TAG (닥) | Application Form


TAG (닥)





Username: nunmuri08

Username link:  check it out ^^

Nickname: nunnie :)

How active you online (0/10) : i can say about 9 ^^




Your Characters;

Name: Hwang Hae Rin

Nickname: haenie (pronounce as heyni)

D.O.B.: august 26, 1991

Age:  22 years old korean age

Birthplace : Gwangju Korea

Hometown : Seoul

Height (cms) : 175 cm

Weight (kgs) : 52kg

Bloodtype : O

Ethnicity : Japanese-Korean

Languages: Korean, japanese and english (Fluent ^^) 


Hwang Haerin has a blood type O  but commonly mistaken that she  has AB blood type because of her having an 8D character. Her moodswings are really out of the world  but despite that she was really a very thoughtful person. She view things very differently unlike the others which makes her unique. She is very gullible towards her friends. She laughs a lot even to small things while covering with her left hand even her friends always found her laughing all by herself because she always like to imagine things the way she wants it to become. She rarely gets mad but when she was, she'll end up not talking to you for weeks or months so dont you ever dare get her mad. Sometimes she can be founded very serious while doing other things in the corner and that is when she is playing games like scrabble, stab the turtle, word factory and text twister. She Loves to saves money in any possible way she can it fact at home, in every room you can see different coin banks. It's very hard to read her mind because she's so unpredictable. She's good at hiding her emotions because she doesnt like to look fragile and weak in front of others because they always see her strong and very reliable. if there is one thing negative about her is that her pride is so high. She's very sensitive when it comes to other people feelings. She's a very detailed person where everything must be in order before she leaves and goes back at home.

Background :

Haerin was born in Gwangju which gave her the Satori accent ^^ it comes out naturally whenever she's pissed off. At her young age her mother already notice her interest in singing  despite of her father oppose to let her become a singer. Her mother at the age of 4 let her join into different clubs that can help her enhance her skills in musical. She started playing piano at the age of 6 and at the age of 11 she learns to play drums. She was singing a cover of IU Morning tears in her fathers bar and restaurant when one of the SM staff scouted her and asked her to try to audition at SM entertainment.



Ulzzang Name : Kim Do Hee

Photos :#1 , #2#3#4#5#6#7

Back-up Ulzzang : Lee Hyo Jin

Photos : #1#2#3#4#5

Style :

casual: #1#2#3#4

formal: #1#2#3,#4#5#6

pajamas: #1#2#3
swim wear: #1#2#3#4
home wear: #1#2#3#4
work out: #1#2#3

Special charm : She's a sweet talker ^^

Left-handed/right-handed : right ^^

Piercings/tattoos/etc : 3 pierce in each earlobe Like this!!





Likes  :

  • Blue colors
  • teddy bears
  • coin banks
  • ice cream
  • spicy foods
  • white roses
  • coin banks
  • rainy days

Dislikes  :

  • Bugs and insects especially COCKROACHES!!!!!
  • Sharp objects except her claws ^^
  • cooking
  • too much sweet foods
  • waking up early
  • revealing clothes
  • horror movies

Hobbies  :

  • Singing
  • painting
  • collecting coin banks
  • collecting different types/kinds of currency

Habits (+2) :

  • Messing or pulling her hair when she is starting to get pissed
  • Stomping her feet when she doesnt like what she was asked to do
  • pouting when she gets disappointed or rejected
  • She laugh while covering with her left hand 
  • Nail clipping when shes nervous

Trivias  :

  • i sneeze like a cat ^^ 
  • She have different types of coin banks in each room its like an obsession to save money unconditionally ^^
  • She loves to sleep a  LOT!
  • She likes to take a long walk to calm herself.
  • She felt awkward when someone compliments in front of her.
  • She likes to take weird pictures which she can use to blackmail that person ^^
  • She likes to play games and put bets in between in everything she will do.
  • Dont talk to her when she's mad cause she will make you feel that your talking to a wall.
  • She is a very sentimental, she remembers every special occasions.
  • She likes surprises.
  • She likes it when it rains.
  • She values her privacy a lot
  • She squeeze the next person to her when she got scared and shocked.

