and the brain dies

anyone in the FINALS cramming season? you want to stay up all night you say. but then finals take a week or three days at least you say. you have to stay ing up all night to cram up bloody information you say.... 

well.. try an energy drink. coffee. eating apple. a power nap. 

i did 3 out of 4 all in one day. and it's bad... i think.

  1. a cup of coffee (that starbuck's columbia with just brown sugar. no cream) for brunch
  2. an enrgy drink around afternoon
  3. another coffee... the one in the picture for the night
  4. half an apple around 11-ish pm
  5. NO NAP. OTL i dont have time i think. and there's kakashi lonely on my bed ;A;

and this is just day one of three days worth of cram and sleep deprivation. i feel a 16 hours sleep coming this friday night XD. yeah~ i dont really recommend what i did. or at least not too much coffee (i try as i might, like i totally wanted to drink another one but i try to limit to two cups/drinking session XD) and not too much energy drink too. sure you may be totally awake the whole time cramming but you might shut down on the test day. 

so luckily, first exam's in the afternoon. here i am 'taking a break' and gonna kill brain cells for at least 30 more minutes or an hour and 30 more minutes before reuniting with my bed. and wake up like a zombie a few hours later. 

and~ i also watched on tv that eating apples is a healthy alternative for drinking coffee for over-timers. at least an apple a day? or night in our case... my friend said it worked. he tried it out last year. and i could say.. it's working wonders now. ^^, 


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Unya.... photoshop na kaau ka... HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Ack. And my 'finals' just ended. If apples work, eat more! FIGHTING MERSHIEEEE<3
hwaaaiting<3 /waves pom poms around and hugs you/
God bless!<3
Finals Season is back >< Monday and Tuesday was one pain in the neck for all the performance tasks we did. It seriously tired us out. Well me especially because half of the tasks we did rested in my hands >< the effect of being an honor student and writer >< the teachers expect too much.
Apples work! I tried it during exams and it worked!
Didn't go to school today>< it's Review day pa naman.
Tomorrow is first exams...Good luck!