〖 ⋆ When the Moon Rises ⋆ 〗〖Ong Meixin〗

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  When the Moon Rises  
[Xian + Valentine]
User Name: aniyababo
Name: andy
Activeness: 6
We're A Bit Different
Birth Name: [Meixin][Ong]
* Nickname: Mei | shorter ver. of her name; relatives and co-workers || Xin | shorter and boyish ver. of her name; only her older brother calls her this
"Stage" Name: [Xian]
Persona: Valentine
Reason: First time you'd see Meixin and you'd suddenly rememver your first love because of how innocent she looks. But it may also remind you of the heart break when you can't get through that pretty face of hers. 
Age: 19
Date of Birth: May 23 1993
Horoscope: Gemini
Blood Type: AB
Birthplace: Xi'an, China
Hometown: Beijing, China
Ethnicity: Chinese
Languages: English (fluent), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (conversational)
Character Type: The Living Black Book
   The girl back in China is almost the same as the girl in Seoul. They're both pretty timid and stuck to their own worlds. They both tend to keep things to their self and would rather let people see something else than their vulnerable side. Though there are some things that have changed with Mei when she was still in China and when she came to South Korea. While in China, Mei is the type who follows orders no matter how hard. She isn't the type to complain or fuss about things either. She gives respect to everybody, even if they were younger than her. She's also the type who easily gets guilty when she knows she'd done something wrong or if she hadn't followed the rules well.
   Back at home, Mei's known as the ideal daughter. She not only follows orders but is pretty good when it comes to school. It's like you see nothing wrong with her at all. She has good memory too, which may be the reason for her good grades. People always say that she's the perfect present for the Ong family and that they should be proud. All those praises hasn't gone to Mei's head though and she continues to live her life humbly. There are times though that she finds herself not being lady-like, those times are usually when she's with her brother. It's like a switch is flipped and she starts playing around with him and gets somewhat rougher. Not to the point of hitting, more like shoving, though these are mostly her happiest times. She's also known for her dangerous curiosity, that also being the reason for her life's turning point.
   Before arriving in South Korea though, Mei hasn't noticed that she's slowly changing. She's become jumpy and she started to trust less people. She started disobeying her mother's decisions if it meant that she could talk to her father or get in touch with the people back home. She also found herself lying to her mother and father like it's second nature. She didn't like it but it was all too natural to ignore. She was no less curious about things but she's learned to limit her ways of finding out something, if it meant that someone would get hurt.
  Now that she's in South Korea, it seems like the ideal Meixin is being pushed to the side. Meixin isn't the type to forget easily so even after a year of silence, she's still as jumpy and judgmental as ever. She's become pessimistic too at some point but she doesn't share her negative thoughts to anyone to avoid conflicts. Things took a huge turn after her mother and brother's accident. After throwing herself to the people who took her mother's life, she'd started to wear a mask, something she uses for her to get through everyday. She may not be as innocent as before, but she still tries to keep it together for the sake of her brother and father.
[Happy] - When Mei's happy, she'd obviously smile a lot and her aura would be brighter. Most people would want her to keep it that way because it reaches out to them, they somehow feel her happiness too.
[Sad] - Anyone who sees Mei wouldn't think that she's sad when she is because she'd still give off a friendly smile, but her aura would seem off and only those really close to her would know the difference.
[Angry] - Mei's way of responding would be slightly sarcastic or strong compared to her timid voice. She wouldn't be saying anything mean but it'll be somewhat evident that she's pissed.
[Customers] - In front of the customers, Mei would be very timid but would tend to their needs faster than the other girls. She'd greet and say goodbye to them with a warm smile.
[Gang Member] - Not that she'd turn a whole 180 but instead it's like she finally showed her true colors. She acts gracefully as ever but that's just a cover up from her real intensions. She'd usually be the first to talk since she's in charge of the information and would not hesitate to get back at anyone who crosses her. 
» kdramas
» icecream
» feathers
» indie music
» james bond movies
» reptiles
» two-faced people
» red lipstick
» violence
» erts
Pet Peeves:
» being screamed at
» the topic of her being "payment"
» if someone calls her a
» acting
» buying and solving puzzles at the cafe or at "home"
» baking
» putting puzzles together when she's stressed 
» splashing her face with cold water when she's frustrated and walks around without wiping it off
» heaves a deep sigh now and then
» she can read Braille because she was somewhat blind when she was young
» she's a genius when it comes to puzzles and codes
» learned how to hack because of her brother
» she runs off to an abandoned building and stays there just to watch the sunset when she's really upset
» visits her brother in the hospital secretly
» no one knows of her brother or that she still has a relative
» she's also great at acting that you wouldn't know that the girl from the cafe is actually the girl from the bar the other night
I'm Pretty Enough
Ulzzang Name: Zhang Xin Yuan
Ulzzang Pictures:

Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Liu Yu Qing
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:

