MissU Application

Jo Ae Rin



AFF Username:KumikoJangxEunJoo

What should I call U:Miko

Profile Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/236476


Missing Person Info (Character Info) 

Name:Jo Ae Rin


Stage Name:G-Rin (pronounced as Ji Rin)

MissU Name:Miss Rule



Birthday:19th May







THE REAL U (Character Looks)

Ulzzang Name:Hong Young Gi

Ulzzang Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Back-Up Ulzzang Name:Song Ah Ri

Back-Up Ulzzang Pictures: 1 2 3 4

What does your Character look like?:Has Ear piercings,,Current Hair colour is Strawberry Blond,Tall

Character Trait:Big Eyes,Baby face


Horoscope Sign:Taurus



Getting to know U 

Personality: Cheerful and likes to play around especially with her members.Like the baby of the "MissU Family",who is the innocent one.She likes to use aegyo to get what she wants.The "energy pill" and mood-maker of the group.Has high expectations of her herself.Nothing can get in her way from getting what she wants.She is a person who does not want others to see her cry.She would keep quiet and stay away from the rest if she is upset or angry.She can be too agitated and will surely do something about it when someone messes with her.Of course,she can be a little too hyper,which makes her irritating to those who do not know her well enough.

Background:She had a wonderful and carefreechildhood and the best family that she could hever have.Got pampered by her parents since young.But that did not make her a spoiled princess.Since,she did not have any pressure or stress from her parents,thats where her cheerful self came from.Lived in a semi-detached house in Japan before moving to Korea for her father's work when she was 9.She had a love for music since young and started learning the piano since 8.And took intrest in acting when she was 13.When her brothers,YoungMin and KwangMin became trainees,she also wanted to become an idol too.Currently studying in Seoul School of Performing Arts.



          ♦Sweet desserts






          ♦Playing pranks and joking around


Dislikes: ♦Doing Chores


              ♦Getting Disturbed

              ♦People messing up her hair

              ♦Being forced to do something

              ♦Horror movies


Strengths: ♦Fast at memorising dance steps

                   ♦Good at hitting high notes


                   ♦Does not give up easily

Weaknesses: ♦Gets scared easily

                        ♦Likes to procrastinate

                        ♦Forgets about things easily

                        ♦Has low stamina

Fears: ♦Insects

            ♦Afraid of heights


            ♦Being Alone

Talents: ♦Immitating others' voices

               ♦Playing the piano



Hobbies: ♦Reading comics

                ♦Watching K an J-Dramas


                ♦Playing Tennis

                ♦Composing (Random ideas just come to her when she is bored)

   Sleeping Habits: ♦Sleeps with her hand under her head

                                 ♦Sometimes sleeptalks

Eating Habits: ♦Eats all the vegetables before eating the rest

    Other Habits: ♦ her lips

                            ♦Puffing up her cheeks

                            ♦Twirling her hair on her finger

                            ♦Tapping her feet when thinking

                            ♦If you see her listening to music alone,it means she is upset

Trivia: ♦Has 2 puppies,one male and one female named Jun and Angel. 

            ♦She drinks tea almost everyday.Usually Earl Grey or fruit tea.

            ♦Speaks Japanese when she is angry

            ♦She has whole shelf filled with manga in her room

            ♦Cream puffs are her favourite especially those with chocolate cream.

            ♦Likes Keroro just like SNSD's SeoHyun.

            ♦She has a strange addiction to dark chocolate

            ♦Her favourite colour is white

            ♦Your would always see her with her pink headphones and white Ipod


Style:Mostly wears any style.Sometimes cutesy,sometimes chic and always has that accessory that tops it off.

   Sleepwear:1 2

   Airport Fashion: 1 2 3 4

   Dorm:1 2 3 4 5

   Practice: 1 2 3 4

   Casual:1 2 3 4 5 6

   Formal:1 2 3 4

   On a Date:1 2 3


  Shoes—1 2 3

  Accessories—1 2 3

  Hats—1 2 3

  Bags—1 2



U Miss Them

Jo Hyun Su| 48 | Father | Vice-President of a Company | Caring in someways and has high standards,may be a little strict but still is a person that you can share your troubles with. |  Plays games and sports together during weekends and would always have a little chat with each other.Always creating good times together and helps AeRin relieve her stress at the same time.

Jo Yoo Jin | 47 | Mother | Designer | She is loving and humorous,and the best mother that you could ever have.She gets angry easily too like AeRin and can be a nightmare to you if you cross the line or test her limits. | AeRin has a very close relationship with her mother and are almost like sister or best-friends instead of a mother-daughter relationship.Goes out for shopping together and she is always cheering AeRin up.

Jo Young Min | 17 | Brother | Member of Boyfriend | Sensitive and protective of his sister.Has a strong pride and is charismatic.| He is always looking out for his twin and AeRin.Pampers AeRin most since young and they could chat for the whole day.He always gives in to AeRin whenever she uses aegyo.Always having a blast of a time when they joke around.

Jo Kwang Min | 17 | Brother | Member of Boyfriend | A nice person to be with,gets excited quickly and have a lot of sympathy,can be a little annoying at times with his pranks but still lovable.| Also protective of AeRin and also a victim of Aerin's aegyo attack.Loves playing pranks on YoungMin together.They call themselves the prankster duo.

Friends: Jung Min Young | 17 | Childhood friend | Back-up Dancer | Childish and is someone that you want to look after. | AeRin always looks after MinYoung as if she is her sister and texts her all the time.

