tattoo on left wrist,Bracelet(Brother gave it to her)



Parents:  Father | Song Hyun Su | 49 | CEO of a Company | Has high standards but always spares a thought for those around him and is a caring father to his children. | Always encourages AeRin to meet his expectations.Helps her to impove,however does  not have much time to spend together. | 4/10 | Alive

              ♦Mother | Kimberly Adams | 48 | Fashion Designer | A encouraging and kind person.Tries to help as much as she can as long it is within her abilities. | Always asks AeRin about how she is doing and sometimes teaches her designing and about fashion.Chats with AeRin a lot. | 7/10 | Alive

Silbings: ♦Brother | Song Min Hyuk | 21 | Student/Trainee | Playful,also the joker of the family and very serious and hardworking when there is the need to. | Overprotective of Ae Rin and spends alot of time with her.Always messages her everyday wiithout fail to ask about her day. | 8/10 | Alive


Family Background: Upper class?Owns a company with branches in Toronto,Seoul and Tokyo.



Best Friend: SeoHyun | 21 | Member of SNSD | Helps AeRin in practicing and also chats with her whenever she is feeling down or stressful.Also is like a sister to AeRin who cares for her a lot. | 9/10

Friends: Janessa Keller | 19 | Student | Sends AeRin e-mails occassionally to inform her about life in Toronto currently and chats about the good times they had together when they were kids. | 6/10



Name: Byun Baek Hyun

Age: 20

Group: EXO-K

Personality: May look a little cold hearted on the outside but is actually a very nice person to be with.Sometimes even joke around with the people he is close with.

How you met him?: AeRin met him when she joined the company as a trainee.

How you behave around him?: AeRin would usually put on that "Ice-Princess" image in front of guys but it was different in this case.She would always smile whenever he talks to her and she would have never ending  things to say.  

How he treat you?: He would bring her lunch whenever she is too busy practicing and cares for her a little more than how a sunbae would treat his hoobae.


Backup Lover: Kris

Age: 22

Group: EXO-M

Personality: Does not talk a lot but is a person who cares about the people around him.

How you met him?: She met him during the SM Audition in Vancouver.

How you behave around him?: AeRin does not really talk much too around him.But secretly has a slight crush on him.Feel shy around him sometimes.

How he treat you?: Just like AeRin,he does not talk much to her but gives some little hints through actions.Asks about her when she walks by.


Status: Crush



Rival: JiHyun

Group: 4Minute

How do you became rivals?: When AeRin was still in Cube Entertainment, JiHyun used to fight with her for everything and also bullied her.



Stage Name: Angel

Persona: Icy Queen

Group Position: Main Singer . Sub Dancer . MV Actress . Duet Queen

Backup Position: Lead Dancer. Sub Vocal . Model  . MC

Fanclub Name: Icicles

Fanclub Colour:           and         

Singing Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nw4lWjYi6l0

Dancing Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-K8Hr7ZY84

Rapping Link: ---



Trainee Years: 1 year in Cube Ent. and 4 years in SM Ent.

How you became a trainee under SM?: She took part in the SM Global Audition in Vancouver,Canada when she was 14.She passed the auditions and eventually became a trainee.

Trainee Life?: AeRin travelled from school to SM building for training every day.She had to balance between school and training which was very stressful for her.She still persevered and did her very best when training in order to reach her goal of debuting one day.Once,she even cried the whole night just because she still couldn't get the dance moves right after a few attempts.After tiring years of continuous hard work she finally had a chance to debut.

Pre-debut works: Modelling,Cameo in the drama "Dream High",Dancer in Hyuna's Change MV [when she was still in Cube Ent.],Featured in SHINee's Juliette MV and Amigo MV.



Comments:Hope you like my application~Hwaiting! for this story. :D


Password: Lockets





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