ℒoveless ¦ { name }'s Application ¦


We are Loveless.

[ landscape picture of ulzzang ]

[ character name ]



"Who Might You Be?"

AFF Username

Profile Link: { hyperlink, yo }

Activeness: { on a scale of 1-10, 10 being you have almost no life }

"My Name? It's..."

Character Name: { last, first please! unless you happen to be a non-asian applicant. }

Nicknames: { put -- if none }

Age: { 14-23, look on foreword for age ranges }

Birthdate: { dd/mm/yyyy } 

Gender: { male or female }

"So This Is What I Look Like?"

Ulzzang: { no Kim Shin Yeong }

Picture Links: { 5+ HQ }

Backup Ulzzang: { no Kim Shin Yeong }

Picture Links: { 5+ HQ }

Height: { cm }

Weight: { kg }

Extra Oddities: { eye color, markings, hair color, etc. }

"I'm Surprised At Myself."

Personality: { 2+ paragraphs minimum, detailed please! }

Persona: { no ice princess or aegyo king }


{ 4+ bulleted form }


{ 4+ bulleted form }


{ 2+ bulleted form }


{ you don't have to have any, but it's recommended }


{ 3+ bulleted form }


{ 3+ bulleted form }


{ infinite }

"Nice PowerYou Have There."

Power: { you are allowed to make up your own! }

Abilities: { things you can do with your power. +2 }

Signature Technique: { special thing you use your power for besides combat }

Physical Weapon: { optional, it can be like some sort of sort of sword or anything, really. it can even be a shield that comes out of your arm! }

Stats: { don't go all cray cray and be 10's everywhere. At least have a few below 4. 1-10 please.}
Intelligence: /10 
Strength: /10 
Speed: /10 
Stealth: /10 
Stamina: /10 
Endurance: /10 
Determination: /10 
Bravery: /10 
Intuition: /10 
Agility: /10 


"Escape The Grey!"

Color: { list in foreword, red is taken }

Signature Item: { this is the orange/red/etc. colored item you always have with you. it could be a ring, headband, whatever. }

Fateful End: { are you willing to die at the hands of the Grey or do you want to end up staying alive? }

"My Other Half"

Name: { remember the layout? }

Age: { please don't alter their ages too much unless they're like, 27 or something }

Personality: { 1+ paragraphs, detailed please! }

Interactions: { how you act around each other }

The Reason: { why are they your other half? did you two just click? or did you just have that feeling in your... circuitry? }

Relationship: { is it an awkward friendship/relationship? just friends? secret lovers? }


Backup's Name:

Age: { don't alter it too much }

Personality: { 1+ paragraphs, detailed! }


Additional Details: { anything else? }

"You're My Amigo"

Closest to: { list the color your character is closest to. color - why you're closest to them }

Enemy/Rival: { which color is your enemy/rival? color - why they're your rival }

"This Is The End"


Scene Requests:



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