Height: 167 cm
Weight: 57 kg
Description of Appearance:
» has a somewhat slim frame despite being of average height
» she's pale
» dark brown hair, beautifully thick brows
» chocolate almond eyes
» nicely curved nose
» pink chubby cheeks
» plump lips
» long, thin fingers
» flat feet
Mei prefers wearing clothes that covers herself up, mostly the upper body. She likes the vintage designs, mostly coffee colored. She's seen wearing dresses or blouses with a skirt rather thank shorts or pants. This goes the same when she's in the gang, it's just that she'd be seen wearing something with a black or red accent or something a little revealing to get the informations coming.
* Additional:
» lotus tattoo on her left pelvic bone| something like a mark that says she's the "payment" for a "debt" unpaid (just the lotus, not the tail part; kinda small)
A Sad Song
   Meixin had thought that she had lived a fairly normal life; her father being a simple blacksmith, her mother being a nurse, though her brother may bring some mess at home, they weren't really big... until now. It was too late when she learned every detail but now she has to go to a foreign country because of her father and brother's doing. Mei's father was left behind to try and fix things while she, her mom , and brother tried their faith in Korea.
   A year passed that everything seemed was quiet. Mei, her brother and mother went on their normal days, sometimes getting calls from her father when he was free. He had told them that everything was okay with him now because he's now protected by the people who got him into this mess. It was all fine until one night. Mei's mother and brother got home from work, their car started to malfunction and a fire broke out causing the car to fully explode. Only Mei's brother survived and it was a total failure to the people who wants to get rid of him so they decided to finish him at the hospital. Mei saw what they were about to do to her brother so she begged for them to take her instead. The people thought of it before accepting, not like they'd pass up the offer of such a fine piece. Since then, she has been branded as the property of a man known for his love of the Lotus and as his favorite flower.
   Now that she's a property of someone so powerful, she was taught thing she didn't know that she would stomach doing. She was taught how to defend herself, she learned how to pick pocket and work opening locks. She even got acting lessons to make things easier for her when she's trying to persuade a "customer". Though no one actually dared touch her because she has the eye of the boss, things went out of hand though and the boss was forced to take her out of the club and move her somewhere "safer". She's been given a little freedom but it seems like she hasn't at all since she still has the gang at night.
Reason for Joining Gang:
Azure got into the gang as payment for her brother's mess. She was asked to take part in everything they had to get done or else she'd be thrown back to the hell hole known as the "fun house".