Special talents  :

  • She can sew clothes.
  • She can paint
  • She knows how to do nail arts
  • Her voice fits in any genre of songs whether its ballad, rock or trot ^^
  • She's a good dancer
  • Ive mentioned it earlier she is a sweet talker which i consider as her special talents





Family : 

               [Hwang Jung Hae | 48 yrs old, 6/20/1966|Father| Bar owner | Slightly close | good provider, loud, authoritative but nice father]

 [ Hwang Aya| 44 yrs old, 4/18/1970| Mother | Bar Owner  manager | very close | Supportive, understanding mother]

Family background:

Her parents raise her with manners. Her father owns a bar and restaurant which he manage for over a year already while her mother manage an Internet Cafe because she likes to surf a lot. Her mother already notice her interest in music at a very young age thats why she let her join into different kinds of clubs to enhance her ability in music. At the age of 6 she started to play piano and at the age of 11 she started to learn Drums. His father oppose to let her become a singer but supports her secretly while her mother supports her all the way althrough her audition.

Best Friends  :

Kim HyunJoong - 25 - SS501 - Outgoing, funny, bubbly protective and a brother she never had ^^

Friends :

Kim Hyuna - 21 - 4minute - they were like partners in crime ^^

Navi -  25 - Soloist - She was like the older sister she never had ^^


Love interest

Kim Jaejoong | 25 years old | JYJ/TVXQ 

He has a very cold appearance yet a very caring person. a perfect gentleman and a little bit arogant.He's a man full of surprises. Very funny and he's not afraid even if he looks stupid in front of others. He likes to play a lot of games to passed the time. Loves to cook spicy dishes. He's very patient. He likes his place to be clean most of the time and you'll be dead if you mess it up ^^ he's a narcisist.

The first time they met was in her trainee days in a photoshoot of fashion magazine where Haerin got the chance to do a photo session with jaejoong.  The second time they met was when she will be featured in one of Jaejoong songs and the next time they met which brought them closer was after her debut as singer where they were both invited in a variety show where they get to compete with each other in different type of games and their love-hate relationship on the show earn them to get good feedbacks for having such great chemistry.

Back-up love interest: none ^^ 



Trainee Life :  

it was bittersweet because she was lack in her dancing skills. she almost gave up because her dancing is very horrible despite of the training she was doing but despite that she makes a lot of friends and her vocal ability enhance for some time.

How can you be a trainee :

you can say it was pure luck when She was singing a cover of IU Morning tears song in her father's restaurant when she got scouted by one of the staff of Sm entertainment and told her to try to audition at sm entertainment.

Trainee Trivias : 

She debuted first as a model for Teen's clothes at Spao (korean clothing)

She was once featured in Dbsk Songs Magic Castle.


Audition Video :

Singing : #1i have a loverKiss the rain

Dancing : ma boybubble pop ,

rapping : #1 , #2#3


Trainee Duration/Time : 2005 - 2012 6 years 8 months


Stage Appearance;

Stage Name : Nunmuri ( Nunmul in korean which mean tears, i considered tears as precious just like my char ) ^^

Position : Lead rapper - Vocal

Back-up Position : main dancer - vocal

Fanclub Name :  831 ( 8 letters 3 words 1 meaning "I Love you")

Fanclub Colour : skyblue

Persona : mystical talker ^^





Comments : i had fun while applying, sorry for the crazy application and ill wait for your wonderful upcoming fic ^^

Suggestions : if ever i passed i hope that my part of the story creates the funny part rather than the serious one. thanks.

Suggestions scene : SURPRISE ME AUTHOR SSI !!!!! ^^


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