Español [ some mispellings ]

After taking Spanish for around nine or ten years (took it in elementary, middle, and now in high school) I learned that in some words they end in 'o' which is masculine (for men) and others are ending with 'a' which is feminine (for females) so I'm going to use the feminine words and please correct me for any mispellings!


Amarilla - yellow

Verde - green

Violeta - Violet/Purple

Azul - Blue

Anajardo - Orange

Rojo - Red

Cafe - Brown

Blanco - white

Rosada - pink

Person #1: ¡Hola!

Person #2: ¿Que tal? Como te llamas?

Person #1: Me llamo Roberto. ¿Y tu?

Person #2: Yo me llamo Rosalinda.

Person #1: ¿Yo tengo años?

Person #2: Yo tengo años diece nueve.

Person #1: Yo tengo anos viente.

Person #2: Como estas?

Person #1: Muy bien, gracias!

Person #2: De nada.

Person #1: ¡Adios, Rosalinda!

Person #2: ¡Hasta luego Roberto!

Alta - tall; baja - short; morena - dark skin; rubia - light skin; gorda - fat; delgada - skinny; bonita - beautiful; fea - ugly

Comica - comical; seria - serious

These are just some things I learned, again please correct me on my spelling! I'm still learning!


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Wui-chan #1
Hey! I know this is an old post but I'm spanish so I'm going to tell you some things...
Anaranjado and Rosado are okey, but you can say "Naranja" and "Rosa" and it's better. Oh, and "cafe" isn't a color, is coffe. If you wanna say brown you need to say marrón.
Well, remember in Spanish you always need to put the question marks after and before the oration.
I'm going to put here a correction for the full talk:

Person #1: ¡Hola!

Person #2: ("¿Qué tal?" this isn't well here). ¿Cómo te llamas?

Person #1: Me llamo Roberto. ¿Y tú?

Person #2: Yo me llamo Rosalinda.

Person #1: ¿Cuantos años tienes?

Person #2: Yo tengo diecinueve años (or only "diecinueve, ¿y tú?" or "diecinueve".)

Person #1: Yo tengo veinte años.

Person #2: ¿Cómo estas?

Person #1: Muy bien, ¡gracias!

Person #2: De nada.

Person #1: ¡Adiós, Rosalinda!

Person #2: ¡Hasta luego Roberto!

And about the last words, the mistake I saw was dark skin isn't rubia, rubia is blond.

I hope it can help you :3
haha4006 #2
For the part Person #1: ¿Yo tengo años?
You should write "¿Cuantos anos tienes?" When you wrote "Yo tengo anos?" I read it as "I have years?" and it looks like you are asking how old you are based on the reply.
Remember the accents and the question marks!
I've only taken Spanish 1 at my school and I'm learning Spanish 2 now... so you can trust me if you want to.
MeiJia4787 is right on all of what she said, but another thing is that there should be an upside-down question mark before the start of EVERY question, so if you have two questions in front of each other (Person #2: ¿Que tal? Como te llamas?), then there should be one in from of "Como." And also, if you're talking formally to someone you just met, take out that "Que tal" and only have "Como te llamas". You can ask it later in the convo, though. ^^
*has been in Spanish for a few months, but studied it before* :D You did great, though ♥
Spanish is my second language. Is really close to my native language (Portuguese) so is a bit easy for me but to understand :3
Some I understand since I learn Italian.
yellow is "Amarillo" no female there.
orange is spelled "Anaranjado".
brown is not cafe thats coffee lol! though in spanish from spain they do use it as color for parts of body like describing "Esos ojos cafe" (those coffee eyes) but in color is would be "Marrón".
pink is "rosado" though u can also use "rosada" but we mostly use the masculine term.

Person #1 (to ask the age of a person is) Cuantos años tienes?
"Yo tengo DIESINUEVE". "Yo tengo veinte años."

Rubia is Blond. If you wanna say light skin it be "Blanca". like the color "white".

I hope this helped you out!
cool i understanding some of this 8D
i have spanish too~