Ong Zhuang Hui || father || blacksmith || hardworking, cocky, hot-tempered || Mr. Ong isn't into showing his emotions but he watched over his children carefully. Mei to him is his most precious stone and would do anything to keep her under his watch and away from the thieves out to get her. Mei on the other hand understands her father but she would like to show him that she could take care of herself and that she is ready to do anything for the sake of her family. || Mr. Ong is still in China but he keeps in touch with his daughter and thinks that she's living a nice life with her brother when in fact it's the total opposite
Ong Lei Mi || mother || nurse || patient, understanding, strict || Mrs. Ong is a very busy woman and doesn't really have time for her kids. Mei in her eyes is someone who she can trust and is pretty much like her when she was younger, and that's also something that worries her so she tries to keep an even tighter grip on her. Mei on the other hand doesn't really understands her mother's heart but she tries to never the less. || Mrs. Ong was with Mei's brother when the accident happened and she wasn't able to survive the explosion.
Ong Xian || older brother || middleman || loyal, honest, persistent || Xian is the type of person who knows more than necessary so it's both good and bad for him. Meixin to him is a very special person that needs to be protected all the time but not to the extent that she may feel suffocated so he gives her her freedom. Mei on the other hand is really playful with her brother and sometimes admits to giving him headaches but does other things so he won't be too worried. || He was with his mother when the car they were in exploded and he was the only survivor but he is currently in a comatose.
* Best Friends
Huang Zitao || Gang Member || timid, mysterious, aloof most of the time || They aren't the type to show people how close they are as long as they feel it. They can be seen together but most of the time it's just them sitting in their own silence. When it's just them though, they'd talk and share little jokes that other people mistaken as a hidden relationship when it's nothing more than a strong family-like bond between the two. || Since Tao see's Meixin as a sibling, he does everything to find out if there are loop holes or anything to lift Meixin as payment for her brother's mistakes.
* Friends:
Choi Jonghyun (Changjo) || Gang Member || sensitive, moody, adaptive || Chanjo is one of the few people who was able to break in Meixin's little world. One reason is because he doesn't ask or talk much and there's just that connection between them. He believes whatever the girl says and she does the same. They can get playful around each other, just so they could take out all the tension either of them might be feeling.
Kevin Woo || Customer || funny, charmer, open-minded || Kevin is one of Mei's favorite customers because he's always there to make her laugh. He isn't demanding like the other's and would wait patiently for her to get to him, there are even times that he gets it himself (considering that he's somewhat close to the managers). 
Frienemie || Wang Fei Fei (Fei) || Gang Member || Fei is the type of girl who doesn't stand out but isn't forgotten either. She's rather stay out of the picture than be in one but ever since Meixin started to show up, her ideas on things changed. She is somewhat bossy and tends to go over the edge with her orders but they're usually the best way out of things. || Mei never wants to cross paths with Fei because she knows that the latter has something against her. Fei on the other hand thinks of the exact thing, that Mei really did something to her that she wants to see the girl out. || They're what they are because ever since Mei showed up its like Fei's existance has just faded. She thinks that she isn't as needed now that another genius is around and that hurts her pride. She's one of the people who likes seeing Mei work her off but doesn't like it when her job's taken away from her.
* Other Relationships:
[Were you in a past relationship? Or currently in one? Or anything else?] [Relationship with Character || Name || Age || Occupation || Few adjectives to describe their personality || Short description of how you two act around each other || Reason for this 'relationship' (like why you broke up or something)(or why you're together) || Anything else important?]
Mystery To You
Reason for Working at the Cafe:
Mei needed to feel normal at least, that she isn't just there as payment but because that's what she "wanted". As a result, she went to the cafe to look for a job and for "prospects" because their cafe is not at all what it seems to be.
Main Position at Cafe: Waitress
Back-up Position at Cafe: Cashier
Specialty: attracting customers and convincing them to buy more than necessary
Words I Couldn't Bear To Say
The One: Kim Minseok (Xiumin) || EXO-M || they are part of the gang, somewhere in the informations department too || 22
The Second One: Park Seunghyun (Thunder) || MBLAQ || somewhat connected to the gang but not part of it || 22
Relationship: I want them to end up together
Second Interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen) || EXO-M || they know each other already || shy, reserved, practical, one goal type of person, loyal, honest || 20
Third Interest: Nam Woohyun (Woohyun) || Infinite || they've seen but haven't really talked to each other || flirty, out spoken, open-minded, playful || 21
Interactions: At first they didn't really interact with each other. They have given each other some quick glances but nothing much after that. When they were assigned to do something together though, things got easier for the two and they started to talk to each other more with ease. They don't just throw themselves at each other because it may look like something's going on but as time passes, the two can't just get away from each other. They start seeing each other at their rooms when no one's there just so they could catch up or if ever they get caught they'd say that the other was asked to do something that involved their help etc. It's always been secretive around them but it's somewhat obvious that there's something going on, especially if the other is hanging out with someone else.
Ideal Type: Physically, Mei prefers someone taller than her. Someone who may look weak but is actually stronger than you think and that would just throw-off other people who doesn't know them well. Meixin likes someone who doesn't ask too much questions while they're still at the 'getting-to-know' phase. It's pretty dumb but she doesn't like to talk to just anyone about her past, especially about her brother. Like other girls, she is easily swayed when the guy could sing, dance, play an instrument, and cook. Most importantly, someone who can make her feel safe no matter where she is.
* Additional Details: [Anything else you want to mention? Anything else about this/these guy(s)?]
You Say You Know Me
Gang Name: Azure
Persona: Angel's Temptation
Reason for Persona: One look at Azure and you'll think that an angel has fallen from the sky. Her innocence is her charm, her whispers are your poison.
What You Were Known For As Part of the Gang: Mei isn't the type to actually be seen in the field, instead she works behind the counter. She is one of the brains of the operation and is known for her sweet talk. She and her teams moves first above all others for any plan to work.
Intelligence: 9/10
Strength: 2/10
Speed: 6/10
Stealth: 8/10
Endurance: 4/10
Resolve: 6/10
Intuition: 7/10
Reflexes: 9/10
Perception: 9/10
Bravery: 7/10
Agility: 6/10
Team Work: 3/10
Following Orders: 5/10
Gathering Information: 10/10
Persuasion: 10/10
Trust: 2/10
Behaviour to Gang: Azure still acts distant with some members but she does give them respect. She also gets to talk first before every operation because she could be considered one of the important people, one of the brains.
Behaviour to Customers : In front of the customers, she's somewhat sweet and acts shy. She tends to them like a younger sister would but would never get too close. She gives them smiles and converses when she feels like it, just to get something out of them.
Part of the Gang or Cafe: Gang member, if she's somewhat needed (she gives information) but if you're not really into showing that kind of character then Waitress please.
A Good Bye
Comment: This may be one of the longest apps i've filled!! And my imaginary juices are almost out lol I do hope you like her though, and her back ground. Please do tell me if I have to change anything, like the fact that she's close to a big time boss or something... if you want, you could make it like- he treats her as his favorite flower not because he's into her but you know, mre like a daughter thing... in a twisted way since he allowed her to be in a gang and blah. Oh yeah, I was listening to Secret's "Poison" the whole time I was filling half of this up :p
* Suggestion: Since this is a story about gang, they have to fight with other gangs or...? 'cause I have this like idea where they're the type who gets paid to do some hacking or scaring and what not. Like a CEO hires them to get the other company's info or they get hired to beat someone up... or they help with exchanging goods or something. (please scratch what you read since it might sound too...ugh OTL)


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