Party Feel To Studying


So tat monday i went out to meet up my agent,

Drivin was crazy cuz i was using my foster bro car,

One of his Lancer Evo X,

Huahaha.. Feel gud drivin tat thing..

Anyway, meetin my agent..


She told me about my photoshoot crap after exams n all,

I kinda ignore her cuz i was eatin,

Lookin at things ard me..


Then finishing my sandwich,

I gt the urge to study,

After listenin to Like A G6 by Far East Movement,


I cut off my agent and told her im going off,

Have somethg to do,

I was smiling when i said tat,

Rememberin bck tat moment,

It was bizzare..



I guess sometimes certain music on certain time wanna make study..

Weird rite? I know..

I didn't say i was normal.. LOL

- Peace out from Uri -


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that doesn't work for me though o.o
of course, there's already evidence that you're more productive to classical songs and such. having fun studying, I see, lol
I study only wif instrumental songs.. I gt one playlist only on yiruma's songs.. So i usually listen to tat wen i study.. But tat day i was feelin crazy.. I left her there hangin.. Hahah...
lol I can't study...or be productive with music...unless..i'm in music class...I guess I'm just that type of person who prefers silence.