Best Friend(s)*: Bae Su Ji | 17 | Former trainee friend | Lovable,kind and serious in what she does | When AeRin was in JYP as a trainee with Suzy,they were almost like twins,they have the same intrests and the same taste.Always found being together,they understand each other as well as they understand themselves.


Rival(s)*: YuBin of WonderGirls
Personality towards you |Personality towards others: She would make life difficult for AeRin,using the advantage of being older, to ask her to do things.YuBin just did not like AeRin and treated her like a nobody while she was caring and kind to the other trainees.AeRin could not take it,and thats what made her quit JYP Ent.
How you became rivals: When AeRin was still in JYP as a trainee with YuBin,Yu Bin would fight with AeRin for everything just because AeRin was younger yet she was already very talented.Yu Bin was afraid that AeRin would outshine her.
How you act towards each other:They would glare at each other whenever they pass by each other. Irritate each other for the sake of making each other angry.
Anything else I should know?: ---


Who do U miss?

Love Interest: Ricky | TeenTop
Personality:Cute and humorous,hard-working and likes to joke around just like AeRin
How you met?: AeRin was visiting her brothers,the Jo twins at MusicBank backstage.When she was thinking of something while walking,she accidentally knocked into Ricky nad they started chatting.Since then,they were best friends and like to hang out when she visits her brothers.
How you act around said person?: She would feel a little shy and nervous when she chats with him but does not show it.She even shares her secrets and uses her aegyo attack on him.
How they act around you?:Ricky also does not show that he is nervous around AeRin but cares for her a lot by asking if she has eaten or not or even texting her at night to ask about her day.
Anything else I should know about said person?:Ricky gives hints here and there through his actions to show that he likes her but is afraid that AeRin does not like him.

Back- Up Love Interest:Group member.(Since I don't know who are the other members yet,please choose for me ;D)
How you met?: We met when we were training at TS Entertainment.
How you act around said person?: It is kinda awkward between AeRin and [group member] ,AeRin would sit far away from him when they are eating at the same table or when they are in the practice room,she would keep as fair as possible as she thinks that doing this will prevent her from liking him.
How they act around you?: He does not acts weird or shy towards AeRin,but just shakes off the fact that she is acting weird.He tries to get closer to her,but she would just hide away.
Anything else I should know about said person?: He does not know that AeRin likes him but secretly has some feelings for her.
Relationship?: One-sided love.In the end,they gradually got over their feelings and became bestfriends instead.

Love Triangle?:--




How were you discovered? When? (at what age?):AeRin was participating in a Talent competion where she was scouted by TS when she was 12.
How many years did you train for?:4 years
How was your Trainee life?:She went to TS Entertainment building for training everyday immediately after school and studied in between when ever she had freetime.Although she was having a hard time balancing school and training,she still persevered and tried her best.
Any ious companies?*:JYP Entertainment
Time spent there*:2 year.



U R A Super STARR!

Persona:Aegyo Princess
Personal Fanclub: Rinisters
Fanclub Colors: 
#ff0066 and  #ffff99   

Pre-Debut Works (Extra jobs)*: Modelling for various magazines,Cameo in DreamHigh
Twitter*: Jo_G-Rin
    Group Positions: Place a ‘x’ on what you want. (You may choose multiple talents if you see fit, not every position may be fulfilled. If you have one you truly want please bold it) (Over all I have the last say and if I need to change I will, but I will try my best not to)

[ ] Leader  (Female)
[ ] Leader (Male
[ ] Rapper (Female)
[ ] Rapper (Male)
[ ] Lead Vocalist (Female)
[ ] Lead Vocalist (Male)
[ x] Main Vocalist (Female)
[ ] Main Vocalist (Male)
[ ] Main Dancer (Female)
[ ] Main Dancer (Male)
[ ] Lead Dancer (Female)
[ ] Lead Dancer (Male)
[ ] Visual (Female)
[ ] Visual (Male)
[x ] Sub-Dancer (Female)
[ ] Sub-Dancer (Male)
[ ] Sub-Vocal (Female)
[ ] Sub-Vocal (Male)
[ ] Sub-Rapper (Female)
[ ] Sub-Rapper (Male)

Maknae will be chosen by who ever is the youngest, but you may put if you wish your character to be the Visual Maknae like Thunder from MBLAQ. He isn’t the youngest but he is often mistaken as the youngest.
Leader, one of them will be the main leader in charge of the whole group when they are together. When they are separated, there will be need for a male and female leader. I will choose who will be the Overall Leader. If you want to be the overall leader, write it down, it may have influence on my decision.
Since Main and Lead dancer are usually decided by their abilities to dance, I decided to change it up a little:
Main Dancer is the person who gets the dance break solo.
Lead Dancer is the person who will mostly be in the center leading the dances, when the singer isn’t in the center.

Rapping Skills:---
Singing Skills: 1 | 2 | 3
Dancing Skills: 1 | 2 

Vocal Range:Mezzo-Soprano

Any Shows you want the group to be on?:Hello Baby,Strong Heart,Sesame Player,Running Man,Intimate Note
Any shows you want your character to be on?:Strong Heart,Running Man



Mystery- Every1 has a Secret

What is the one secret you don't want anyone to know about?: Her crush on a member MissU.




Scene Requests:Interaction between YoungMin,KwangMin,Boyfriend and AeRin.Ricky with AeRin of course!




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I like your application and Lost Child is my fav song from IU just saying do *thumbs up*