perfect two~ ♥

cause you're the apple to my pie,
you're the straw to my berry ♥
Two years ago, Asianfanfics' 7,990th user registered under the user id ifallelsefails.
It pretty much started all the insanity, lol, hehe.
It's quite amusing how long I've been writing for this community, how many times I tried to leave, how many stories I deleted without further notice, how many comments made my day, how many wonderful people I got the chance to meet. I didn't even noticed it was already two years! Time flies so fast~
I can't consider myself as friendly or someone people want to befriend with (heck i don't even leave comments when i'm lazy and that's MOST of the time, haha) but I'm thankful for the people who made my AFF life lovely and beautiful :)
To my one and only, forever favorite Brina-unnie, who had been with me since my first story, who read my KyuNa eventhough she hates SJ with SNSD, for helping me out with the many firsts i did in my stories (first for IWLY, first matured topic for MBW) She's my ever dependable consultant, unnie and friend. Hope we could still share many more stories ahead :3
Sonny, my favorite dongsaeng ever, my personal cheerleader who had been with me with every story. My lively, cute dongsaeng whose comments never failed to lift my spirits up ^^ 
To my lovable dongsaengs here! Key and Ily, one of my first friends ^^ purplekpop Jilly my EunHaeKyuNa buddy, kiwibubblecat Alyssa who's super sweet and pretty, the amazing Candy who's just really brilliant and passionate, I'm not the best unnie but I will always be here :3 Thanks for bearing with me, kk XD
Teepee-unnie, Dita-unnie, Boje-unnie, Tika-unnie, Therese and Kira, my lovely KyuNa line <3 The sweetest girls ever :3 I know I've been lacking these days for coming up with great KyuNa fics but you know that didn't mean my love for them lessens, right? Forever Musketeer here nn May we share many more moments, pocky dances, 0330 and 0922 anniversaries, kkk :3
My newest friends, my lovely OSMs. Well we were formed in Twitter but we fangirl in our stories and love for EXO here. To Alex, Sae, Dee, Mya, Zhee, Nadine, Edna and Ciara.. continue being awesome and making awesome stories and I'll be there ninja-ing each and everytime :)))
My sister is a part of OSM too but you don't thank your sister when you're being cute and sappy so no, haha! XDD
To the people I met because of my stories! For their support and encouragement and for just being lovely, thank you!! <3
I don't even know if you guys will see this and I'm not linking you because I'm shy, haha! But whatever, just want to let you guys know that I'm happy meeting you and I love you <33
Two years, 24 months, 29 stories, 390 blog posts, 600+ friends, 2600+ subscribers thank you thank you THANK YOU  
(c) wonderful perfect two eunhae fanart by one of my favorite artists ever rarassi


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thanks to you for all yr effort.. because of your eunhae fic made me come here n get this awesome oppurtinity.. u made me ship eunhae more, and made me notice about kyuna also.. sweet.. keep writing and just wanna let u know that i love all yr fic.. happy 2 years anniversary and i pray more will come for you.. hwaiting!!!
yeah,, just like erlinada,, i become a musketeer because of you,!! and also EunHae shipper,, because of you,, i've learn to like !!! keep writing unni!!!
love you~ wink wink
ILU bb~ <3
If not because of you (and Teepee) I'll not love KyuNa as much as I love them now. Both of you made me a Musketeer, you know! kkk XD
Keep writing, okay! I love your writing style and I loooooveee all of your stories.

Reinago #6
Yay! Happy 2 years anniversary Unnie! Im looking forward to more amazing fics, ♥
Happy 2 years and.many to come..
I'm expecting great fics as always!!!
Happy 2 years anniversary unnie~^^
Fighting for more years! :D
Kris-C25 #9
happy 2 year-anniversary! :) HEY. Teepie-unnie is the video maker of KyuNa videos right?? WHERE CAN I MEET HER? AND THE OTHER KYUNA LINE?? I wanna chat/ be friends with them. I wanna personally thanks them blablabla and bla :) PLEASE? :)
trinitivox44 #10
Happy Anniv Author-nim ^_^
isn't it Neorago Anniv too?
Happy Two Years Anniversary :))
Thank you for existing unnie. You don't know, and I want you to know that your Neorago I was the first ever fanfic I've red. XD Yeah! and it really moved me for being a hardcore EunHae shipper! Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories. It was inspiring and mesmerizing! You're awesome unnie! I idolized you so much!!! FIGHITNG UNNIE! I know you're more than glad for everything that happened to your life!!! Unnie..jjang~!!*.*
wow it's been 2 years already? congrats!! heheh. am glad that you decided to join this community and introduce me to kyuna and the "neorago" trilogy (or should i say saga now? kkkk). although am not reading all your fics but i know you have a lot of wonderful writing. keep writing a good stories, laurice~ah ^^ fighting!!